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One of Faux News coons jump out window and made a fool out of his self...

Hell, now I'm questioning his emotional capacity to serve. He crying about everything.

I don't need his emotions driving his decisions.

Ol' "my mother's name is Martha too" ass.


Kavanaugh Defiant In Opening Remarks: This Is ‘Character Assassination

Speaking forcefully, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanugh testified in front of the the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had never sexually assaulted anyone.

“Not in high school, not in college, not today,” he said.

He said that his name and his family’s name had been “totally and permanently destroyed” since the allegations became public.

He was almost yelling as he read through his remarks, which he said he had drafted the night before and shown to only to a former clerk.

He said he was not at the party described by Christine Blasey Ford, who has alleged Kavanaugh groped her at the gathering.

He brought up the statements that other alleged attendees at the party had made saying they didn’t remember the party and asked the committee to listen to the other statements put forward by his friends and colleagues backing his good character.

Most of his remarks however focused on attacking Democrats.

“This is a circus,” he said, calling it a “grotesque…character assassination.”

He said there had been a “frenzy on the left” to sink his nomination.

He called the first round of hearings an “embarrassment” and said they were at the very least just a “goof old fashioned attempt at Borking,” referring to Robert Bork, the judge who’s Supreme Court nomination was blocked by Democrats during the Reagan administration.

He said this “onslaught of last minute allegations” did not “ring true.”

“I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process,” Kavanaugh said.

His demeanor changed, however, when he talked about his daughter, who had told him that they should pray for Christine Blasey Ford.

“A lot of wisdom from a 10 year old,” he said, tearing up. He said he had no “ill will” toward Blasey Ford, and didn’t question that she was assaulted by some person at some time.

He regained his composure when he started talking about his career and his long tenure in the public eye, where he was subjected to FBI background check.

“Until last week no one ever accused me of any kind of sexual misconduct, no one ever,” Kavanaugh said.

He then turned to the “specifics” of Blasey Ford’s allegation.

“She and I did not travel in the same social circles” Kavanaugh said of Blasey Ford, while claiming her her account was not just “uncorroborated,” but “refuted.”
