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He’s (Maybe) Running: Sessions Mulls Bid For Former Senate Seat In 2020

It’s been less than 24 hours since ex-Attorney General Jeff Sessions was booted from the Trump administration, and he’s already mulling a political comeback, Politico reported.

According to two people familiar with Sessions’s thinking who spoke to Politico, the former attorney general — who left his 20-year Senate career to be publicly mauled by President Trump for two years — is considering running for his old seat in 2020. In a shocking special election, Sessions was replaced by Democrat Doug Jones last year, after the Republican candidate, former Alabama Judge Roy Moore, was publicly disgraced when allegations surfaced that he molested teenage girls when he was in his thirties.

Jones’s election marked the first time in 25 years a Democrat had won a Senate seat in ruby-red Alabama.

While Sessions may be privately considering his options, Luther Strange, the man appointed to hold Sessions’s seat until the 2017 special election is publicly urging the former attorney general to throw his hat in the ring.


Sessions May Be Precursor To Onslaught Of Cabinet Changes

Attorney General Jeff Sessions may just be the beginning. President Donald Trump is vacillating between dumping Cabinet members he’s soured on and voluntarily engaging in yet another messy confirmation process, according to a Wednesday Politico report.

Particular objects of his ire are DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

Trump would reportedly like to slot Kris Kobach, Kansas secretary of state and recently failed gubernatorial candidate, into Nielsen’s place, but acknowledges that he’d have difficulty getting confirmed. In addition, the optics of axing one of three female Cabinet members jives too neatly with the post-midterm sense that Republicans struggle with women.

Trump likes Zinke much better than Nielsen, who he sees as weak and allied primarily with chief of staff John Kelly and the Bush administration. However, Zinke is channeling Scott Pruitt with his recent scad of ethical missteps, making him a headache for Trump to handle.

Trump also has to deal with filling the vacancy left by UN Ambassador Nikki Haley when she leaves in December, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and, perennially, Kelly are also reportedly on the chopping block.

Who’s Next? Kobach, Giuliani, Graham All Floated For Attorney General Post

In the hours after President Donald Trump announced that Matthew Whitaker would temporarily replace his boss, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, political observers began speculating about who has both sufficient loyalty to the President and the bipartisan bona fides necessary to get nominated and confirmed to the post.

Politico curated a list of possibilities, perhaps the most well-known of which are Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Kobach, who just got trounced in his bid for Kansas governor, has notably refused to comment one way or the other, though his campaign manager told Politico that it’s “definitely a possibility.”

Giuliani is his own biggest advocate for the position, saying back in 2016 that “nobody knows the Justice Department” better than he does.

Graham, despite his denials that he has Cabinet-level ambitions, is often cited as a rare candidate who might actually pull off Senate confirmation in the polarized climate.

GOP Rep. Karen Handel Concedes, Lucy McBath Officially Wins Georgia 6th

Incumbent Rep. Karen Handel (R-GA) officially conceded Thursday morning, making first-time candidate Lucy McBath the congresswoman-elect for Georgia’s 6th District.

“After carefully reviewing all of the election results data, it is clear that I came up a bit short on Tuesday,” Handel wrote in a lengthy Facebook post. “Congratulations to Representative-Elect Lucy McBath and I send her only good thoughts and much prayer for the journey that lies ahead for her.”

McBath’s victory is an upset, after Handel defeated Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff in a closely watched special election in 2017.

McBath got into politics because her teenage black son was shot and killed in 2012 by a white man angered by the volume of his music.

Conway: Maybe Trump Should Have Said Question Had ‘Racist Implications’

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway addressed one of President Donald Trump’s tiffs with reporters in a post-election press conference, where he called a question asked by PBS’ Yamiche Alcindor, a black reporter, “racist.”

“I resent tremendously always being put back into this toxic stew of racism, sexism, mysogynism [sic] and xenophobia,” Conway said Wednesday, when PBS’ Judy Woodruff pushed her on Alcindor’s question about if Trump’s labeling himself a nationalist gives tacit encouragement to white nationalists.

When pressed further, Conway admitted that maybe Trump should have said that the question had “racist implications” rather than calling it “racist.”


Christine Blasey Ford Is Still Receiving Threats, Harassment

Professor Christine Blasey Ford, who has been on the receiving end of harassment ever since she publicly came forward with her sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, continues to receive threats to this day.

According to a Thursday NPR report, her lawyers said that the threats have “continued,” despite the fact that Kavanaugh has “ascended to the Supreme Court.”

Blasey Ford said last month that the severity of the harassment has forced her to move four times and retain private security.

Nelson Campaign ‘Confident’ It Has The Votes To Win Florida Senate Recount

Florida’s Senate race appears headed for a recount, and the lead lawyer representing Sen. Bill Nelson’s campaign claims he’s “confident” the results will end with a Democratic victory over Republican Gov. Rick Scott.

“I firmly believe that at the end of this process Senator Nelson is going to prevail,” Perkins Coie partner Marc Elias told reporters on a Thursday call.

Elias, a Democratic superlawyer who chairs the firm’s political law practice, was retained by the Nelson campaign Wednesday after election night ended with the race too close to call.

Under Florida state law, a machine recount is automatically triggered if the two candidates are separated by a margin of 0.5 percent of the vote or less after all the counties submit their totals. A hand recount is triggered if the margin is .25 percent or less.

Elias expects both will happen, with the first kicking off after the noon deadline Saturday for all of the counties to turn over their final canvass results.

Nelson’s share of the vote has continued to climb since Tuesday night, which ended with the two candidates 57,000 votes apart out of over 8.1 million ballots cast. Scott now leads by just 21,986 votes, of .3 percent of the total share, and ballots are still being counted in Democratic-leaning Palm Beach and Broward counties.

Scott’s campaign has dismissed talk of a recount as “a sad way for Bill Nelson to end his career,” officially declaring victory on Wednesday night.

Florida Republican Party chair Blaise Ingoglia said the results would end up the same after any mandated recount.

“There are simply not enough ballots on the there to change the election,” Ingoglia told CNN Thursday. “The margin may change by a couple thousand, but it’s not going to change the outcome of the election. Rick Scott will be the next U.S. Senator from the state of Florida.”

Elias, who has worked on other successful recount efforts, told reporters that he has in the past had to level with candidates in close races who just didn’t have the votes to win a recount.

“That was not the conversation I had with Senator Nelson,” Elias said.

“My predictions come true with a remarkable degree of accuracy on these things,” he added.

Elias pointed to several areas where the campaign can pick up votes. Some 10,000 votes are left to be counted in Palm Beach County, and Broward County is still tallying up votes as well.

Broward also experienced an “unusual undervote pattern,” Elias said.

Data on the county board of elections site shows that more votes were cast for down-ballot offices like governor, attorney general and even chief financial officer than the top-of-the-ticket Senate race.

Elias said that he was “pretty confident” this resulted from a calibration or scanning issue that didn’t read markings on this particular part of the ballot.

Reports that the ballot design, which had the Senate race buried on the lower left corner, threw off some voters would not “cause an undervote of the magnitude we’re seeing,” Elias said.

The campaign is also ensuring that county election supervisors are doing their due diligence to check signatures on ballots to make sure they’re counted, reviewing rejected mail ballots in Miami-Dade County, and issuing open records requests in all 60 Florida counties.

Vote totals are so close in the Senate race that they’ve prompted Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum to reverse course. After conceding the race on election night, Gillum on Thursday released a statement saying he, too, is preparing for a possible recount if the final outcome merits it.

Dem’s Midterm Haul Climbs To 31 House Seats As Handel Concedes In Georgia

Key House races have continued to break Democrats’ way as final votes trickle in across the country two days after Election Day, giving them 31 more seats and counting in the House.

In Georgia’s 6th district, Democrats have pulled out a win this time around after losing a heated special election in early 2017. On Thursday morning, Rep. Karen Handel (R-GA) conceded to Democrat Lucy McBath, who became a gun control activist after her son was murdered.

Democrat Xochitl Torres-Small has prevailed in a GOP-leaning southern New Mexico district after having the Associated Press incorrectly called the race against her on election night. Rep. Steve Knight (R-CA) conceded to Democrat Katie Hill late Wednesday, making her one of Congress’s youngest members at age 31. And Democrats officially flipped Washington’s 8th district when the Associated Press called the race late Thursday morning.

Not everything has gone Democrats’ way in late-breaking races. Democrats lost a nail-biter of a race in Minnesota’s southern, mostly rural 1st district, giving the GOP a third pickup from the election. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) has won another term. Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA) hung on in spite of his ongoing legal troubles, and businessman Dan McCready (D) conceded to pastor Mark Harris (R) after losing a close race in North Carolina.

Other races look good for Democrats but aren’t done yet. Democrat Andy Kim declared victory over Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ), the architect of the compromise weakening preexisting conditions protections that got Obamacare repeal through the House last year. MacArthur hasn’t conceded, but trails by more than 2,000 votes. Controversial Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) is also refusing to concede but trails by 1,400 votes.

Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) and former Marine Jared Golden (D) are separated by less than 1,000 votes, and their race has yet to be decided. Maine’s new ranked-choice voting law means that either candidate could still win.

Rep. Mia Love (R-UT) trails Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams (D) by more than 5,000 votes, though ballots continue to trickle in there as well. Conversely, Rep. Rob Woodall (R-GA) has a tiny lead in his race, with some votes still outstanding.

Four tight races in California are still counting ballots and could go either way. Reps. Jeff Denham (R-CA) and Mimi Walters (R-CA) currently hold small leads, as does Republican Young Kim in an open Orange County seat, while Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) trails by a bit. But there are plenty of votes left to be counted and those races all could still go either way.

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) leads Democrat Gina Ortiz-Jones by just over 1,000 votes in a race that may be heading for a recount, and indicted Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) has seen his lead shrink to under 3,000 votes, with a recount possible after his opponent took back his concession as well.

Many of these races could still change hands. If every race’s current leader ends up winning that would give Democrats a net gain of 35 seats, a huge number of pickups and numbers that are in line with what TPM and other prognosticators predicted before election night. That could climb a little higher if late-breaking votes go Democrats’ way in California, something that has happened in previous elections.

Acting AG Whitaker Once Said Russian Election Interference Had Been ‘Proven False’

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker once said Russian election meddling had been “proven false.”

In audio surfaced Thursday by Scott Dworkin of The Democratic Coalition, Whitaker is heard saying in a radio interview that “The left is trying to sow this theory that essentially Russians interfered with the US election, which has been proven false. They did not have any impact in the election, and that has been very clear from the Obama administration.”

In fact, American intelligence agencies have continually alleged Russian interference in the election. They’ve also asserted they are not investigating whether that interference affected election results. Just because no vote-changing has been alleged does not mean Russians didn’t interfere — for example, by stealing and disseminating the emails of senior Democrats.

In an interview with radio host Andrew Wilkow, Whitaker also asserted: “The truth is, there was no collusion with the Russians and the Trump campaign.”