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The Official World Politics Thread



They consistently keep voting against their best interests. This is what the GOP has mastered.

They've convinced their base that if they vote against certain issues like Obamacare for example, its gonna only affect minorities. But then they realize...

"Oh wait...I'm middle class/poor"
"Oh wait...I have a pre-existing condition"
"Oh wait...I don't have 50k to pay for medical bills"
"Oh wait...I don't have health insurance"

As soon as reality punches them in the face, and they realize all that shyt affects them as well...its too late. Now they're fucc'd and wanna complain. Yet...they still continue to vote against their best interests. B/c the GOP continues to con them everytime.

They've instilled in their base's heads that "they" are in a separate class from minorities. The poorest white person still believes they're better than the wealthiest black person. Ain't that some shyt??

But this is why I don't feel sympathy for those who do vote against their best interests. You reap what you sow. They have no one to blame but themselves. You sacrificed the well-being of you and your family, just to prevent minorities like African Americans from receiving benefits. So...you suffer the consequences.

Black folks will ALWAYS be ok. We're use to having little and gettin by. Even when we succeeded, it's still a struggle to maintain. But we continue to press on and always find a way to get over our hurdles.
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Yeah he really struggling to make this stick.

Fuccin shame this is happening in the country. The blatant lies...yet I blame those voted for him, and those who didn't vote. They did this. They allowed the GOP to divide this country.

2020...no excuses

Oh but they don’t hear you tho.

But, 3 years ago, you couldn’t stop them from hollering about some meaningless emails ... or 20 year old legislation.

The fucking ignorance is astounding.