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Kelly Grabbed Lewandowski By Collar And Shoved Him During West Wing Spat

More than a year into his role as chief of staff in the Trump White House, John Kelly’s patience with other men in Trump’s orbit is reportedly wearing thin.

According to a Monday report in the New York Times, in February, Kelly got into a physical altercation with former campaign manager-turned Trump hype man Corey Lewandowski just after the two were dismissed from the Oval Office. The incident involved Kelly grabbing Lewandowski by the collar.

The incident occurred in February, just before the families of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School victims came to the White House to meet with Trump. According to people briefed on the event who spoke to the Times, both Lewandowski and Kelly were meeting with Trump and Kelly unleashed on Lewandowski for criticizing him on television over his handling of Rob Porter’s security clearance. Kelly also criticized the former Trump campaign manager for the amount of money he was making off of his contract with a Trump re-election super PAC.

When the two were dismissed from the Oval Office, Kelly reportedly asked someone to remove Lewandowski from the West Wing, which prompted the two to begin arguing. According to a person with direct knowledge of the incident who spoke to the Times, that’s when Kelly grabbed Lewandowski and tried to shove him up against a wall.

Lewandowski reportedly did not respond physically, but the Secret Service was brought in.

The Times report is the second in recent days that’s described Kelly losing his temper with other officials in the West Wing. Last week, the Times reported that Kelly got into a profanity-ridden shouting match with National Security Adviser John Bolton outside the Oval Office on Thursday. The altercation prompted Kelly to leave the White House for the remainder of the day.

CIA Director Heads To Turkey As Trump Says He’s Unsatisfied With Saudi Explanation

CIA Director Gina Haspel left the U.S. for Turkey on Monday, just as President Donald Trump told reporters he was “not satisfied” with Saudi Arabia’s explanation of Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi’s death, The Washington Post reported.

Haspel’s visit comes just as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for Saudi officials to be tried in Turkish court on Tuesday over what he called the “savage murder” of Khashoggi.

While Saudi officials initially denied any knowledge of Khashoggi’s disappearance or alleged death, the Saudi government on Saturday said he was killed by “rogue” agents who did not have the crown prince’s consent. Saudi officials claim he died as the result of a fist fight, which Turkey says it can disprove with apparent audio and video recordings of the incident.

Despite Technology Glitches, Early Voting Begins In TX With Record Turnout

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Early voting opened across Texas on Monday, bringing long lines and record first-day midterm turnout in Houston and complaints about outdated technology slowing people casting ballots elsewhere.

It took Harris County, which includes Houston, less than six hours to set a new opening day of early voting record for midterm elections with more than 36,000 votes cast — exceeding the around 26,000 ballots cast there during the 2010 midterms, County Clerk Stan Stanart told the Houston Chronicle.

Dallas County was also flirting with surpassing the first-day turnout of 2016 — an unusual feat since turnout in presidential election years is typically higher.

President Donald Trump was holding a Houston rally for Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday evening, and the lines to attend that event swelled hours before it started. Cruz is locked in a closer-than-expected re-election battle with Democratic Congressman Beto O’Rourke of El Paso — the cycle’s most-watched Texas race.

In Travis County, home to Austin, Tax Assessor Collector Bruce Elfant said on Facebook that more than 36,000 people cast early ballots by 4 p.m. Monday, nearly doubling first-day totals from the last midterms in 2014. Tarrant County, which includes Fort Worth, announced exceeding 37,000 votes — around triple the first-day early voting turnout for 2014.

Approximately 15.8 million people are registered to vote statewide, 4 percent higher than those registered during the March statewide primary. Early voting runs through Nov. 2. Election Day is Nov. 6.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said 42,000-plus people had voted by 4:30 p.m. Monday, and that the county could exceed the first day of early voting turnout for the presidential election in 2016.

At one polling place in Plano, a northern Dallas suburb, the wait in line to vote early Monday afternoon was about 30 minutes.

“I just wanted to come the first day and get it out of the way,” said Rahim Sewani, one of those in line. He said the line “was moving pretty fast” and that the election workers “know what they are doing, so it wasn’t bad at all.”

Democratic U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro of San Antonio held a news conference to complain about a lack of polling station personnel and computer glitches adding to wait times at one ormorelocal voting station. He also complained that voting machines in some areas provide no paper record of ballots cast.

Suresh Nayak said he has lived in Texas for 30 years and Monday was the first vote he has ever cast.

“I was waiting for this. The way things are going, I couldn’t wait to vote,” Nayak said, though he declined to say for whom he voted.


Black Conservative Group Divided Over Incendiary ‘Lynching’ Ad

A black conservative group drew national attention last week for incendiary ads suggesting that black voters should support the GOP in the midterms because Democrats want to return to “lynching black folk” accused of sexually assaulting white women.

The Black Americans for the President’s Agenda campaign has been roundly denounced by the Republican candidates it is purportedly trying to help win—and even by members of the group itself.

In a Friday Facebook post, Jill Upson, the organization’s chairwoman, called the radio ads “very concerning.” Upson said she “strongly disapprove[d]” of the ad’s “coarse language” and claimed she had “nothing to do with its creation or production.”

“Upon listening to the ad last night, I contacted the organization’s founder and demanded that it be removed from the air and no longer played,” Upson, a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, who chairs the chamber’s Select Committee on Minority Issues and the minority caucus, wrote in the post. “As a result of my request, the ad was taken down and will no longer appear on the airwaves.”

But there’s no indication that Upson’s comments had any influence on how the spots were handled. The group’s founder, perennial North Carolina congressional candidate and conservative bomb-thrower Vernon Robinson, has adamantly defended the ads in interviews, crowing that they have “the radical left” “screaming like stuck pigs.”

Robinson told the Associated Press on Friday that his group earmarked $50,000 to run the Arkansas ads through the end of last week, with additional funds going towards a similar version in Missouri. “We have a plan, we’re executing the plan,” Robinson said.

Robinson and Upson did not immediately respond to TPM’s requests for comment.

The group’s “Emmett Till” ads first aired on radio stations in Little Rock, promoting the re-election of Republican Rep. French Hill.

Invoking the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the spot accuses Democrats of running amok with the #MeToo movement and “changing the presumption of innocence to a presumption of guilt.”

“Girl, white Democrats will be lynching black folk again,” one woman tells another in the ad.

“We can’t afford to let white Democrats take us back to bad old days of race verdicts, life sentences, and lynching’s when a white girl screams rape,” the ad continues.

Hill released a statement condemning the “appalling” ad “in the strongest terms,” while the state Democratic Party chair called it “overtly racist, dangerous and immoral.” Arkansas Republicans on Friday filed a complaint with the state Ethics Commission, alleging that Robinson’s group failed to register to campaign in Arkansas, according to the Texarkana Gazette.

Robinson ran similar ads in Missouri last week as well, attempting to boost GOP Senate nominee Josh Hawley in his close race against Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. However, the lynching reference was removed from the Missouri ad because a St. Louis radio station said it would not run the ad if it was included, Robinson told the Gazette.

Instead, the ad says that “black folk will be catching hell again” if Democrats regain power, facing “race verdicts, life sentences or worse.”

Hawley’s campaign has said that they “of course” condemn these messages.

The ads may not be particularly effective at swaying black voters, but they’ve certainly received significant attention.

That’s essentially the modus operandi of Robinson, a former city councilman from Winston-Salem. Robinson has run unsuccessfully for Congress in the state three separate times, running on a virulently anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant platform. In memorable campaign ads, Robinson lamented that “you can burn the American flag and kill a million babies a year but you can’t post the Ten Commandments or say ‘God’ in public schools.”

“America would be nothing but one big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals,” went another radio ad highlighted by Right Wing Watch.

Though Robinson failed to gain much traction with voters, his 2006 campaign managed to draw in a whopping $520,000 from donors in just over two months. The majority of those contributions came from out of state. Robinson went on to serve as the director of the Draft Ben Carson for President Committee in the 2016 cycle, before founding Black Americans for the President’s Agenda in February.

The PAC is “dedicated to promoting the policy initiatives of President Trump,” including “stopping illegal immigration,” “saving black babies from abortion,” and “avoiding the fringe effort to change the presumption of innocence to that of guilt,” according to the group’s website.

It has pulled in money from a pool of predominantly white donors, as Slate first reported. Federal Election Commission filings posted on Open Secrets list $1,000 donations from well-known figures like San Francisco Giants principle owner Charles Johnson, who has a net worth of $5 billion, and philanthropist Patricia Duggan, wife of major Church of Scientology donor Robert Duggan. Per those filings, the group has $52,507 cash on hand and is $62,769 in debt.

As chairwoman, Upson has also rubbed shoulders with some major figures in the modern GOP. The group shared pictures of her posing with Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel at the Michigan GOP Convention, and Upson shared a picture of herself with Vice President Mike Pence in August.


Former Trump Adviser Calls Migrant Caravan a ‘Political Gift’: ‘I Wish They Were Carrying Heroin’

As President Trump turns up his inflammatory rhetoric about border security and immigration, a new profile on his advisers and party allies signifies that they’re completely prepared to amplify his fear-based talking points.

Washington Post released an article last night that dives into Trump’s factually-questionable talking points about the migrant caravan approaching the U.S. southern border. Specifically, the piece explores how much of the Republican Party is falling in line behind Trump on this in the hope that the upcoming midterms will echo the 2016 election.

WaPo spoke to several political operators about what sort of impact this ploy will have, one of whom was former Ben Carson campaign manager-turned-Trump adviser, Barry Bennett. Bennett called the caravan a “political gift” in terms of a motivator for conservative voters, and at one point, he seemed to wish that the migrants were all carrying drugs so the fear generation would go up even more.

I wish they were carrying heroin. I wish we had thought of it. It speaks to the dearth of our creativity, unfortunately,” Bennett said. “There are 7,000 people marching toward the U.S. border. One party wants to let them in. The other party wants to keep them out.”

The article proceeds to touch on various Trump allies and other political figures who’ve spoken about Trump’s fear-based messaging, whether to support him or call out his factual inaccuracies and lack of focus on his accomplishments.

Texas County Sued For Limited Early Voting Near Historically Black College

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund, on behalf of students at the historically black college Prairie View A&M University, filed a lawsuit Monday against the Texas county where the college is located. The lawsuit challenges Waller County’s early voting plan, which the complaint says provides a relatively limited opportunity for early voting near the campus, particularly when compared to the white areas of the county.

Of the two weeks of early voting in Texas, there are only five days — none of them weekend days — that an early polling place is open in Prairie View, on or near the campus. Two of those days, the polling place is at a community center that is “off-campus and is not well-known to or frequently used by PVAMU voters, particularly because most students receive their mail on campus,” according to the complaint.

There are also no evening hours for early voting near the campus, nor is there an open polling place in Prairie View during the first week of early voting.

Comparatively, the majority-white City of Waller — which, according to the lawsuit, has half the population of eligible voters that Prairie View has— will offer early voting both weeks, including on Saturdays and during some evenings, and has two voting sites. Another majority white city in the same county as Prairie View is also offering early voting during the first week, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit goes on to recount a county commission meeting where the commissioners were questioned about the early voting plan, and the reasons they gave for limiting early voting in Prairie View.


The lawsuit also points out that the campus offers parking to non-students for early voting.

“With respect to homecoming, on information and belief, most of its activities do not begin until the end of the first week of early voting and reasonably it would be advantageous to conduct early voting while so many students, local alumni, and other residents of Prairie View would already be on-campus,” the complaint said.
Bright side to all of this voter suppression is that it signals a shift in the general electorate away from Republican values. If they have to cheat to win then they couldn't get the votes needed to win in the first place.

And they can't keep these tactics up forever so eventually things will start to turn around.
Bright side to all of this voter suppression is that it signals a shift in the general electorate away from Republican values. If they have to cheat to win then they couldn't get the votes needed to win in the first place.

And they can't keep these tactics up forever so eventually things will start to turn around.

Bolded, u think so? We shall see
It won't be immediate. Probably 5-10 years. Current Republican values aren't as popular as they used to be, particularly their stance on race, gender, etc.

The children of a lot of staunch Republicans have no issue going left. Rarely do the children of a staunch Democrat go right. The demographic will shift and Republicans will rebrand.

They tried a big rebrand after Obama won, but it didn't take hold because it came at the wrong time. Too many closed minded folks still in the party to make that shift.
It won't be immediate. Probably 5-10 years. Current Republican values aren't as popular as they used to be, particularly their stance on race, gender, etc.

The children of a lot of staunch Republicans have no issue going left.
Rarely do the children of a staunch Democrat go right. The demographic will shift and Republicans will rebrand.

They tried a big rebrand after Obama won, but it didn't take hold because it came at the wrong time. Too many closed minded folks still in the party to make that shift.

Always remember A LOT of young white hippies grew into very conservative republicans when they realized what it takes to get ahead and provide for a family. They realized that it ain't beneficial for them to give up their white advantage when it comes to competing for resources.

We as black people can't keep forgetting shit like that.
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Always remember A LOT of young white hippies grew into very conservative republicans when they realized what it takes to get ahead and provide for a family. They realized that it ain't beneficial for them to give up their white advantage when it comes to competing for resources.

We as black people can't keep forgetting shit like that.

The cycle will repeat itself because you will have alot of white college-age males drifting towards the GOP due to the Me Too movement, affirmative action, political correctness, etc
The cycle will repeat itself because you will have alot of white college-age males drifting towards the GOP due to the Me Too movement, affirmative action, political correctness, etc

It's all a cycle. Most people change their views as they grow older and what is important to them changes.

It really bothers me that black people seem to forget so much history and the shit is basically recent history.

Even with the few white people who are truly for equality the flat out truth of it is overall white people are not allies to black people.