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Indiana Dem Sen. Donnelly Leads In New Poll

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) is hanging onto a small but significant lead against former state Rep. Mike Braun (R), according to a new poll, good news for Democrats in a top GOP Senate target.

Donnelly leads Braun by 44 percent to 41 percent with 8 percent of voters backing Libertarian Lucy Brenton, according to a new poll of likely voters conducted by Marist University for NBC news.

In a head-to-head matchup, Donnelly’s lead grows to 49 percent to 43 percent over Braun.

The poll is the first reliable public one in months, partly because Indiana has banned automated polling. It shows Donnelly in better shape than many GOP strategists had hoped he’d be in at this point in the election. The numbers also closely track where Democrats believe the race currently stands, with Donnelly holding a small but real lead in private numbers.

Donnelly is one of four Democrats running for reelection in states Trump won that Democrats have been deeply concerned about this election cycle, and Republicans have been confident they can beat, along with Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and Bill Nelson (D-FL). Democrats concede that Heitkamp has an uphill battle for reelection, but have insisted that Donnelly is ahead, McCaskill is neck-and-neck with her GOP opponent and Nelson actually has a slight lead over Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R). Polls in recent days show have found both McCaskill and Nelson tied with their opponents.

If three of these four Democrats win, their party has a serious shot at winning Senate control, a scenario that was almost unthinkable a year ago since there are ten Democrats running for reelection in states Trump one and just one Republican running in a state he lost. If they lose only one incumbent and win Nevada and Arizona, where they’re viewed as slight favorites, that gets them to within one seat. Both sides also see a tied race in Tennessee, which could put them over the top.

Marist’s polling has been a bit more favorable to Democrats than some other public pollsters, and Donnelly’s lead is well within the poll’s five-point margin of error. But this is the latest public post-Labor Day poll that has some real good news for Democrats as they head into the campaign’s home stretch.
I'm sorry but I need some kinda context here.

Who is she?

What was she running for where she won?

How much Black Excellence should I be giving this moment?

Shes a progressive dem who beat a 10 term incumbent for a seat in the house rep for Boston
Booker went dgaf.

He said bring it bring it bring it, bring the charges.

Wtf is going on lol

Trump Wanted Cropped Inauguration Pics To Make Crowd Look Larger

A government photographer cropped photos to make the crowd size appear larger on Inauguration Day, but only after President Donald Trump personally requested it, the Guardian reported Thursday.

According to newly released documents, obtained by the Guardian via a FOIA request, Trump personally called the acting director of the National Park Service, Michael Reynolds, on the day of his inauguration.

While the records don’t specify what exactly Trump said, after that phone call Reynolds had a conversation with a department communications official, who was left with the “impression that President Trump wanted to see pictures that appeared to depict more spectators in the crowd,” according to the Guardian’s review of documents related to an Interior Department inspector general report. That NPS official, who was not named in the documents, reportedly shared those comments with investigators.

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer — who started his career in the West Wing by lying about the inauguration crowd size during an infamous press conference later that same day — also reportedly was involved in the quest for more favorable photos. According to the documents, Spicer repeatedly called the National Park Service on Jan. 21, 2017 asking for “photographs in which it appeared the inauguration crowd filled the majority of the space in the photograph.”

The photographer, whose name is redacted, told investigators that he felt that he had been instructed to crop the images, though he was not explicitly told to do so. It was unclear whether the images, which cropped out the empty space at the back of the National Mall, were released publicly.

EXCLUSIVE: George Papadopoulos Spills on Mueller Cooperation in First TV Interview With Jake Tapper

George Papadopoulos, the former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign and a figures at the center of the Russia investigation, will appear in his first-ever T.V. interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Friday, following his sentencing for the charge of giving false statements to the FBI.

CNN will air the exclusive hour-long special with Papadopoulos on Friday night at 10 p.m., sources told Mediaite.

In the interview — which has already been taped — Papadopoulos detailed to Tapper what he told Special Counsel Robert Mueller during his cooperation with the Russia probe, a CNN source said.

Other sources said multiple networks had been vying for the first interview with Papadopoulos, including ABC News and CBS News.

Friday’s broadcast will mark Papadopoulos’ first on-air interview, coming months after he was charged with lying to investigators. Mueller recommended a sentence of up to six months, but Papadopoulos faces a maximum of five years in prison.

Papadopoulos admitted lying about his contacts with Joseph Mifsud, a professor in London. Mifsud told Papadopoulos in 2016, while Papadopoulos was serving as an adviser on the Trump campaign, that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Investigators said Papadopoulos initially denied contact with the professor.

According to the CNN source, Papadopoulos also told Tapper about his contacts with Mifsud, and who else he spoke to during the campaign about the “dirt” the professor claimed the Russians had on Clinton.

Lawyers for Papadopoulos recently claimed that President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions encouraged him to set up a meeting between then-candidate Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 2016 campaign. The claim contradicts what Sessions told the Senate Judiciary Committee, when he testified that he pushed back on the proposal.
45 has a rally in Montana tonight so expect the following to be mentioned:

- A snitch / coward in the W.H.

- Failing New York Times / Fake News

- Kaepernick / Nike

- NFL / National Anthem

Don't forget the oldies...

- Crooked Hillary
- Pres. Obama
- Emails

Just in case the crowds start losing the steam in their rage