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Diplomats Disgusted With Pompeo’s, Trump’s Acceptance Of Saudi Excuses

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s meeting with Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman last week, replete with broad grins and obsequiously grateful press releases, struck a discordant note with many in the light of the meeting’s purpose: to suss out the details of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.

According to a Sunday Vanity Fair report, the “grip and grin” particularly disturbed D.C.’s diplomatic and intelligence corps.

“Pompeo did not handle this well,” a former State Department official told Vanity Fair. “I don’t think it would have been difficult to be more somber in meetings and more nuanced in comments afterward.”

“Certainly from where I sit, it is discouraging to see the administration seemingly subordinate our values to other interests in such an egregious case,” a current State Department official added.

Pompeo is taking the lead from his boss, as President Donald Trump has shown extreme reluctance to punish bin Salman, with whom he and his son-in-law Jared Kushner are close.

Though Trump has tried to distance himself from the prince, he still sang his praises late Saturday in an interview with the Washington Post, praising bin Salman’s strength and “very good control.”

“I would love it if he wasn’t responsible,” Trump added of Khashoggi’s murder.

However, bin Salman’s distance from the event is getting harder and harder to believe, as reports surfaced Monday that multiple phone calls were made from the Saudi consulate in Istanbul where Khashoggi died to the crown prince on the day of the murder.


Mueller Team Hunting Down Contact Between Trump Associates, WikiLeaks

Though seemingly placid from the outside, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team have reportedly spent recent weeks aggressively digging into communications between Trump associates and WikiLeaks before the release of stolen Democratic emails during the 2016 campaign.

According to a Sunday Washington Post report, Mueller has particularly homed in on Roger Stone, who has bragged about his connections with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange before.

Both Stone and WikiLeaks officials deny any contact.

The relationship between Trump associates and WikiLeaks is paramount to Mueller’s investigation, per the Post, since the emails published through WikiLeaks appear to have been hacked by Russians to disrupt the campaign and sway the election.


Trump Supporter at Rally Says Shooting Immigrants Would Solve Border Crisis: ‘Just Start Shooting’

While at one of President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, a reporter for The Young Turks interviewed a Trump supporter who advocated for shooting Hispanic immigrants to stop them from crossing the border.

Rebel HQ correspondent Emma Vigeland prefaced the segment by playing a clip from Fox News host Tucker Carlson in which he decried the demographic changes brought on by both legal and illegal immigration. Vigeland then went out in a crowd of Trump supporters at the Mesa, Arizona rally and asked for their thoughts on Carlson’s commentary.

“What would solve the whole thing on the border if they would just start shooting. Only shoot a couple, and they would go home,” one Trump supporter said while sporting a Make America Great Again hat. When asked if he was advocating a “deterrent,” he replied: “If they would shoot.”

“If they just shot at them a few times, they would go back,” he added.

One Trump rally-goer said he would be fine with demographic changes if they were caused by legal immigration. Another called Carlson’s commentary “edgy,” and intended to “rile up a crowd.”

One woman accused Hispanic immigrants of trying to turn America into Mexico, which she is “opposed” to.

Another woman concocted a conspiracy theory about the so-called “caravan” of South and Central American immigrants making its way up toward America.

“4,000 Latinos coming less than a month before the midterm elections… It took some planning and someone’s behind it,” she concluded.

Kushner On Midterm Predictions: Don’t Bet Against ‘Black Swan’ Trump

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner called President Donald Trump a “black swan” on Monday — a reference to the shorthand term for unexpected and impactful events — after CNN’s Van Jones asked Kushner for his 2018 midterm elections predictions in an interview at “Citizen by CNN” festival.

“Are we going to beat you in the midterms?” Jones asked. “Democrats?”

“I don’t know, I mean, I see mixed data,” Kushner replied. “The data that we look at shows that it’s all about the turnout models. So I think people who have different turnout models will show different things, but one thing I’ve learned is I wouldn’t bet against Trump. He’s a black swan. He’s been a black swan all his life. And I just see, in politics and business, I just don’t like betting against him.”


WH Doesn’t Have Evidence For Conspiracy About Asylum Seekers Traveling To Border

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, following in President Donald Trump’s footsteps, did her own conspiracy mongering about a caravan of asylum seekers and migrants traveling through Mexico toward the U.S. border Monday.

Speaking to reporters at the White House, as quoted by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins and CBS News’ Mark Knoller, Sanders said the President “absolutely” has evidence of “unknown Middle Easterners” traveling with the caravan.

She didn’t respond to TPM’s request to see the evidence, nor to TPM’s request for comment as to why Middle Easterners applying for asylum at the border would be cause for concern. Trump has provided no evidence for his claims, either.

ABC News’ Meridith McGraw reported Sanders “didn’t elaborate” on her claim about Middle Eastern migrants and asylum-seekers traveling with the caravan.

Trump asserted earlier Monday that reporters traveling with the caravan would “find MS-13, you’re going to find Middle Eastern, you’re going to find everything.” But according to reporters on the ground with the caravan, there’s noevidence to support that.

Sanders on Monday also appeared to reference a statistic provided to CNN’s Jake Tapper earlier in the day by an unnamed Homeland Security official who was responding to Tapper’s questions about Trump’s conspiratorial claims.

The official told Tapper that “CBP [Customs and Border Protection] prevented 10 known or suspected terrorists from traveling to or entering the United States every day in fiscal year 2017.”

Sanders told reporters a few hours later: “We have 10 individuals, suspected or known terrorists, that try to enter our country illegally every day.”

Sanders did not respond to TPM’s request for the source of that claim. In any case, the statistic has nothing specifically to do with the caravan: CBP has jurisdiction over all ports of entry nationwide, in addition to overseeing U.S. Border Patrol’s surveillance of the border itself.

‘Davos In The Desert’ Begins Amid Boycotts, Global Outrage At Saudis

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — A high-profile economic forum in Saudi Arabia began on Tuesday in Riyadh, the kingdom’s first major event on the world stage since the killing of writer Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul earlier this month.

The Future Investment Initiative forum is the brainchild of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, aimed at drawing more foreign investment into the kingdom and to help create desperately needed jobs for its youthful population.

Prince Mohammed was not immediately at the forum when it started.

The forum last year proved to be a glitzy affair that drew more international business attention to the kingdom. This year’s event meanwhile has seen many top business leaders and officials drop out over Khashoggi’s Oct. 2 slaying.

“As we gather here in Riyadh this morning, it is natural that our thoughts tend to focus on recent events surrounding the death of Jamal Khashoggi — a writer, a journalist and a Saudi journalist known to many of us,” said Lubna Olayan, a Saudi businesswoman moderating the forum’s first panel. “May he rest in peace.”

She added that such “terrible acts reported in recent weeks are alien to our culture and DNA.”

The killing of Khashoggi has marred the prince’s standing, especially amid Turkish media reports a member of his entourage on trips abroad allegedly took part in the slaying and made phone calls to the prince’s office.

Saudi Arabia, which for weeks maintained Khashoggi had left the consulate, on Saturday acknowledged he had been killed there in a “fistfight.” Turkish media reports and officials maintain that a 15-member Saudi team flew to Istanbul on Oct. 2, knowing Khashoggi would enter the consulate to get a document he needed to get married. Once he was inside, the Saudis accosted Khashoggi, cut off his fingers, killed and dismembered the 59-year-old writer, according to Turkish media reports.

The killing has also thrown into question whether Western executives will continue business as usual with the crown prince, who as King Salman’s favored son is the second most powerful man in the kingdom.

Last year, the investment forum grabbed headlines when Prince Mohammed wowed the crowd of global business titans with pledges to lead the ultraconservative kingdom toward “moderate Islam.” He also announced plans to build a $500 billion futuristic city in the desert.

He spoke on stage alongside Stephen Schwarzman of U.S. private equity firm Blackstone and Masayoshi Son of Japan’s technology conglomerate SoftBank.

Schwarzman is among those who’ve backed out of attending this year. Others include U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who met with Prince Mohammed separately before the forum, according to Saudi state television.

Among its many investments domestically and abroad, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, which the crown prince oversees, has invested $20 billion in a U.S.-focused infrastructure fund with Blackstone.

The Public Investment Fund has also invested $3.5 billion in ride-sharing firm Uber, whose CEO also backed out of attending this year’s forum.

Just days after last year’s forum, the emboldened prince launched a sweeping shakedown of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest businessmen and top princes for alleged corruption, transforming the same Ritz-Carlton hotel that had earlier hosted the investment forum into a prison for the country’s elite.

The crackdown — a surprise move by the prince, who’s upended the kingdom’s reputation for slow, cautions reforms — rattled investors.

Alongside moves like allowing cinemas to open and lifting a ban on women driving, the crown prince has led a stifling crackdown on dissent. Dozens of critics and activists have been detained, including several women and their supporters who had long pushed for the right to drive.