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Trump advisers quietly begin thinking about 'life after Sarah'

The press secretary says she has no plans to step down, but a shortlist of potential replacements is starting to take shape.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says publicly that she has no plans to leave the administration, but that hasn’t stopped some people close to President Donald Trump from contemplating “life after Sarah.”

Planning for her eventual exit is on the minds of many Trump advisers and staff members, according to interviews with nearly a dozen current and former administration officials and others close to the president.

Bill Shine, the newly appointed White House deputy chief of staff for communications, has quietly begun asking friends and associates for their opinions about who could succeed Sanders if she leaves in the coming months, according to two people familiar with those conversations.

Shine, in a brief interview, denied having such conversations. “I have not had a meeting or discussion about this,” he said last week, noting he had been on the job for only a short time. Shine praised Sanders and called her a “total team player."

Although no decisions have been made about successors, an unofficial shortlist is already emerging among Trump White House alumni, former campaign aides and other backers of the president.

At the top of the list is Heather Nauert, the current State Department spokeswoman and former Fox News host. Nauert has impressed White House aides with her steady performances in Foggy Bottom. Multiple people close to the White House pointed out that Nauert remained in Trump’s good graces even when the president soured on former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Nauert’s Fox News pedigree, paired with her close relationship with Trump and her ability to stay on message and remain calm under pressure, makes her a “no-brainer” for the job, according to one person close to the White House. Nauert, who did not respond to a request for comment, has told associates that she’s unsure whether she would want the job, but people who know her believe she’d take it if asked.

Other possibilities include Bill Hemmer, a Fox News reporter; Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host who recently left the network to join a pro-Trump outside group; Treasury Department spokesman Tony Sayegh, who worked closely with the White House on its overhaul of the tax code and used to be a Fox News contributor; and White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah.

Guilfoyle is dating Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., a fact that could complicate her appointment as press secretary, and several associates of the president said she is unlikely to get the job.

“There will be people who will want the job,” said former George W. Bush chief of staff Andrew Card. “The best way to get the job is not to apply.”

The prospect of losing Sanders, who is widely liked in the White House and is seen by her colleagues as a deft communicator and defender of the president, has some close to Trump in panic mode, worrying that it’ll be difficult to find a suitable replacement who can stand up to withering scrutiny from the public.

“Who would want that job?” one former administration official asked, summing up the feelings of many in Washington, who note that being the public face of Trump’s presidency can be a thankless and frequently impossible task.

At the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in April, the featured comedian singled out Sanders — who was sitting on the stage — as someone who “burns facts,” and more recently, she and her family were asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because the staff disagreed so strongly with Trump’s policies.

CBS News reported last month that Sanders, one of the few top officials who started with Trump in January 2017 and still remains in the West Wing, had told friends she expects to leave by the end of the year after serving as a top official since the start of the administration. Sanders, for her part, pushed back strongly on that report and has subsequently told colleagues that she has no current plans to resign. Sanders’ colleagues don’t believe she will step down anytime soon, and they insist that if she does, it’ll likely be after the midterms and on her own terms, not in response to a specific event.

Sanders declined to comment on the record for this story.

White House aides and Republicans close to the White House insist Shine does not want to push out Sanders, who has become a trusted ally of Trump’s in recent months — but pointed out that it’s good practice to start winnowing down a shortlist early.

“I’m proud that they are thinking about this early on and not getting jammed at the end,” said one veteran GOP communications strategist.

The topic of Sanders’ future is deeply sensitive in the West Wing, where aides don’t want to risk tainting their relationship with the press secretary by openly discussing her potential replacements.

The transition to a new press secretary is seen as the first major test of Shine’s tenure at the White House. One Republican who has spoken to multiple people in the White House said Shine wants to be prepared to have an orderly changeover.

Shine and others in the White House want a press secretary in the mold of the late Tony Snow, a former Fox News host who served as President George W. Bush’s lead spokesman, the Republican said. As a former journalist, Snow had the respect of many in the briefing room but still had the ability to aggressively counter reporters.

Others close to the process said they believe Shine will draw on his Fox News Rolodex when looking for candidates, adding that the White House wants someone who understands the mechanics of dealing with the press, has some degree of experience and credibility, has a good relationship with Trump and looks the part.

Trump himself, who frequently critiques his own press team and sees himself as a master communicator, is expected to play a central role in picking the next press secretary.

In the aftermath of the departure of White House communications director Hope Hicks, who left a gaping hole at the top of Trump’s team when she stepped down earlier this year, some in the West Wing have come to believe that they have to be prepared for the eventual departure of Sanders, who has emerged as one of the administration’s most high-profile public faces, according to another Republican close to the White House.

“Bill is looking for someone to push back aggressively without looking like Sean,” the Republican said, referring to former Trump White House press secretary Sean Spicer, who lacked credibility with reporters.



US Intel Agencies Can Construct Semblance Of What Putin, Trump Discussed

As Russia brags about “verbal agreements” that Vladimir Putin reached with President Donald Trump last week, and U.S. officials scramble to understand what that actually means, sources familiar with intelligence gathering practices tell Politico that the U.S. intelligence community can likely provide some clarity.

A top-secret U.S. intelligence collection service that “specializes in tapping adversaries’ communications on the fly,” in Politico’s words, might have gained access to discussions between Putin’s team last week in Helsinki. Sources familiar with the intel service told Politico that the Special Collection Service recorded Putin’s readout of his one-on-one meeting with Trump and likely has access to information about Kremlin officials’ honest response to the summit.

That intel could prove crucial as U.S. officials are reportedly unsure about what the two world leaders discussed or agreed to during their private meeting. Russia’s ambassador to the United States told the media in Moscow on Wednesday that Trump and Putin had reached several “verbal agreements” on weapons treaties and Syria. Putin also told the media over the weekend that he and Trump had discussed a referendum on Ukraine, which the White House swiftly denounced.

Trump tweeted on Monday, attempting to squash reports that he was manipulated by Putin.

“I gave up NOTHING” to Putin, he said.

Trump Legal Team: POTUS Would Sit For Mueller’s Collusion Questions, But No Obstruction

President Donald Trump’s legal team has offered to allow Trump to sit for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, under the condition that he only be asked questions about collusion and not obstruction of justice, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the WSJ that despite eight months of negotiations between the two parties, the chance of an interview is “still on the table.” It’s unclear whether Mueller’s team would accept the Trump team offer. Last year, The New York Times reported on a list of questions that Mueller would like to ask Trump and the majority were related to his decision to fire former FBI director James Comey.

Mueller’s team is probing whether the Trump campaign aided Russia in its efforts to interfere in the 2016 election and whether Trump sought to obstruct justice by firing Comey in May 2017. At the time, Trump indicated in an interview with NBC that he had ousted Comey over the “Russia thing.”

Giuliani told the WSJ that the “we think the obstruction of it is handled by Article 2 of the Constitution,” referencing a president’s jurisdiction to hire and fire members of an administration as he or she pleases.


Cohen Chills On Trump, Asks Friends: Do They Think I’m ‘Going To Roll Over And Die?’

After President Trump dumped Michael Cohen on Twitter for recording private conversations with him, Cohen has expressed a sense of resilience to close friends.

“If they think for a second that the efforts to discredit me aren’t known to me, they are sadly mistaken,” Cohen has told friends, referencing Trump and his legal team, according to Vanity Fair. “Did they think I was just going to roll over and die?”

Cohen has also confided in friends that he deeply regrets that the whole investigation might have embarrassed first lady Melania Trump and reportedly has said he’d like to apologize to her one day.

Cohen’s house, hotel and office were raided this spring. The FBI seized millions of records, including the at least 12 tapes that prosecutors now possess. At least one of the tapes is a recording of a conversation Trump had with Cohen about a payment he made to a former Playboy model.

Cohen has not been charged with a crime, but he is under criminal investigation for his financial dealings, including the hush money he gave to ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal and porn actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. Both have alleged having affairs with Trump.

Trump tweeted over the weekend suggesting it was “perhaps illegal” for a lawyer to record a client without their permission. In private, Trump was reportedly hurt by the news of the recordings, lamenting “I can’t believe Michael would do this to me.”

Lou Dobbs: Dismantle the FBI Because ‘The Deep State is Armed and Dangerous’

Happy Tuesday. Here’s a healthy dose of cray-cray courtesy of Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs.

Dobbs suggested to his guest, National Review’s Andy McCarthy, that the FBI should be taken apart because “as long as they are there, the deep state is armed and dangerous.”

“Let me speak up though for my own experience which has always been that whatever was going on in headquarters, the rank-and-file of the FBI has always been very effective,” McCarthy said — trying to wave Dobbs off of the wacko train that he was inevitably about to run straight into a wall.

“I can see you with your heart reaching out to the old institution that you served. We appreciate that,” Dobbs told McCarthy. “But this is not the same institution. It is not the same people, and the leadership sure as hell isn’t the same.”

“These are, these are the smallest people imaginable that we could have at the top of those once storied institutions,” he continued. “They have become a blight on this society, a burden on our people, and to get citizens and we don’t know where the national security interests rests because, frankly, those intelligence agencies that include the FBI have so skewered it, I don’t know if it is ever retrievable.”

Well, Andy, at least you tried. But the cuckoo cannot be contained.


Jeff Sessions Laughs, Joins Chants of ‘Lock Her Up’ During Speech to High Schoolers

Attorney General Jeff Sessions laughed as he joined chants of “lock her up” during a speech he gave to a gathering of high schoolers on Tuesday in Washington D.C.

Sessions gave an address at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit — in which lamented that freedom of speech and thought are under attack on college campuses. At one point, the room brought back a Trump rally classic and started chanting for Hillary Clinton‘s imprisonment.

“Look her up,” Sessions repeated to the crowd — chuckling as he did so.

That moment from Sessions is a bit of a contrast from yesterday’s address by Nikki Haley. The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations warned the conference on Monday that political debates aren’t won just by saying something to “own the libs.”

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Trump Says ‘We Don’t Apologize For America’ a Week After Blaming U.S. For Bad Russia Relations

Today, President Donald Trump delivered a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City, during which he told the largely military audience that unlike in the past, nobody is apologizing for America anymore.

“We don’t apologize for America anymore,” said the President to wild cheering. “We stand up for America. We stand up for the patriots who defend America.”

After a bit of applause, he added. “And we stand up for our national anthem.”

As CNN’s Jake Tapper pointed out on Twitter, Trump delivered this applause line just a week after tweeting that America was responsible for bad relations with Russia, and saying to the world that “the United States has been foolish” in foreign policy.


Trump: NBC Story Made Me Want To Say ‘I Gotta Do Something About This Trump’

While leading a crowd of veterans at a Veterans of Foreign Wars gathering in Kansas City, Missouri in shouting down the media, President Donald Trump said he saw a story on NBC News that was so negative “I wanted to say, ‘I gotta do something about this Trump.’”

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” he said, a command that was reportedly met with boos and hisses from the crowd. “I mean, I saw a piece on NBC today– NBC, not just CNN. CNN’s the worst. But I saw a piece on NBC. It was heart throbbing. They were interviewing people. They probably go through 20 and then pick the one that sounds like the worst. But they went through a group of people. In fact, I wanted to say, ‘I got to do something about this Trump.’”

Trump is in full Orange Führer mode today...