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WH: ‘If You Want To Blame Somebody’ For Russian Meddling, ‘Look At Obama’

The White House on Monday told reporters they should “look at the Obama administration” if they “want to blame somebody” for Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

After National Security Agency director Adm. Mike Rogers told the Senate armed services committee Tuesday that President Trump has not yet directed his department to work to thwart Russian threats to the 2018 election, reporters peppered White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with questions about why Trump hasn’t yet given Rogers authority to prevent impending 2018 election cyber attacks.

Sanders argued that the White House is “looking at a number of different options” on combatting Russian threats and touted a move by the State Department last week to devote $40 million “to the global engagement center to begin providing immediate support to private and public partners that expose and counter Russian and Chinese propaganda and disinformation.”

“He is in charge of the cyber command, why not give him the authority?” ABC News’ Jonathan Karl asked.

Sanders pushed back, claiming “nobody is denying him the authority” to foil attacks and then pivoted to say Trump has been “tougher on Russia than his predecessor.”

“Let’s not forget this happened under President Obama, it didn’t happen under President Trump,” she said. “If you want to blame somebody on past problems, then you need to look at the Obama administration. The President is looking at all the different causes and all the different ways that we can prevent it.”

The question comes after Trump went on a Twitter tirade Tuesday morning, live blogging quotes from Fox News about the Russia investigation, and ending the rant by simply declaring “WITCH HUNT!”

When in doubt blame the black man.. The Trump WHITE house strategy since they got there...
But they was looking into it

That’s why a investigation is going on.

Shit don’t get solved in a day.

Dumbass white ppl

Roger Stone Corresponded Directly With WikiLeaks Despite Both Claiming Otherwise

Despite both Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone and Wikileaks claiming they did not communicate directly with one another, new Twitter messages revealed by The Atlantic the two corresponded with each other during the 2016 presidential election.

WikiLeaks claimed to not have talked with Stone in a March 2017 tweet…

…and the informal Trump advisor — while testifying under oath — told the House Intelligence Committee in September 2017 that he only talked to the controversial group via an “intermediary,” but the new direct messages show the two corresponded just weeks before the election.

The October 16, 2016 messages between the two went as follows, via The Atlantic:

STONE: “Since I was all over national TV, cable and print defending wikileaks and assange against the claim that you are Russian agents and debunking the false charges of sexual assault as trumped up bs you may want to rexamine the strategy of attacking me- cordially R.”

WIKILEAKS: “We appreciate that. However, the false claims of association are being used by the democrats to undermine the impact of our publications. Don’t go there if you don’t want us to correct you.”

STONE: “Ha! The more you ‘correct’ me the more people think you’re lying. Your operation leaks like sieve. You need to figure out who your friends are.”


WIKILEAKS: “We are now more free to communicate

The communication between the two is particularly noteworthy, as Stone’s longstanding relationship with the president brings-up questions over whether or not Trump had knowledge of his confidant’s relationship with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange — amid their release of damaging info against his opponent Hillary Clinton.

Stone did note the messages were real, but suggested they were not of importance — telling The Atlantic the DMs are “ridiculously out of context” and “a paste up.” This statement confirming the correspondence comes after Stone told lawmakers under oath that he “never said or written that I had any direct communication with Julian Assange and have always clarified in numerous interviews and speeches that my communication with WikiLeaks was through the aforementioned journalist.”
How often is something like this talked about on major networks or even dropped on various social media sites?

Its jus like the coal jobs. Trump is sellin them a pile bullshit. And they are diggin their own grave. Fuck em

Plus w/ how trump is running the country. The economic boom bubble will sooner or later bust. Hopefully it wont be as bad as 08. But its coming.

Save ya paper niggas!
That mean the microphone is hot, the spotlight is turned on, my man got his stool on the stage… he ready to sing live.

He already done his music in the recording studio, time for public to hear them bars

shit got me excited for charges to be dropped he had to say some good shit
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For Ben Carson’s Office Suite

The Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) spent $31,000 on a new dining set for Secretary Ben Carson’s office suite, the New York Times and CNN reported late Tuesday, citing federal records.

The revelation follows a Tuesday morning report with a HUD official alleging that she was demoted when she pushed back on a request to spend more than the allotted $5,000 on redecorating Carson’s office.

HUD spokesman Raffi Williams told the New York Times that Carson was not previously aware that the dining room set had been purchased, but that the secretary thinks that the cost was not unreasonable and does not plan to return it.
Williams also said that the decision to purchase the new set was made by a career HUD official.

A department official told CNN that the table was replaced because it was in a state of disrepair and has been in the secretary’s office suite since the 1960s.

HUD did not ask for Congress approval for the purchase exceeding $5,000. Williams said that the department did not do so because the dining set served a “building-wide need.”


Four Commerce Dept. Political Appointees Ousted Over Background Checks

Four political appointees in the Department of Commerce lost their jobs Tuesday over issues with their background checks, as Chief of Staff John Kelly cracks down on staffers operating under an interim security clearance.

According to The Washington Post, the Commerce Department determined that the four appointees — Fred Volcansek, who was a senior adviser to Secretary Wilbur Ross, and aides Chris Garcia, Edgar Mkrtchian and Justin Arlett — should not have access to classified information.

The Commerce Department ousting follows reports that President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner’s top-secret interim security clearance was downgraded on Friday. Kelly decided to crack down on temporary security clearances after it was reported that former White House secretary Rob Porter had an interim clearance while the FBI was investigating past allegations of domestic abuse. Porter left the White House after his two ex-wives went public with their accusations of abuse.