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Trump’s Surprise Visit Spurs Iraqi Lawmakers To Demand US Withdrawal

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi lawmakers Thursday demanded U.S. forces leave the country in the wake of a surprise visit by President Donald Trump that politicians denounced as arrogant and a violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

Politicians from both blocs of Iraq’s divided Parliament called for a vote to expel U.S. troops and promised to schedule an extraordinary session to debate the matter.

“Parliament must clearly and urgently express its view about the ongoing American violations of Iraqi sovereignty,” said Salam al-Shimiri, a lawmaker loyal to the populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

Trump, making his first presidential visit to troops in a troubled region Wednesday, said he has no plans to withdraw the 5,200 U.S. forces in the country.

Containing foreign influence has become a hot-button issue in a year that saw al-Sadr supporters win the largest share of votes in May elections. Al-Sadr has called for curbing U.S. and Iranian involvement in Iraqi affairs.

U.S. troops are stationed in Iraq as part of the coalition against the Islamic State group. American forces withdrew in 2011 after invading in 2003 but returned in 2014 at the invitation of the Iraqi government to help fight the jihadist group.

But after defeating IS militants in their last urban bastions last year, Iraqi politicians and militia leaders are speaking out against the continued presence of U.S. forces in Iraqi soil.

Qais Khazali, the head of the Iran-backed Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia that fought key battles against IS in north Iraq, promised on Twitter that Parliament would vote to expel U.S. forces from Iraq, or the militia and others would force them out by “other means.”

Khazali was jailed by British and U.S. forces from 2007 to 2010 for managing sections of the Shia insurgency against the occupation during those years.

His militia is represented in Parliament by the Binaa bloc, a rival coalition to al-Sadr’s Islah. Binaa favors close ties with Iran and is aligned with Tehran on regional political issues.

Trump spent three hours at a U.S. air base meeting with American troops during his visit. The president defended his decision to withdraw 2,000 U.S. forces from neighboring Syria, saying the U.S. military had all but eliminated IS-controlled territory there.

He left without meeting any Iraqi officials, though he spoke to Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi by phone.

The prime minister’s office said in a statement after Trump’s visit that “differences in points of view” over arrangements led to a face-to-face meeting between the two leaders to be scrapped.

Al-Shimiri said Trump’s visit “violated several diplomatic norms.”

Saudi King Orders Cabinet Shakeup In Light Of Khashoggi Killing Fallout

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Saudi Arabia’s King Salman issued a wide-ranging overhaul of top government posts on Thursday, including naming a new foreign minister, following international fallout from the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi nearly three months ago.

He also ordered a shakeup of the kingdom’s two supreme councils that oversee matters related to the economy and security, respectively. Both councils are headed by the king’s son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose powers, including roles as deputy prime minister and defense minister, were untouched in the overhaul.

The changes appear to further consolidate the crown prince’s grip on power by appointing advisers and members of the royal family seen as close to him.

Adel al-Jubeir, the soft-spoken foreign minister who took over the post in 2015 from the late Prince Saud al-Faisal , was replaced by Ibrahim al-Assaf, formerly a longtime finance minister. Al-Jubeir was appointed to the rank of minister of state for foreign affairs.

Al-Assaf had been serving as a minister of state prior to being named foreign minister. He holds a seat on the boards of state-owned oil-giant Saudi Aramco and the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund. The crown prince oversees both entities.

Al-Assaf’s biography on Aramco’s website says he holds a Ph.D. in economics from Colorado State University, a master’s degree in economics from the University of Denver and a bachelor’s degree from King Saud University.

The changes, which impact several key ministries, come as the king and his son, the crown prince, were looking to announce a major reshuffle following Khashoggi’s killing by Saudi agents in Istanbul.

The king issued a number of other royal decrees, which were read on state TV, that replaced the ministers of media and education.

Turki Shabbaneh, a Saudi TV presenter, was named minister of media. Hamad al-Sheikh was appointed minister of education.

Meanwhile, Prince Abdullah bin Bandar— the son of Prince Bandar Al Saud who once served as Saudi ambassador to Washington— was named head of the National Guard. The force is tasked primarily with the protection of the Al Saud ruling family. Prince Abdullah had been deputy governor of Mecca.

One significant change impacts a close aide of the crown prince, Turki al-Sheikh, who was named as head of the kingdom’s General Entertainment Authority, a body created in recent years to help organize and promote concerts and other events that had long been banned in the conservative country.

Al-Sheikh, who is known to be close to the crown prince, was replaced as head of the Sports Authority by Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Faisal.

Al-Sheikh’s appointment as head of entertainment means he no longer oversees a cybersecurity and programming body that was led by Saud al-Qahtani, a close aid to the crown prince who was fired from his post and sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department for helping to mastermind the plot in Istanbul that led to Khashoggi’s killing.

Khashoggi, a critic of the crown prince, was killed and dismembered by a team of Saudi agents in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2.

Saudi Arabia denies the crown prince knew of the plot. He’s been supported by President Donald Trump who has touted U.S.-Saudi ties. The U.S. Senate, however, passed a unanimous resolution saying it believes the crown prince is to blame for the murder. His critics point to U.S. intelligence reports and say an operation like this could not have happened without his knowledge.

The killing badly damaged Prince Mohammed’s international image as a transformational leader committed to changes Saudi Arabia’s allies in the West long hoped for.

Barack And Michelle Obama End The Year As Most Admired Man, Woman

Michelle and Barack Obama clinched the top slots as America’s most admired woman and man, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday Gallup.

Michelle edged out Hillary Clinton for the win, while Barack won the distinction for the 11th consecutive year.

As to the current first couple, first lady Melania Trump came in fourth on the women’s side, behind Oprah Winfrey and Clinton, and President Donald Trump finished in second on the men’s side.


Nielsen Shifts Blame For Second Child Death To Dems, The ‘Dangerous Journey’

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen skirted responsibility for the death of another migrant child in her agency’s custody by piling blame on those who advocate for “open borders” (Democrats) and the parents and caretakers who bring their children on the “long and dangerous journey” to the U.S. border.

In a statement released Wednesday, Nielsen called the death of 8-year-old Guatemalan boy Felipe Alonzo-Gomez a “deeply concerning and heartbreaking” “tragedy” and said she would enable more thorough medical screenings for children who are apprehended at the border.

She then launched into a diatribe concerning the uptick in illegal crossings in recent months, casting blame on a “system” that seemingly “rewards parents for sending their children across the border alone” and a broken asylum process as incentivizing factors in the increase in illegal traffic.

“Our system has been pushed to a breaking point by those who seek open borders. Smugglers, traffickers, and their own parents put these minors at risk by embarking on the dangerous and arduous journey north,” she said in the statement. “This crisis is exacerbated by the increase in persons who are entering our custody suffering from severe respiratory illnesses or exhibit some other illness upon apprehension. Given the remote locations of their illegal crossing and the lack of resources, it is even more difficult for our personnel to be first responders.”

By her own admission, it has been more than a decade since a child has died in the custody of Customs and Border Patrol. However, Nielsen suggested that children are just now facing “medical challenges and harboring illness caused by their long and dangerous journey.” She also suggested the “illnesses” were coming from Mexico’s side of the border.

In the case of Alonzo-Gomez, it is unclear where he contracted a cold that led to his death. The Guatemalan boy was taken into custody on Dec. 18 and was brought to a hospital when he became “feverish and nauseated,” according to media reports. He was diagnosed with a cold, released back into Customs and Border Patrol’s custody and died a few hours later on Christmas Eve.

Just two weeks ago, a seven-year-old girl died of shock and dehydration hours after she was apprehended. In response to that death, Nielsen also cast blameon the “dangers of this journey.”

MSNBC Tops Fox News As Most Watched Cable News Network for First Time in 17 Years

For the first time in 17 years, MSNBC bested Fox News as the most watched cable news network for the third week of December.

According to an NBC News press release, the week from December 17th to 21st, MSNBC enjoyed “sales day” ratings wins in both total viewers (first time since 2000) and the more advertising-appealing demographic age set of 25 to 54 (for the first time since 2001.)

For context, Fox News has enjoyed cable news rating dominance since the year 2000, and can still claim 67 straight quarterly ratings wins. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a cable news outlet cannot win a quarter without first winning a number of weeks.

MSNBC’s specific programming wins include a fourth straight week of MSNBC prime-time programming (M-F 8-11pm) besting Fox News and CNN in both total viewers and A25-54. The Rachel Maddow Show was the #1 cable news program in total viewers and demo for the week, as was The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell and The 11th Hour with Brian Williams.

Dayside programming also enjoyed a great week as MSNBC Live with Ali Velshi, Deadline: White House and Hardball with Chris Matthews were the best on total viewers as well.

Giuliani: Trump Won’t Answer Any More ‘Outrageous’ Written Questions From Mueller

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani took a defiant stance on whether the President would answer any more written questions from special counsel Robert Mueller’s team during a phone interview with The Hill.

“I think I announced about 10 days ago ‘over my dead body’ and I’m not dead yet,” Giuliani told The Hill, referencing comments he made during a Fox News interview last week when he said Trump wouldn’t be sitting for an in-person interview. “(Trump’s) not answering any more questions from these people — they are outrageous activity…we did enough.”

Trump has provided Mueller’s team with written answers to questions about Russian interference in the 2016 election — and answered them “very easily” — but steered clear of responding to inquiries about obstruction of justice.

WH Spins Shutdown: Dems Protect ‘Illegal Immigrants’ Over Americans

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fired off a heated press release Thursday blaming Democrats for the shutdown and omitting any mention of a border wall.

“The President has made clear that any bill to fund the government must adequately fund border security to stop the flow of illegal drugs, criminals, MS-13 gang members, child smugglers and human traffickers into our communities – and protect the American people,” she said in a written statement. “The Administration understands this crisis and made a reasonable, common-sense solution to Democrats five days ago – we’ve not received a single response.”

The Senate passed a continuing resolution unanimously to keep the government funded last week, but President Donald Trump threatened a veto since the bill omitted funding for the wall. House Republicans, therefore, did not take it up.

“The President and his team stayed in Washington over Christmas hoping to negotiate a deal that would stop the dangerous crisis on the border, protect American communities, and re-open the government,” Sanders continued. “The Democrats decided to go home.”

It’s not entirely clear which lawmakers remained in Washington for shutdown negotiations. Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) let House members know thatno votes are anticipated until the Democrats take over next week. Trump is still there, though White House senior advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump leftfor the holiday.

“The only rational conclusion is that the Democrat party is openly choosing to keep our government closed to protect illegal immigrants rather than the American people,” she concluded. “The President does not want the government to remain shut down, but he will not sign a proposal that does not first prioritize our county’s safety and security.”

As Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) indicated Sunday, Democrats are willing to compromise on general border security funding, but are adamantly against giving Trump the $5 billion he demands for the wall.

Drew Hammill, deputy chief of staff for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), tweeted out a response to the White House statement:


Robert Mercer Cuts Political Spending After Unwelcome Turn in Spotlight

Robert Mercer, the publicity-shy hedge fund tycoon whose backing of Donald Trump earned him unwelcome fame, is stepping back into the shadows.

Mercer, 72, and his family spent just $2.9 million influencing federal elections this year, less than a third of their outlay in either 2016, when the last presidential election took place, or 2014, the year of the last midterms, according to Federal Election Commission data gathered through late December.

Combined with the demise of Mercer’s political-data firm, Cambridge Analytica, and the break with former adviser Stephen Bannon, the decline in spending suggests Mercer’s importance in conservative politics may be waning. According to two people who have worked closely with the family, Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, 45, were dismayed by the notoriety their role in Trump’s victory brought. Spokesmen for Robert and Rebekah Mercer declined to comment.

“They are very private,” said Dan Eberhart, an Arizona oil and gas investor who has backed many of the same Republican causes. “That is a negative on them getting more involved.”

Mansion March
The past two years have seen liberal protesters march on Robert Mercer’s mansion on Long Island, New York; pressure university endowments to pull money from his hedge fund, Renaissance Technologies LLC; and demand that the American Museum of Natural History strip Rebekah Mercer of her board seat. The elder Mercer stepped down from leading Renaissance last year, although he remains a senior researcher there.

The Mercers have hardly beaten a full retreat. Rebekah Mercer remains on the museum’s board and those of several influential conservative organizations, and their charitable foundation continued to shower millions of dollars on conservative causes through the end of 2017, the most recent year for which tax filings are available.

“I will not be silenced,” Rebekah Mercer declared in a speech at a charity gala in October, according to the Wall Street Journal. She spoke after receiving an award from Encounter Books, a conservative publisher, for “advancing American ideals.”

Eberhart, who runs Eberhart Capital LLC, said it’s possible that the Mercers shifted some of their spending to organizations that don’t disclose donors. He said the family is unlikely to disappear from the scene.

“Rebekah Mercer, from my understanding, is still looking for the right candidates to back, and I think you’ll still see her do fairly big things,” he said.

Losing Causes
The biggest individual political bets Mercer placed in the most recent two-year election cycle were busts. He spent $1.8 million in 2017 and 2018 supporting Kelli Ward and Chris McDaniel, U.S. Senate candidates in Arizona and Mississippi who lost to more mainstream Republicans.

Mercer’s influence in the early Trump era, and his status as a liberal bete noir, traces to his sponsorship of Bannon’s populist vision through a network of related projects. Bannon’s Breitbart News mobilized the conservative base, while the nonprofit Government Accountability Institute was tasked with uncovering corruption and feeding its research to the mainstream media. Cambridge Analytica sought to use cutting-edge science to help the family’s favored candidates target voters. Milo Yiannopoulos, an alt-right provocateur, went on a Mercer-funded college speaking tour.

That strategy seemed vindicated when Trump won in 2016, aided by Bannon and another former Mercer adviser, Kellyanne Conway, as well as data scientists at Cambridge Analytica. Breitbart rallied Trump fans, while GAI supplied an influential book critical of Hillary Clinton’s record. After the election, Bannon joined the White House as chief strategist and Rebekah Mercer worked on the transition team while forming an outside group, Making America Great, to drum up public support for the president’s policies.

The Mercer network is now in tatters. The outside group fizzled. The Mercers cut ties with Bannon after he fell out with the White House. Cambridge Analytica collapsed after revelations that the firm improperly harvested Facebook data from tens of millions of users. Yiannopoulos lost the family’s backing after disclosures he’d worked closely with white supremacists.

‘Private People’
Meanwhile, Mercer’s hedge fund pressured him to transfer ownership of Breitbart to Rebekah, and a boycott cost the news site hundreds of advertisers.

Traffic at Breitbart is down, dropping to about 9 million unique visitors last month from 23 million in November 2016, according to estimates by Comscore. In a statement, Breitbart said its own internal numbers contradict Comscore’s, without describing what those numbers show. The news site pointed to other third-party metrics showing it’s among the most popular websites in the country and that it’s consistently ranked as one of the top sites for Facebook engagements since at least 2015.

“The Mercers are private people, but they pushed their politics very publicly through toxic intermediaries like Bannon and Breitbart News,” said Matt Rivitz, co-founder of Sleeping Giants, the activist group that led the pressure campaigns against Breitbart and Renaissance. “They had a lot of influence over people, and we thought it was dangerous.”

Some parts of the Mercer portfolio remain. GAI got $1.7 million from the Mercers in 2017, according to the most recent tax filings, roughly the same as the previous four years. The family continued to bankroll Reclaim New York, a nonprofit they formed to advocate for transparency and low taxes in their home state.

The family funds those organizations and other conservative groups through its charitable foundation. According to its most recent tax return, published by Maplight.org, the foundation spent $15 million in 2017. That’s the least since 2013.

Even as they’ve curbed their political giving, the Mercers have found new causes to fund. In February, they announced a $1 million grant to a group called the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. The group is studying the potential for MDMA, the psychoactive drug also known as ecstasy, to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. In a statement, Rebekah Mercer said she hoped the drug would soon be widely available for treatment. “America’s veterans,” she said, “deserve the very best care.”