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But the dad part is...who catches more feelings gettin trolled...the media...or Trump.

I don't recall any of the CNN analysts or reporters going on a 4am twitter tirade whining about not being treated fair


Scott Nods When Hannity Says People Should Be Jailed For Counting FL Votes

Kate Riga

As Fox News host Sean Hannity railed against the vote counting process in Florida, calling it “corrupt” and maintaining that “someone should go to jail,” Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate in the state, nodded along, adding a “yep.”

Skeletor is already proving that he is a true fascist...

Sinema Takes The Lead In Arizona Senate Race

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) has pulled into the lead in Arizona’s slow-crawling Senate race.

New ballots released by populous Maricopa and Pima Counties Thursday evening gave Sinema a lead of just over 9,600 votes over Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) in their tight battle for the Senate.

McSally had led since election night. But there are still almost a half-millionoutstanding ballots in the state, which is notoriously slow at tallying its election results because of a heavy reliance on mail voting. That’s more than one fifth of the total vote, plenty to swing the election either way.

The hard-fought contest will drag on for days and potentially weeks longer.

Both candidates have been here before. McSally had to wait weeks to find out she’d defeated then-Rep. Ron Barber (D-AZ) in 2014 by just 167 votes, and Sinema had to wait days to be sure she’d won her House seat in a close 2012 election.

This race and Florida’s tight battle between Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Gov. Rick Scott (R) have yet to be called. The two will make major difference between a closely divided Senate or one that would give the GOP a much more governable majority and make it much harder for Democrats to win back the chamber in two years. Assuming Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) wins her runoff against former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy (D), the Senate balance could sit at 52 Republicans and 48 Democrats or a 54-46 split.


Trump: ‘I Don’t Know Matt Whitaker,’ But I Hear He’s ‘Very Respected’]

Nicole Lafond

President Donald Trump on Friday claimed he doesn’t “know Matt Whitaker,” the man he picked to serve as the acting attorney general, despite reports that the two met in the Oval Office at least a dozen times, along with former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Trump said that while he doesn’t know Whitaker, he knows he’s “very respected” in the law enforcement community.

Scott Sues, Claiming ‘Fraud,’ As He Loses Ground In Florida Senate Race

Losing ground in the Florida Senate race, GOP Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday night filed a lawsuit against election officials in Broward and Palm Beach counties, accusing “unethical liberals” of trying to swing the race to Democrats.

“Every day since the election, the left-wing activists in Broward County have been coming out with more and more ballots out of nowhere. Their goal is to keep mysteriously finding votes until the election turns out the way they want,” Scott told reporters in a brief press conference in front of the Governor’s Mansion.

The suit accuses Broward elections supervisor Brenda Snipes and Palm Beach supervisor Susan Bucher of “rampant fraud” and alleges that they refused to release voting tabulations.

President Trump jumped fully onboard with these allegations, writing on Twitter that “law enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with election fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach.”

“Florida voted for Rick Scott!” the President added.

The two counties, which both lean Democratic, were ground zero for vote-counting issues during the 2000 presidential recount.

Republicans’ new claims come as Scott’s lead over incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson has dwindled over the past few days from almost 60,000 to around 15,000 votes, out of some 8.1 million total ballots, well within the .5 percent margin that automatically triggers a recount under state law. That shift came as additional ballots were counted in overwhelmingly Democratic Broward and Palm Beach counties over the past two days.

But the mere counting of ballots is being cast as an attempt to interfere with the outcome of the race.

Nelson’s campaign said that Scott was trying to block the democratic process from playing out.

“The goal here is to see that all the votes in Florida are counted and counted accurately. Rick Scott’s action appears to be politically motivated and borne out of desperation,” spokesman Dan McLaughlin said in a statement.

Republicans, including Trump, are also trying to gin up concerns about Marc Elias, the Washington, D.C. attorney hired by Nelson to help with the likely recount effort. Elias was the general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and hired Fusion GPS to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“You see the people, and they were involved with that fraud of the fake dossier, the phony dossier. I guess I hear they were somehow involved,” Trump said in a Friday morning press scrum.

April Ryan Feuds With Fox Host Trish Regan: ‘What You Reported is FAKE NEWS’

American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent and CNN political analyst April Ryan fired back at Fox Business Network anchor Trish Regan for criticizing Ryan over her complaints about her treatment by President Donald Trump.

Ryan tried asking Trump a question at his Wednesday press conference, but Trump told her repeatedly to “sit down” and scolded her for “rudely interrupting.”

On The View yesterday, Ryan talked about her clashes with the Trump White House and said, “I don’t back down. I’m not afraid. And it doesn’t help that I’m a woman. It doesn’t help that I’m from a smaller news network, American Urban Radio Networks. And that I’m a black woman who is not perceived to be part of their base. So they use me as an example to show ‘this is what can happen to you.'”

Last night, Regan said Ryan is playing the victim card “because for some reason, in her mind, the President telling her to sit down was all about her being female and it was all about her being African-American.”

Regan shot back by pointing to Trump’s exchange with “white male correspondent” Jim Acosta, “just in case you were too inside your own head, April, and too inside your own situation to actually notice anything else that was going on in the room.”

She called Trump an equal opportunist when it comes to “out-of-line so-called journalists.”

“These reporters do not know how to conduct themselves with any kind of decorum. It is the White House. There is a protocol,” Regan added. “And part of that means not talking out of turn, not yelling across the room. I mean, it’s not that hard.”

Ryan fired back today with some choice words for Regan’s commentary, particularly after Trump went after her again today, along with his attacks on Abby Phillip and Yamiche Alcindor.
