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CBP Orders Medical Checks After Second Child In Custody Dies

HOUSTON (AP) — U.S. Customs and Border Protection have ordered medical checks on every child in its custody after an 8-year-old boy from Guatemala died, marking the second death of an immigrant child in the agency’s care this month.

The death came during an ongoing dispute over border security and with a partial government shutdown underway over President Donald Trump’s request for border wall funding .

The boy, identified by Guatemalan authorities as Felipe Gómez Alonzo, had been in CBP’s custody with his father, Agustin Gomez, since Dec. 18. CBP said in a statement late Tuesday that an agent first noticed the boy had a cough and “glossy eyes” at about 9 a.m. Monday. He was eventually hospitalized twice and died just before midnight, the agency said.

CBP said in the statement that it needs the help of other government agencies to provide health care. The agency “is considering options for surge medical assistance” from the Coast Guard and may request help from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

A CBP spokesman could not immediately answer how many children are currently in the agency’s custody. But with border crossings surging, CBP processes thousands of children — both alone and with their parents — every month.

Immigration advocates and human rights groups sharply criticized CBP in the wake of Felipe’s death. The body of 7-year-old Jakelin Caal, who died earlier this month, was returned this past week to her village in Guatemala for burial.

Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA, said the Trump administration’s “policies of cruelty toward migrants and asylum-seekers at the border must cease immediately before any more children are harmed.”

The White House referred questions about the latest case to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, CBP’s parent agency. CBP officers and the Border Patrol remain on the job despite the shutdown.

CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said in a statement that the child’s death was a “tragic loss.” The agency said it has notified the DHS inspector general.

CBP issued a timeline of what it said happened before Felipe’s death.

Felipe was taken with his father to a hospital in Alamogordo, New Mexico, where he was diagnosed with a common cold, according to the timeline.

The boy was released just before 3 p.m., about 90 minutes after he had been found to have a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 Celsius), CBP said. He was prescribed amoxicillin and ibuprofen, and taken with his father to a holding facility at a highway checkpoint.

At about 7 p.m., agents helped clean up the boy’s vomit. CBP said the father “declined further medical assistance” then.

The agency said its officers repeatedly conducted welfare checks on Felipe and his father, and that agents decided to take the boy back to the hospital at about 10 p.m. because the boy “appeared lethargic and nauseous again.” He died at 11:48 p.m. Monday, the agency said.

The hospital, the Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center, declined to comment, citing privacy regulations.

Felipe and his father were detained by CBP for about a week, an unusually long time that the agency did not fully explain Tuesday.

CBP typically detains immigrants for no more than a few days when they cross the border before either releasing them or turning them over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for longer-term detention.

Agency guidelines say immigrants generally shouldn’t be detained for more than 72 hours in CBP holding facilities, which are usually smaller and have fewer services than ICE detention centers.

CBP said it apprehended Felipe and his father on Dec. 18 about 3 miles (5 kilometers) away from an official port of entry, the Paso del Norte bridge connecting El Paso and Juarez, Mexico. They were held at a processing center for almost two days then taken to the El Paso Border Patrol station on Thursday.

CBP said it moved them to Alamogordo at about 1 a.m. Sunday “because of capacity levels at the El Paso station.” Alamogordo is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) from El Paso.

Oscar Padilla, the Guatemalan consul in Phoenix, said he was told by the boy’s father in a telephone interview that the two had been traveling from their home in Nentón, a village about 280 miles (450 kilometers) from Guatemala City. They were planning to go to Johnson City, Tennessee.

CBP promised “an independent and thorough review of the circumstances,” and the Guatemalan foreign ministry called for an investigation “in accordance with due process.”

Democratic members of Congress and immigration advocates sharply criticized CBP’s handling of Jakelin Caal’s death and questioned whether border agents could have prevented it by spotting symptoms of distress or calling for an evacuation by air ambulance sooner.

CBP has said that it took several hours to transport Jakelin and her father from a remote Border Patrol facility to a larger station, where her temperature was measured at 105.7 degrees Fahrenheit (40.9 degrees Celsius). Emergency medical technicians had to revive her twice. She was ultimately flown to an El Paso hospital, where she died the next day.

Xochitl Torres Small, a Democrat who will represent the district starting in January, called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the children’s deaths and more medical resources along the border.

“This is inexcusable,” Torres Small said in a statement Tuesday. “Instead of immediately acting to keep children and all of us safe along our border, this administration forced a government shutdown over a wall.”

‘Under The Gun’: Trump Losing Confidence In Mnuchin Over Xmas Eve Market Drop

Despite issuing public praise of his treasury secretary on Christmas Day, President Trump is quietly fuming over what he sees as Steven Mnuchin’s failed attempts to quell a tumultuous market on Christmas Eve, and Mnuchin’s fate as a member of the Trump administration is becoming increasing uncertain, CNN reported.

“Mnuchin is under the gun,” a source close to the White House told CNN.

In recent weeks, Trump has become frustrated with Mnuchin over his advice that he appoint Jerome Powell as the chairman of the Federal Reserve, whom Trump has openly lambasted in recent weeks over increased interest rates. Trump was reportedly not happy over the weekend with how Mnuchin handled an especially volatile market, which culminated with an unprecedented market drop on Monday — the Dow dipped by 2.9 percent and the S&P 500 fell 2.7 percent.

On Christmas Day, Trump dismissed reports that he’s losing patience with Mnuchin and praised his treasury secretary as a “very talented, very smart person.”

Secret Mueller-Linked Grand Jury Case Makes Its Way To The Supreme Court

A secret legal dispute over a grand jury subpoena believed to be linked to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has made its way to the Supreme Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts on Sunday night putting on pause a contempt order in the case.

Little is known about the sealed case, beyond that a mystery foreign company has resisted the subpoena and has lost its efforts to quash it at the federal court and appellate court level.

There has been no official confirmation that the subpoena came from Mueller’s probe. However, Politico reported earlier this year signs the case was Mueller related, and there have been other sightings at the federal courthouse in D.C. suggesting Mueller’s team was involved. A sealed hearing in the case in front of an appellate court panel earlier this month prompted an extraordinary amount of secrecy, with reporters being cleared from the entire courthouse floor where the judges were hearing the arguments.

Roberts on Sunday temporarily halted a contempt order the company is facing for resisting the subpoena, including the fines the company is accruing for defying the subpoena. Roberts’ order is public, but it provided no new details about the case. His move came after the company on Saturday requested the stay, in a filing that is noted in the court’s docket but is not available to be read publicly.

Roberts on Sunday ordered briefing on the matter due by noon on Dec. 31. It is possible those filings will be under seal.

Previously, an appellate court panel upheld the subpoena, in a vaguely worded judgement. The court revealed that the case had been brought by an unnamed company, owned by “Country A,” that had claimed that the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act made the company immune from the subpoena. The appellate court affirmed a district court’s decision that said the matter fell within an exception in the law for commercial activities.

Breaking 15-Year Tradition, Trump Doesn’t Visit Troops For Christmas

Though he made calls to military personnel on Christmas, President Donald Trump opted not to visit any bases or hospitals this year.

According to an NBC News report, the most recent President to skip the Christmastime visit was President George Bush in 2002.

President Barack Obama visited troops on a base in Hawaii every year of his presidency.

Trump stopped by the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last year, but skipped the tradition this year, adding yet another strike to his 2018 record. He garnered backlash earlier this year when he cancelled appearances at a burial site in Paris and Arlington National Cemetery in quick succession. He has also yet to visit an active combat zone, something both Bush and Obama had done by this point in their presidencies.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms' struggle macaroni and cheese she posted on instagram is getting roasted by everybody, including her own momma......hahahhaha


WH Senior Advisers Jared And Ivanka Ditch Shutdown For Mar-a-Lago

In an odd move for senior White House advisers, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump left President Donald Trump in a gridlocked and shut-down Washington to make it to Mar-a-Lago by Christmas Day, according to a Daily Mail report.

The couple has been photographed strolling the streets of Palm Beach in casual attire, despite administration protestations last week that Kushner was a critical part of shutdown negotiations.

The couple joins other members of the clan Barron and Donald Jr., leaving the family patriarch bemoaning his isolation at the White House.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms' struggle macaroni and cheese she posted on instagram is getting roasted by everybody, including her own momma......hahahhaha

lmao I saw this shit yesterday.

The rest of the food she posted looked good but that dry ass mac & cheese woulda caught the

treatment. Twitter comments had me rollin

Shutdown’s End Nowhere In Sight: Trump Not Even Talking To Top Dems

Federal workers are supposed to go back to work Wednesday. President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders are barely communicating. The shutdown’s end is nowhere in sight.

According to a Wednesday Politico report, congressional leaders worry that the current standoff points to a shutdown even longer than anticipated — possibly into mid-January.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), once she becomes House speaker January 3, reportedly plans to force through a spending bill that omits Trump’s wall money, though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has not yet said whether he’d let such a bill to the floor for a vote.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms' struggle macaroni and cheese she posted on instagram is getting roasted by everybody, including her own momma......hahahhaha

Bruh, what in the entire phuck is my Mayor doin'?!? That shit look like some kinda dry ass vegan casserole.

She ain't rep us right w/ this disrespect. Talmbout add more cheese to make it juicy.... What in THE hell is "juicy" Mac & Cheese?!! smmfh....

This type of shit got me questioning her leadership. lol