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Top Republican Strategists On Kavanaugh Hearing: ‘What A Mess’

It’s still early, but top Republicans are wincing at how the blockbuster hearing with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and judge Brett Kavanaugh is going.

“There’s no question that this morning’s testimony was bad for Kavanaugh and Republicans,” said one former Senate leadership aide, who fretted that Republicans aren’t handling a tough situation well.

The all-male membership of the committee has mostly ceded its questioning to prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. That staffer said that wasn’t working, saying Republicans “may have overcorrected” in worrying about pushing harder on Ford.

“They were worried about the visuals of male senators interviewing Ford but they’ve ceded all the political ground to the Democrats. Mitchell’s questioning at least this far hasn’t done anything and then Senate Democrats have had free rein-in to score political points unchallenged,” said the aide.

Another saw nothing good coming from the hearings.

“She’s very believable and you can’t help but feel sympathetic to her experience. What a mess,” one former Senate GOP leadership aide texted TPM late Thursday morning. after Ford’s opening statements and the first round of questioning.

Neither would speculate whether they thought Kavanaugh would survive, and both argued that Democrats were playing politics while defending how Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was handling the process. But for top Republicans who went into Thursday already worried about whether Kavanaugh would survive the day, they weren’t feeling any better by lunchtime.

Trump Jr. Pokes Fun At Blasey Ford’s ‘Selective Fear Of Flying’

Allegra Kirkland

President Trump’s eldest son on Thursday said that he did not buy that Christine Blasey Ford could have flown on airplane trips multiple times despite her professed fear of flying.

“I’m no psychology professor but it does seem weird to me that someone could have a selective fear of flying,” Donald Trump Jr. cracked on Twitter. “Can’t do it to testify but for vacation, well it’s not a problem at all.”

Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, initially wavered about coming to Washington, D.C. to testify about her account because of her aversion to air travel. Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor Republicans hired to do their questioning, asked Ford at length about previous flights she’d taken.


DJTJ is a true dumbass.. Like father like son...
I'm beginning to think the GOP really wasn't feeling Cavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice. Trump ain't really been on his side, they're allowing this hearing to happen, and then they pick this lady to conduct the hearing?

I think he probably revealed that he's not going to pass judgment as far right as they hoped he would.
The men and women on the Faux News panel are saying that part of Kavanaugh's testimony he needs to point out that he is trying to be made a scapegoat due to him being a white male from an elite background........they are saying he has no choice to do that and it would have the same impact as Clarence Thomas' "This is a high-tech lynching" statement in response to Anita Hills testimony

Trump’s new errand boy speaks...

Sen. Graham warns Democrats: “If this is the new norm, you better watch out for your nominees”

He lying or playing around and we all know republicans are willing to take things to places democrats would never dream of.