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I am fuckin sick and tired of these idiots saying well i found Christine Blasey Ford credible.. but uuuuh.. it wasnt kavanaugh.. I found him credible too

these conservatives are cowards. If you watched the hearings if you didnt come away with disgust for kavanaugh then your mind was already mad up

WH Treading Carefully With FBI On Kavanaugh Due To Subpoena Concerns

The White House and FBI have been interacting gingerly throughout the investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, in part due to the fear that Democrats could win the House and subpoena internal communications, according to a Tuesday Washington Post report.

An unnamed source told the Washington Post that the two institutions are being “very careful with each other.”

“Everyone realizes that they are under a huge amount of scrutiny, and will be when it’s over, too,” the source added.

Lawyers for two of Kavanaugh’s accusers, professor Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, have voiced concerns that the investigation is cursory or being stymied by members of the administration who want to see Kavanaugh confirmed.

Putin Calls Poisoned Ex-Spy ‘A Scumbag’ Who Betrayed His Country

MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin has called Sergei Skripal, the ex-spy who was poisoned with a military grade nerve agent in Britain, a traitor and a “scumbag.”

It was the first time Putin directly condemned Skripal, who spent weeks hospitalized with his daughter after both were poisoned in the city of Salisbury in March. Britain put the blame squarely on Russia, but Moscow has denied any role in it.

Asked about sanctions on Russia triggered by the attack, Putin called the ex-spy “just a scumbag” who betrayed his country. He reiterated Russia’s claim that it has nothing to do with the poisoning.

He said Wednesday the former agent was of no interest to the Kremlin since he was tried in Russia and exchanged in a spy swap in 2010.

Authorities Investigate Suspicious Envelopes Sent To Trump, Military Chiefs

WASHINGTON (AP) — Authorities were investigating two envelopes suspected of containing a suspected poison that were addressed to top military chiefs and a third with unknown contents sent to President Donald Trump.

In a statement Tuesday evening, the Secret Service confirmed that a suspicious envelope had been sent to the president on Monday, but was not received at the White House, nor did it ever enter the White House. The agency did not disclose any details about what was in the envelope or where it was received. The White House had no comment.


FBI Expands Probe Beyond Original 4 Witnesses

Kate Riga

The FBI has expanded its investigation beyond its original four-person witness list to talk to two former classmates of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from his high school days at Georgetown Prep, according to a Tuesday Washington Post report.

One of them is Tim Gaudette, a high school friend who shows up on Kavanaugh’s well-known calendar as the host of a party on July 1, 1982.

The other is Chris Garrett.

Both men’s lawyers confirmed to the Washington Post that the interviews took place.

Conway Defends Trump Mockery: Blasey Ford Treated ‘Like A Faberge Egg’

One of President Trump’s top advisers defended the president’s decision to publicly mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, saying the woman who has accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has been “treated like a Fabergé egg.”

“The woman has been accommodated by all of us,” Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway told reporters on the White House lawn Wednesday morning, just hours after Trump did a mocking impersonation of Ford’s testimony.

“She’s been treated like a Fabergé egg by all of us, beginning with me and the president. He’s pointing out factual inconsistencies. Do you have corroboration for her claims? Can you fill in her memory gaps, her factual inconsistencies?”

In a testy exchange with reporters, Conway refused to acknowledge that Trump had questioned Ford’s credibility.

“When did he say she was not credible? He said there were factual inconsistencies. He laid them out for you. Don’t put words in the president’s mouth,” she shot at one reporter.

She also warned of fallout for the red-state Democrats facing reelection this fall if they vote against Kavanaugh.

“If I were one of these red-state Democrats, including but not limited to the three who voted for Justice Gorsuch, Sens. Heitkamp, Donnelly and Manchin, I would be very concerned,” she said. “They can either be complicit in that process or they can vote for Judge Kavanaugh, which is the will of the voters in their states.”

Sexual Assualt “victim” Kellyanne Conway everybody.. Defending the mocking Dr. Ford by her boss...

Report: White House Did Not Authorize FBI To Interview Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh

Caitlin MacNeal

The FBI has not interviewed Christine Blasey Ford or Judge Brett Kavanaugh as part of its new background investigation into the Supreme Court nominee because the White House did not give the bureau clear authority to do so, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday, citing two unnamed sources.

Blasey Ford’s lawyer revealed in a letter that the FBI has yet to interview Blasey Ford about her allegations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school, which has further enraged Democrats who worry the FBI has been limiting the reopened probe into Kavanaugh.

Asked about the Bloomberg report on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that the White House has not placed any restrictions on the FBI.

“As we’ve said several times, the President’s indicated that that whoever the FBI deems necessary to interview, he’s fine with that. But he’s also asked that the senate be the ones that determine the scope of what they need in order to make a decision on whether they vote Kavanaugh up or down,” Sanders said. “I can also tell you that both Kavanaugh — judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford were questioned in the most public way possible by the members of the Senate who are ultimately the ones who have to make the determination on whether or not they vote for judge Kavanaugh.”