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I really wish the media would start interviewing people that are being effected by the shutdown.....how they have to get 2nd / 3rd jobs to due to them living paycheck to paycheck etc and how it is effecting the local business owners in towns that have a high amount of federal workers.....that way it would humanize this process instead of focusing on everything he does or says

Roger Stone Says Jerome Corsi Lied About There Being ‘Cover-Story’ for Podesta Tweet

Roger Stone called out conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi this weekend, and accused him of lying about a “cover-story” in the Russia probe.

Corsi gave an interview in which he claimed to give a “cover-story” for an apparently damning tweet by Stone.

“I hate to see Jerry Corsi LIE like this. There was no ‘cover-story’,” said a post published to Stone’s Facebook account on Saturday. “Covering up what? Corsi never told me that anyone had stolen John Podesta emails and had never provided me with anything like that. He has no proof or evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately for him I have both emails and text messages that prove definitively that he is LYING and my testimony before the house intelligence committee is entirely truthful.”

Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s team was reportedly investigating whether they knew anything ahead of time about emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and given to WikiLeaks.

Corsi claimed that he was offered a plea deal, but later sued Mueller’s office, and claimed prosecutors pressured him to lie in the investigation. In his interview with WJLA, he said that Stone reached out to him several days later, asked him to provide a “cover-story” so that the tweet wouldn’t seem like it had anything to do with WikiLeaks.

Here’s the tweet in question, from Stone’s now-defunct Twitter page, on August 21, 2016:

Trust Me, It Will Soon The Podesta’s Time In The Barrel. #CrookedHillary.”

Corsi claimed he drafted a memo that said the tweet referenced research he was doing on Podesta’s and Hillary Clinton‘s alleged relationship with Russian companies.

“Yes, it was a lie,” he said, about the memo.

“Very sad to see Jerry Corsi lie about me on WJLA and Fox Business News,” Stone wrote in another Facebook post on Saturday night. “Seems when it comes to Roger Stone he’ll say whatever Mueller’s minions what him too. Unfortunately for him I have evidence and witnesses to prove his treachery.”

He railed against Corsi again in a Instagram post Sunday morning, saying that the conspiracy theorist “was working with Mueller to sandbag me on a fabricated perjury charge.”

“Jerry Corsi is starting to make Michael Cohen look like a stand up guy!” he wrote.

Mueller spokesman Peter Carr declined to comment when Law&Crime reached out for a response. So did Corsi attorney David Gray. Stone did not immediately respond to follow up requests for comment.

The whole wall bs been doa for about year now. Now for some reason trump cant stop talkin about it.

America is truly being run by a complete idiot.

It's a smokescreen. Divert everyone's attention away from his and the GOP's true intentions