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The Official World Politics Thread

Yeah, I think Democrats are going to be surprised again. Trump knows how to get people out to vote. He uses tactics known to work but rarely used out of decency. He appeals to people's baser instincts.


He/They going to win because of hacking again.

He/They going to win because of hacking again.
That's a lot of hacking that has to happen and be covered up.

Now if you mean Russia or other foreign entity passing as Americans on social media to sway people a certain way then I can see that argument.
Only way they win is if the youth dont fuckin show up to vote.

All that tweeting, hashtaggin, sharing shit on facebook, commenting on articles and marching dont mean shit if you dont vote


Kinda like what Bill Maher said...enough of the protests...go vote. Period.

There's no excuse.


Them 2 supercoon pickaninnies, Diamond and Silk did the voice over for that ad. Them mooncrickets have no shame, I bet they don’t even talk like that for real
Bout this whole voter suppression shit. smh. Instead of tryin to talk to blk ppl about their issues n what they care about. And try to earn their vote. They jus try to rig the system stop them from voting.

I try not to hate white ppl but they make it so difficult.

‘No Proof Of Anything’: Trump Unravels When Pressed On Migrant Conspiracies

President Donald Trump finally admitted Tuesday that he had “no proof” to support his blatant lies and conspiracy theories about the migrants and asylum-seekers traveling toward the U.S.-Mexico border.

The President also tried — and failed — to get Vice President Mike Pence to accuse Democrats of funding the caravan, and to say there were Islamic State members in the caravan.

Pence did say that, during a phone call earlier Tuesday, the vice president of Honduras had told him that the group “was organized by leftist organizations and financed by Venezuela.”

“What else did they say, Mike, about ISIS?” Trump attempted. “Did they say something?”

They hadn’t. Pence returned to talking about leftist groups.

Pressed earlier for proof for Democrats’ non-existent involvement with the caravan, Trump was similarly evasive.

“You’re going to find out. And we’re going to see. Maybe they made a bad mistake, too,” he said.



Explosive Device Found In Mail Screening For Clintons’ NY Home

Kate Riga

An explosive device was found during regular screening of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s mail on Wednesday, according to the New York Times.

Per the Times, the device resembled one sent to billionaire George Soros on Monday, another prominent Democrat.

But.. but.. Trump, various Republican politicians & Faux News said the left wing “mob” is real danger tho...