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Kimberly Guilfoyle Reportedly Set to Depart Fox News

It appears that Kimberly Guilfoyle is on her way out at Fox News…

Vanity Fair‘s Gabriel Sherman first reported the news, based on three sources, that the longtime host is departing the network after more than a decade. She joined in 2006, and served as a host on a series of shows, from Outnumberedto, most recently, The Five.

According to ABC News, Guilfoyle is expected to join America First, a pro-Trump Super PAC.

Though a departure from Fox is abrupt and unexpected, the move into pro-Trump politics isn’t too surprising: last year, Trump was reported to have considered Guilfoyle to replace Sean Spicer as White House press secretary, a job she publicly lobbied for.

She has recently become a fixture in the gossip rags thanks to her relationship with Donald Trump Jr., the president’s maladroit son. The couple jetted off on a trip to Europe last week, posting social media dispatches from Paris and Monaco. In her absence, a series of Fox News contributors have filled in for Guilfoyle on The Five.

If Guilfoyle is indeed headed to America First, she’d be joining an organization with some baggage: Mediate reported earlier this year that a policy adviser for the Super PAC was caught on video expressing his disappointment that the Nazis “didn’t keep going”
Well given how average looking she is I’m assuming she must’ve gone hard in bed like a Grade A Russian whore.. Since she kept growing her list of Republican contacts.. She had those family values hypocrites seeing that white light...
so more than 1 repub smashed?
This is based on nothing but I guarantee it was several. Scott Walker is one I saw confirmed.
to even mention shit after a smash is crazy.


these are the people in power.

niggas cant fuck and talk about the wire or what ghost did on power?
nah, they gotta tell top level secrets.

and wheres that pussy right now?

i cant even be mad at the chick.

New Profile Pic: Russian Foreign Ministry Launches #FreeMariaButina Campaign

Russia’s Foreign Ministry took to Twitter Thursday to publicize its support of alleged Russian agent Mariia Butina after she was indicted this week on conspiracy against the U.S. and acting as an unregistered foreign agent.

Using the hashtag #FreeMariaButina, the Russian MFA’s official Twitter account also urged Twitter users to change their profile photo to one with Butina’s image. So far, it appears that suggestion isn’t catching on.

The Russia MFA’s endorsement of the alleged Russian agent comes on the heels of Tuesday’s indictment that accuses Butina of spending years forging connections with top conservative officials, including many associated with a “gun rights organization,” “for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation.”

On Monday, the Russia MFA retweeted President Donald Trump’s criticism of U.S.-Russia relations, blaming years of poor dialogue with Russia on his predecessors and the Russia probe.


More Tapes! Trump Shocked To Learn Cohen Recorded Number Of Their Calls

CNN reported Friday that President Trump’s longtime attorney Michael Cohen secretly recorded multiple conversations between the two, including one about a payment made to a former Playboy model who says she slept with Trump.

According to CNN, the President had no idea the calls were being recorded. When he learned this week about the tapes, which are now in the possession of the FBI, he reportedly said, “I can’t believe Michael would do this to me.”

The New York Times broke the news earlier Friday that Cohen had recorded a fall 2016 call in which he and Trump discussed paying Karen McDougal to keep her quiet about her alleged 2006 affair with the president.

All of the recordings were seized in April when the FBI executed search warrants on Cohen’s premises as part of a criminal investigation into his finances. Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani confirmed the existence of the McDougal tape, but said the two-minute call showed no wrongdoing on Trump’s behalf and was actually “powerful exculpatory evidence.”

The McDougal tape appears to be the only Trump-Cohen recording “of substance,” according to a source of CNN’s Dana Bash.

But Bash noted on air that Cohen apparently recorded his calls not just with Trump but with “people around the president” and other “significant individuals.” CNN did not name any of those other individuals.

In addition to working as a longtime fixer for Trump and the Trump Organization, Cohen arranged a hush money deal for powerful GOP donor Elliott Broidy and did legal work for Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Something Doesn’t Add Up About Cohen’s Taped Discussion with Trump About Paying Playboy Model

On Friday, The New York Times published a report about how the FBI is in possession of a recording of a conversation Michael Cohen had with Donald Trump about paying a Playboy model who claimed to have had an affair with him. The article eventually states that the woman in question is Karen McDougal, which raises some questions as to just what on earth was going on here.

McDougal, as you’ll recall, said she had a 10-month relationship with Trump back in 2006 and 2007. In 2016, she signed a contract that was basically a hush agreement with AMI, the publisher of the National Enquirer. That deal gave the Enquirer the rights to McDougal’s story. She was no longer allowed to talk about it, and the tabloid sat on the story, effectively burying it in the months before the election.

McDougal signed her deal on August 6, 2016, three months before the presidential election, yet the Times report indicates that the recorded conversation took place two months before the election. Why would Cohen and Trump be discussing the idea of paying someone who already got paid? It doesn’t make sense, which is why I think there is more to the story here.

Another issue is the fact that both the Times in their reporting of the tape and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani‘s response to the tape refer to “payments.” As in, plural. Why would they be considering multiple payments? Could it be that McDougal wasn’t the only one they were talking about, if they were even talking about her at all?

A New York Magazine piece in May 2018 speculated that Trump could have been involved with former Playboy model Shera Bechard. Bechard had reportedly signed an agreement–using the same attorney as McDougal and Stormy Daniels, and the same aliases as the ones used in Daniels’ agreement–to keep quiet about a relationship of her own. The man involved has been said to have been Trump associate and Republican fundraiser Elliot Broidy, but the NYMag writer wondered if Trump was really the man involved.

Could it be that Trump and Cohen were talking about payments to McDougal and Bechard? Or perhaps someone else entirely Certainly, there’s nothing to confirm this one way or the other, but the news about the recorded conversation does raise a lot of questions.
He’s back to playing the greatest hits again..

wtf? why did he stop? Keep going fuck boy "3rd time kneeling he is tarred and feathered. 4th time kneeling his wife/gf is gang raped and murdered. 5th time kneeling he is burned alive!" smh foh!