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Trump Accuses ‘Bad Guy’ Schiff of ‘Probably Illegal’ Leaking, Takes Veiled Shot at Jeff Sessions

President Donald Trump phoned in to Jeanine Pirro’s Fox News show on Saturday night, in the wake of the release of House Intel Committee Democrats’ memo rebutting the one released by Devin Nunes.

Trump took the opportunity to slam Rep. Adam Schiff, who he called a “total phony” on Twitter earlier in the evening, telling Pirro the Democrat is a “bad guy” for his memo pushing back on Nunes’ — which had alleged FISA abuses by the FBI and Dept. of Justice.

The Democrats’ memo argued that the FBI and DOJ did not “abuse” the FISA process to spy on members of Trump’s campaign.

In his interview on Fox News, the president again accused Schiff of leaking information to the press after House Intel meetings, calling the act “probably illegal.”

“He’s a bad guy,” Trump said of Schiff, before calling the memo “a nothing.”

Trump went on to note that what “[Democrats] did is really fraudulent and somebody should be looking into that.”

“By somebody, I’m talking about you know who,” he continued, ostensibly referring to embattled Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“I have a feeling I know who it is, Mr. President,” Pirro replied with a smile.

Later in the interview, Trump made sure to deny Russia-collusion allegations and take a few shots at former 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

“I don’t want to sound braggadocios,” he said. “I was a far better candidate. She was not a good candidate. She went to the wrong states.”

Devin Nunes Tells Fox News the ‘Whole Russia Fiasco’ Shows That the ‘Media Is Dead’

A day after the Democratic rebuttal memo was released that claims to rebuke the findings of the Nunes memo, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) appeared on Fox & Friends to slam the Democrats’ document while insisting that the Steele dossier was the main impetus of the Russia probe. He also used the Fox News interview to smear the media.

After essentially accusing Democrats of using Carter Page as a spy and stating that Republicans wanted the Democratic memo released because it bolstered the GOP’s case that there were FISA abuses when it came to the “phony dossier,” the House Intelligence Committee chair went on to slam the media’s coverage of the Russia investigation.

“The one thing that’s clear in this whole Russia fiasco is that the media’s dead,” Nunes said, adding that he wanted to “apologize to you guys that are in the media.”

He continued, “The media in this country, the fair and balanced media is for the most part — I mean 90 percent of them are hard left. They rely on clicks to make a living. So when they attack people like me, it actually means that I’m over the target, and I’m getting to them because they have to attack me in order, number one, to please their masters, their billionaire masters, and number two, they also have to do it because they’re in on this.”

And with that, the interview came to an end, but not before co-host Pete Hegseth let Nunes know how grateful he was for what the congressman was doing.

“You are pointing out the collusion between the Democrats and the media,” Hegseth stated. “Thank you, Mr. Chairman, appreciate your time.”



Daughters of ‘The Snake’ Author Slam Trump For ‘Perversely Using’ Poem ‘to Demonize Immigrants’

In response to Donald Trump’s CPAC speech in which he used a poem by late-leftist activist Oscar Brown to attack immigrants, daughters of “The Snake” writer have demanded the president stop using it.

The lyrics Trump is most famous for appropriating include the following:

I saved you,’ cried the woman. And you’ve bitten me, but why? You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die.’ ‘Oh shut up, silly woman,’ said the reptile with a grin. ‘You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.’”

Children of the poem’s writer, Maggie Brown and Africa Brown, have been requesting that Trump not use “The Snake” to paint immigrants negatively for two years, as it was a staple of his 2016 presidential campaign.

While appearing on MSNBC, the daughters of the leftist black activist tore into Trump for taking Brown’s words out of context.

“When I see him doing it, I know that he is stealing. He’s twisting Oscar’s meaning to serve his own campaign and climate of intolerance and hate, which is the opposite of what the original author, Oscar Brown Jr., intended,” said Maggie.

“He’s perversely using ‘The Snake’ to demonize immigrants,” added Africa. “My father never had anything against immigrants.”

Reports: Trump’s Personal Pilot Under Consideration To Lead The FAA

President Donald Trump’s personal pilot, John Dunkin, is being considered to lead the Federal Aviation Administration, according to reports from Axios and the Washington Post.

Axios first reported Sunday evening that Trump has told officials in his administration that he wants Dunkin (pictured above on the left) to run the FAA and that Dunkin has interviewed for the job, citing a senior administration official.

Later on Sunday, the Washington Post confirmed that Dunkin is “in the mix” for the post leading the FAA and that Dunkin has talked to the administration about the position, citing a White House official. The official told the Washington Post that Trump is not “putting his thumb on the scale in the selection process.”

Dunkin flew Trump’s plane during the campaign, but the senior administration official told Axios that Dunkin is under consideration because of his experience managing “airline and corporate flight departments” and certifying airplanes under FAA regulations.

Ivanka On Arming Teachers: ‘Don’t Know’ If It’s Solution, But ‘Needs To Be Discussed’

While in South Korea representing the U.S. delegation to the Olympics Sunday, White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump suggested to NBC News that she isn’t entirely sold on arming teachers, but said it’s a topic that “needs to be discussed.”

“To be honest, I don’t know,” she said, responding to a question about whether training teachers to carry concealed weapons would make students safer. “Obviously there would have to be an incredibly high standard for who would be able to bear arms in our school, but I think there is no one solution to creating safety.”

Ivanka Trump then dodged a question about whether she advises her father on this topic and rather said it wasn’t necessarily a “bad idea” to arm “qualified” school staff.

“I think that having a teacher who is armed who cares deeply about her students or his students and who is capable and qualified to bear arms is not a bad idea, but it is an idea that needs to be discussed,” she said.

In response to shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead, President Donald Trump has seized on the idea of arming 10 to 40 percent of teachers and school staff members who are “adept” at using weapons or who have a military background. During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, he claimed that teachers “love” their students more than security guards do, and would likely be more willing to use a weapon to defend them.

Surveillance footage revealed last week that during the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Feb. 14, an armed security guard and several deputies waited outside the school or took cover after the shooting started. One guard later resigned.

In addition to suggesting that some teachers should be armed, President Trump has also proposed increasing the age limit from 18 to 21-years-old for purchasing a rifle, which the National Rifle Association opposes.

He’s also said he wants background checks for gun purchases to undergo comprehensive reform, so factors like a person’s mental health history are included in the check.


Axios: Trump Rants To Friends That Drug Traffickers Should Get Death Penalty

President Donald Trump is a big fan of Singapore’s use of the death penalty for drug trafficking offenses and often tells confidants that drug dealers should be punished with the death penalty, Axios reported Sunday evening, citing sources who have spoken with the President.

Trump has said that he would like a law allowing for the execution of drug dealers but has acknowledged that such a law would likely never pass, per Axios.

Kellyanne Conway told Axios that Trump is not advocating for harsher punishment for low-level drug offenses but wants to crack down on those responsible for trafficking large amounts of deadly drugs.
