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Washington Times retracts false article on murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich

Conservative paper concedes op-ed contained statements ‘that we now believe to be false’ and apologizes to his family

A conservative newspaper that has repeatedly amplified Donald Trump’s attacks on the media as “fake news” has retracted a false article about a murdered Democratic party staffer and apologised to his family.

The Washington Times deleted a March op-ed about the death of Seth Rich, after conceding it contained statements “that we now believe to be false”, linking the fatal shooting to the release of hacked Democratic party emails.

The retraction was part of a legal settlement between the Times and Rich’s brother, Aaron, who in March accused the newspaper in a lawsuit of displaying a “reckless disregard for the truth”.

Rich, a 27-year-old worker at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was shot dead in Washington in July 2016. Police said he was killed in a botched robbery. Rightwing conspiracy theorists claim without evidence that he was assassinated for leaking the emails.

The retracted article, by retired admiral James Lyons, falsely claimed it was “well known in the intelligence circles” that Rich and his brother were paid by WikiLeaks for the DNC emails, which the leaks site published online, causing chaos in the Democratic party during the 2016 election.

“The Washington Times now does not have any basis to believe any part of that statement to be true, and the Washington Times retracts it in its entirety,” the newspaper wrote in its retraction.

Aaron Rich’s attorney, Michael Gottlieb, said in a statement: “The Washington Times’ decision to take responsibility and apologise for its role in propagating lies about our client is a milestone in our case, as well as in the broader effort to shine a light on conspiracy theorists who spread malicious lies for personal and political gain.”

US intelligence agencies have concluded that the email accounts of several Democratic officials were hacked by Russian military intelligence operatives before being disseminated by WikiLeaks and a sham “DC Leaks” website.

The Washington Times has frequently republished Trump’s attacks against themainstream media without noting that they have been baseless or contested. In December 2017 it published another op-ed titled: “Trump is right: Fake news is everywhere.”

The paper said on Monday that it also “retracts and disavows” its article’s implication that Rich’s brother was avoiding investigators when he in fact cooperated with them. “The Washington Times apologises to Mr Rich and his family,” it said.

The newspaper’s decision followed the retraction of another article on Rich’s death by Fox News, where its star anchor Sean Hannity enthusiastically pushed the conspiracy theory connecting the murder to the DNC email hack. A lawsuit against Fox News brought by Rich’s family was dismissed by a judge.

The Washington Times is truly Fake News...

Clinton Laughs At Kavanaugh’s Claim Of ‘Revenge On Behalf Of Clintons’

Kate Riga

Laughing at a line of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony where he attributed his sexual misconduct allegations to Democrats’ “revenge on behalf of the Clintons,” Hillary Clinton quipped: “they give us a lot of credit.”

“Thirty-six years ago, we started this against him,” she continued to laughter.


If they don't find anything, they don't find anything. Can't make shit up, and given that the FBI and Trump are typically at odds, I'd tend to believe them. Remember, they're not there to make an judgment call, they're looking for evidence and proof. That's going to be hard with an allegation from 30 plus years ago.

That being said, the allegations alone and his temperament during that hearing would disqualify him in my eyes.
Is this true?

Honestly not sure...but wouldn't be surprised.

I posted it folks need to look beyond the smokescreen, and see the underhanded shyt they doing while the media isn't lookin.

Funny how you haven't heard that much from Paul Ryan in a minute. Wonder why?
"I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman. She was very good in many respects... certainly a very credible witness." ~ Donald J. Trump

But look at the crowd he's around. Again...he feeds them red meat. It's his m.o.
But look at the crowd he's around. Again...he feeds them red meat. It's his m.o.

Yeah I hate when non-biased media jumps through hoops to report when he says something "normal" by decent human being standards only for him to revert back to his old ways within 24 hours......it never fails.

Kavanaugh’s ‘Revenge’ Theory Draws Attention To His Past With Clintons

WASHINGTON (AP) — To some, Brett Kavanaugh is clearing his name. To others, he’s veering into conspiracy theory.

But in blaming “revenge on behalf of the Clintons” for the sexual misconduct allegations against him, the Supreme Court nominee is drawing new attention to his time on the Kenneth Starr team investigating Bill Clinton. And in doing so, he’s shown he can deliver a Trump-like broadside against detractors even if it casts him in a potentially partisan light.

As a young lawyer, Kavanaugh played a key role on Starr’s team investigating sexual misconduct by then-President Bill Clinton, helping to shape one of the most salacious chapters in modern political history.

Kavanaugh spent a good part of the mid-1990s jetting back and forth to Little Rock, Arkansas, digging into the Clintons’ background, according to documents that were made public as part of his nomination to the Supreme Court.

It was Kavanaugh who pushed Starr to ask Clinton, in graphic detail, about the nature of his sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. In a memo from 1998, Kavanaugh wrote that Starr should ask Clinton whether he engaged in phone sex and specific sexual acts with her.

Starr took Kavanaugh’s advice. His resulting report ultimately presented evidence that Clinton, in denying the affair, lied under oath. The report became the grounds for Clinton’s impeachment.

Now it’s Kavanaugh who is facing sexual misconduct allegations, including from Christine Blasey Ford, who said he groped her at a party when they were teens and tried to remove her clothes. And it’s Kavanaugh who was pushed to speak publicly in personal, painful detail.

In his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kavanaugh forcefully denied ever sexually assaulting Ford or anyone else. In an emotional statement, he put the blame for the accusations against him partly on the Clintons.

“This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit,” Kavanaugh testified. The 53-year-old said it was being fueled by “pent-up anger” over President Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory and outside groups stoking fear about his judicial record. He also said it was revenge on behalf of the Clintons.

The “revenge” line has reverberated this week as senators await the results of an FBI background check investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh.

Democrats have called the comment a breathtaking breach of judicial impartiality that should be disqualifying on its own, while Republicans have defended the tenor of his remarks, saying he had every right to be upset. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) calls it “righteous anger.”

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who was in Congress during Clinton’s impeachment, acknowledged Tuesday that Kavanaugh’s “lock-her-up grace note may be appealing to some.” But, he said, “it speaks volumes about this judge and how he would serve.”

At an event Tuesday, Hillary Clinton scoffed, “Boy, I’ll tell you, they give us a lot of credit.”

Clinton tried to run the logic of Kavanaugh’s claim during an event hosted by The Atlantic. “It would’ve had to have happened 36 years ago,” she said, “and that seems a stretch, even for the vast right-wing conspiracy stories about me.”

At last week’s hearing, Democratic senators on the dais were stunned.

“Is it your testimony — that the motivation of the courageous woman who sat where you did just a short time ago was revenge on behalf of a left-wing conspiracy or the Clintons?” asked Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

Others welcomed Kavanaugh taking a page from the playbook of the man who nominated him, President Donald Trump.

It wasn’t quite a “Lock her up!” Trump rally cry, but Kavanaugh’s allies appreciated a hard-hitting defense of his own name and character that name-checked the Clintons. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) backed him up.

“Would you say you’ve been through hell?” Graham asked the judge.

“I’ve been through hell and then some,” Kavanaugh testified.

While Kavanaugh’s role in the Starr investigation is a part of the appellate court judge’s resume that may have received short shrift during days of confirmation hearings, plenty of players from that era remain central to today’s confirmation fight.

Graham had been a chief House prosecutor during Clinton’s impeachment trial. Other senators on the dais straddle both eras. Clinton has been making media rounds. Starr has recently published a new book about his experience.

A former top aide to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Brian Fallon, leads the outside group Demand Justice that Kavanaugh was likely referring to in his outburst.

Fallon said Tuesday that Kavanaugh’s “unhinged, partisan rant last week is just another reason he is not fit for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.”

Democrats had tried to portray Kavanaugh as a partisan warrior from the moment he was nominated, but failed to gain much traction with it. But the Clintons’ revenge theory revealed a different side of Kavanaugh that won’t be forgotten if he makes it to the high court.

Julian Zelizer, a professor of history at Princeton University, said Kavanaugh “has been fighting the Republican war since the 1990s.”

“He revealed a great deal about who he is and what drives him,” he said.