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Probably the same as last time.. Many will take their vote and go home cuz "the system is rigged against Bernie"

The fact that a lot of Bernie supporters voted for Trump instead of Hillary still irks me to this day.

I don't know much about Beto... why everybody looking at this cat like the golden child or something?

less than 12% isn’t a lot
25% of the folks who supported clinton in the 08 primaries votes for mccain in the general election that year
Man i watch the video im sick to my stomach he had a strobe on his shit to disorient anyone that faced his barrel. They have 3 people arrested and supposedly this happened at two different mosque ...

The saddest shit about this is there is not such thing as any justice that matters or feels like payment
less than 12% isn’t a lot
25% of the folks who supported clinton in the 08 primaries votes for mccain in the general election that year

While that may not be a lot, it's still jarring seeing as how the gap between the candidates policies was so wide.

To go from rabidly supporting one of the more progressive candidates in Bernie... to pulling a complete 180 and supporting someone(Trump) who almost completely disagrees with every stance Bernie was for.. It makes no sense to me and reeks of pettiness and just being salty that their guy didn't win
While that may not be a lot, it's still jarring seeing as how the gap between the candidates policies was so wide.

To go from rabidly supporting one of the more progressive candidates in Bernie... to pulling a complete 180 and supporting someone(Trump) who almost completely disagrees with every stance Bernie was for.. It makes no sense to me and reeks of pettiness and just being salty that their guy didn't win

As Democrats we are too focused on the symptom - Trump. Which is understandable he is a horrific mother fucking symptom.

But we need to spend more time focusing on the problem; the root cause - Economic Pain and loss of millions of jobs to technology and societal transformation.

Those communities that voted for Bernie and Trump felt they were the only people talking about their pain and promising solutions.

... nobody should have EVER voted for Trump on the grounds of The fact that he obviously wasn’t genuine, morality, intellectualism, foreign policy, corruption, and bigotry - but that explains the impulse.

Check out Andrew Yang.
As Democrats we are too focused on the symptom - Trump. Which is understandable he is a horrific mother fucking symptom.

But we need to spend more time focusing on the problem; the root cause - Economic Pain and loss of millions of jobs to technology and societal transformation.

Those communities that voted for Bernie and Trump felt they were the only people talking about their pain and promising solutions.

... nobody should have EVER voted for Trump on the grounds of The fact that he obviously wasn’t genuine, morality, intellectualism, foreign policy, corruption, and bigotry - but that explains the impulse.

Check out Andrew Yang.

While I hear and agree with you for the most part.. my point still stands with regards to the 180 change that SOME of Bernies supporters made.

How are you cheering, donating to and supporting a candidate who's whole platform wants to take it to the 1% and super wealthy... and when he doesnt win... you get pissed then turn around and vote for the candidate who for all of his life has been apart of the 1% and super wealthy. lol it's fuckin nuts.

I like what i've seen from Andrew Yang so far tho
As Democrats we are too focused on the symptom - Trump. Which is understandable he is a horrific mother fucking symptom.

But we need to spend more time focusing on the problem; the root cause - Economic Pain and loss of millions of jobs to technology and societal transformation.

Those communities that voted for Bernie and Trump felt they were the only people talking about their pain and promising solutions.

... nobody should have EVER voted for Trump on the grounds of The fact that he obviously wasn’t genuine, morality, intellectualism, foreign policy, corruption, and bigotry - but that explains the impulse.

Check out Andrew Yang.
i feel like you are falling into a false narrative they have plans had plans.. always plan hillary clinton had that shit in detail.. but if you think we are going to get people to change their minds you are mistaken.. its not even about the plans ... Donald trump wasn elelcted because he informed his electorate on great plans we won for a cocktail of reasons suppression/ irrational clinton hate/sexism/sexism and last and least is Russia

Bumper Sticker politics and racism won it in a nutshell

the dems can crush trump and run on the same platforms but being catttle prodded into obedience because of what "real americans" will think just invites more compromise which in effect means inaction.. the centering of whiteness assures that
While I hear and agree with you for the most part.. my point still stands with regards to the 180 change that SOME of Bernies supporters made.

How are you cheering, donating to and supporting a candidate who's whole platform wants to take it to the 1% and super wealthy... and when he doesnt win... you get pissed then turn around and vote for the candidate who for all of his life has been apart of the 1% and super wealthy. lol it's fuckin nuts.

I like what i've seen from Andrew Yang so far tho

That was more of a fuck you to the Dem establishment for the shit they felt they pulled against Bernie. They didn't really support or like Trump. Majority who did that was also probably white and not poor. So besides having the right complexion they also weren't poor. Which meant Trump's bullshit wasn't going to hit them as bad as it would everybody else if at all.

People do spiteful shit everyday. Politics is a dumb ass place to do it but it also happens there everyday as well.

NY AG: Trump Turned Foundation Into Wing Of His White House Campaign

NEW YORK (AP) — Insider testimony, emails and other evidence show President Donald Trump turned his charitable foundation into a wing of his White House campaign, New York’s attorney general said in a new court filing Thursday.

State Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, detailed her case against the foundation in a 37-page court filing in a lawsuit that seeks $2.8 million in restitution and an order banning Trump and his three eldest children from running any New York charities for 10 years.

The filing was a response to an earlier court submission from the foundation’s lawyers, who have argued that the lawsuit against the charity is both flimsy and politically motivated.

The Trump Foundation reached a deal in December to fold and distribute about $1.7 million in remaining funds to other nonprofits in a court-supervised process. Each charity will get the same amount, and the attorney general’s office has the right to reject the ones it deems unfit.

That agreement, though, didn’t resolve the lawsuit, which says the foundation’s involvement in a Trump maneuver during the run-up to the Iowa caucuses in 2016 broke rules barring charities from getting involved in political campaigns.

At the time, Trump was feuding with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and refusing to participate in the network’s final Republican presidential primary debate before the caucuses.

Instead, he held a rally at the same time as the debate at which he called on people to donate to veterans charities. The foundation acted as a pass-through for people who heeded his call for donations.

James said the evidence of banned coordination between campaign officials and the foundation includes deposition testimony from Trump Organization executive Allen Weisselberg and emails he exchanged with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

In one email, a Trump company vice president asked Lewandowski for guidance on how to distribute the money that was raised.

“Do you have a list of which veterans charities you want these funds sent to and how much for each charity??” the vice president, Jeffrey McConney, wrote Lewandowski on Feb. 16, 2016, according to the filing. “Lastly, how much longer do you want to keep the TrumpforVets website up and running?”

Trump was also accused in the suit of directing that $100,000 in foundation money be used to settle legal claims over an 80-foot flagpole he had built at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, instead of paying the expense out of his own pocket.

A message seeking comment was left with a lawyer for the foundation. In the past, foundation lawyers have said any infractions were minor and that the lawsuit ignored the charity’s philanthropic work.

James, a Democrat newly elected to office, also issued subpoenas Monday to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank seeking records related to four Trump real estate projects and his failed 2014 bid to buy the NFL’s Buffalo Bills.

Trump decried that development as the work of “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSERS,” and said, “The Witch Hunt continues!”
Oh brother. We on the same page.

Any motherfuker that voted for this racist, moronic piece of shit lost their damn mind if they ever had one.

IMO nothing explains the behavior, but that gives you a sense for how bad they were hurting to even consider it.

Also we talking about folks with a HS education too. They got sold a bag of goods more easily
That was more of a fuck you to the Dem establishment for the shit they felt they pulled against Bernie. They didn't really support or like Trump. Majority who did that was also probably white and not poor. So besides having the right complexion they also weren't poor. Which meant Trump's bullshit wasn't going to hit them as bad as it would everybody else if at all.

People do spiteful shit everyday. Politics is a dumb ass place to do it but it also happens there everyday as well.

And that's why i'm concerned about the same thing happening again. Some of his supporters have already shown themselves to be spiteful... so what's to stop them from sending another "Fuck You" vote if Bernie doesnt win again.

That was the original point I was trying to make in response to @IP360 post about how Bernies supporters would react if Beto got the nom instead of Bernie
And that's why i'm concerned about the same thing happening again. Some of his supporters have already shown themselves to be spiteful... so what's to stop them from sending another "Fuck You" vote if Bernie doesnt win again.

That was the original point I was trying to make in response to @IP360 post about how Bernies supporters would react if Beto got the nom instead of Bernie

Possibly their reaction would be different if it hadn't came out that the DNC rigged the shit for Clinton which they felt fucked Bernie over.

If Bernie loses so called "fair & square" this time they might not feel so jaded and not do some spiteful shit.
i feel like you are falling into a false narrative they have plans had plans.. always plan hillary clinton had that shit in detail.. but if you think we are going to get people to change their minds you are mistaken.. its not even about the plans ... Donald trump wasn elelcted because he informed his electorate on great plans we won for a cocktail of reasons suppression/ irrational clinton hate/sexism/sexism and last and least is Russia

Bumper Sticker politics and racism won it in a nutshell

the dems can crush trump and run on the same platforms but being catttle prodded into obedience because of what "real americans" will think just invites more compromise which in effect means inaction.. the centering of whiteness assures that

I think your reading to much into my assessment.

Who is looking to compromise?

I don’t propose catering to racists.

Fuck em

But millions of Americans have lost and will continue to lose their jobs. It’s wont be just white folks.

One third of malls with be closing up, call centers, entry level white collar work - accounting, administration etc.

People don’t want politics, they want solutions.

I’m saying we have to address ECONOMIC PAIN.

If you believe that is a false narrative, I disagree.
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