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The Official World Politics Thread

lol, this nigga like a real life Chappelle show skit....i was ready for him to say "well, wtf do u think? You dumb mother fucker! You got all the answers, tell me wtf to do! You arrogant piece a shit!" LMAO. Jus go head n be that guy. Who gives af lol

There was actually a motive behind his nonsensical, unconscionable bashing of CA government and first responders -opting to blame them for a natural disaster in their own state; vs expressing empathy and support like any other rational human being over the age of 4.

Of course! He wants to steal their money for a pointless, expensive, divisive, and ineffective border wall. It all makes sense now.

I would have said “HELL YES”

Then laid out all the reasons why.

Then given 3 or 4 personal anecdotes of Americans suffering through this, to counter the few personal anecdotes he used to paint EVERY immigrant as a rapist and murderer.

White House Quietly Prepares Short List, Eyeing Ginsburg’s Absence From Bench

Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has missed days on the bench recently amid a career of shockingly consistent attendance, even when she was enduring serious health scares. The Trump administration has noticed.

According to a Politico report, the White House counsel’s office and aides on the Senate Judiciary Committee are currently drafting a short list to prepare for the possible vacancy.

Should Trump get to put another justice on the bench, the most judges appointed to the highest court by one President since Ronald Reagan, the confirmation process would almost certainly be brutal. Democrats are still livid about Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment, and another far right judge would drastically alter the court’s trajectory for the foreseeable future.

Ginsburg underwent surgery to remove cancerous tumors from her lungs last month, and was reported to be recovering well afterwards. The court has been largely mum on the exact reason for her recent absences.

Pelosi Calls Mnuchin Testimony On Sanctions ‘One Of The Worst’ From Trump Admin

After Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s testimony before lawmakers about his decision to ease sanctions on a Vladimir Putin-linked Russian oligarch, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called the classified briefing “one of the worst” they’d received from the Trump administration thus far.

“One of the worst classified briefings we’ve received from the Trump administration,” Pelosi said, according to Politico. “The secretary barely testified. … (officials) spent most of the time reading an unclassified document … wasting the time of the members of Congress.”

House Democrats called Mnuchin in to testify to better understand decision to ease sanctions on corporations partially owned by Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, one of several Putin allies the U.S. sanctioned last year over Russian interference in the 2016 election.
I love how it’s now empirically determined who is “far more interesting” than whom.

Jealous cracker.
using her bernie hate as a vehicle to shit on her and pit her against other females of color..

people gotta stop being fucking fans an projecting their internalized bullshit