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He invited Putin to the White House in the fall lmao......they better pat that fool down three times....and check anything he brings w him
Sherriff "Soft Shoe" Clarke and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker are next on that Summer Jam screen

Ex-Sheriff David Clarke’s 2015 trip expenses paid by alleged Russian agent’s group


Butina appears to be seated behind Clarke in a video of the NRA delegation's tour of Russian firearms company Orsis. The video, posted by Orsis deputy chief executive Stanislav Novoselov, shows Clarke being complimented for his shooting ability while test-firing a gun.

At the end of the video, Clarke and other members of the NRA group receive watches from Orsis.



Butina is now charged with being a covert Russian agent.

In a criminal complaint, the Justice Department says her job was to "identify and exploit personal connections with U.S. persons having influence in American politics."

The complaint does not name any Americans.

In a photo posted by Butina's group, The Right to Bear Arms, she and Clarke are posing in a group photo in front of a sign that reads, "Welcome to Russia comrades."


The Right to Bear Arms paid $1,200 for Clarke's meals -- an average of $200 per day he was in the country, according to Clarke's financial disclosure form.

Butina's group also paid $3,000 for Clarke's hotel, $1,000 for his transportation in Russia and $800 for an expense labeled "excursions."


The NRA paid for the rest of Clarke's $40,000 expenses for a 16-day overseas trip that also included a stop in Israel.


Clarke was not the only Wisconsin politician to meet Butina.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker met the Russian woman during an event in Tennessee during the run-up to Walker's short-lived presidential campaign in 2015. Butina also attended Walker's campaign launch event, according to her Facebook page.

In a blog post, Butina praised Walker and said the two had a conversation.

Walker's campaign has said Butina got a photo with the governor, but that's as far as it went. The governor has not spoken publicly about the interaction.

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All the GOP lawmakers who fucked her gotta be sweating bullets right now

I know he ain't in Congress, but for shits and giggles I hope it comes out that the Coon Train conductor had an affair with the Russian bish. lol

Shine Was Questioned By Fed Prosecutors Probing Sexual Harassment At Fox News

Newly minted White House Communications Director Bill Shine, formerly of Fox News, was reportedly subpoenaed by a federal grand jury in New York last year to answer questions about Fox News’ handling of sexual harassment complaints, The New York Times reported Friday.

Shine was ousted from Fox News last year and has been accused in several lawsuits of allegedly helping to enable or hide sexual misconduct by Fox News’ founding chairman Roger Ailes.

Shine voluntarily spoke with federal prosecutors in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke to the Times. It’s unclear what Shine was asked, but a personal involved in the investigation told the Times that around the same time as Shine’s questioning, prosecutors were investigating whether Shine intimidated or discredited women who complained of sexual harassment at Fox.

Shine was never charged, according to the Times and Ailes died in May of last year. The probe is reportedly no longer active.

UVA Professors And Alumni Protest ‘Unconscionable’ Marc Short Hiring

After Legislative Director Marc Short leaves his post at the White House Friday, he’ll head to the University of Virginia to teach at the business school and serve as a senior fellow in the school’s public policy wing, starting in August.

But professors, alumni and others have started an online petition to oppose the university’s “unconscionable” appointment of Short, calling the decision particularly egregious given the upcoming one-year anniversary of the deadly white nationalist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia and the Trump administration’s response to the incident.

“The university should not serve as a waystation for high-level members of an administration that has directly harmed our community and to this day attacks the institutions vital to a free society — the very thing that the University of Virginia, as an institution of higher education, is meant to protect,” the petition said.

Those who signed the petition are concerned that allowing Short on campus could become a “source of trauma” for those still impacted and “healing” from the attack, where one person was killed and dozens injured when a man affiliated with white supremacists drove his car through a crowd of counter protesters.

“As we approach the first anniversary of the white nationalist violence against this university, this town, and our friends, neighbors, students, faculty and staff — all of whom are represented among the injured — it is unconscionable that we would add to our university a person who served in a high-level position for the administration that first empowered, then defended, those white nationalists,” the petition said.

While President Trump did eventually condemn white supremacists, he infamously blamed “both sides” for violence during an unhinged press conference in the days following the attack.

When reached by Politico, Short said “I think we could have done a better job expressing sympathy for the victims and outrage at those who perpetrated this evil.”

Trump Slams Rate Increases By Independent Federal Reserve

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Thursday cast aside concerns about the Federal Reserve’s independence, saying he was “not happy” with the Fed’s recent interest rate increases.

Trump told CNBC in an interview: “I don’t like all of this work that we’re putting into the economy and then I see rates going up.”

Last month, the Fed raised its benchmark rate for a second time this year and projected two more increases in 2018. Its rate hikes are meant to prevent the economy from overheating and igniting high inflation. But rate increases also make borrowing costlier for households and companies and can weaken the pace of growth. In particular, the Fed’s most recent rate hikes could dilute some of the benefit of the tax cuts Trump signed into law last year.

The president acknowledged that his comments about the Fed would likely raise concerns. The central bank has long been seen as needing to operate free of political pressure from the White House or elsewhere to properly manage interest rate policy.

The Fed’s dual mandate is to maximize employment and stabilize prices. By maintaining its independence, the central bank can make politically contentious decisions to combat economic challenges, like the huge bond purchases it made after the 2008 financial crisis to help drive down long-term rates to support the economy.

That policy drew rebukes from many Republican lawmakers.

In February, Jerome Powell, Trump’s hand-picked choice, became Fed chairman. Last week, Powell said in an interview with the radio program Marketplace that he didn’t expect to face pressure from the White House.

“We have a long tradition here of conducting policy in a particular way, and that way is independent of all political concerns,” Powell said. “We do our work in a strictly nonpolitical way, based on detailed analysis, which we put on the record transparently.”

He added, “No one in the administration has said anything to me that really gives me concern on this front.”

The reaction to Trump’s remarks in the financial markets was muted. The U.S. dollar fell to 112.46 yen from 112.84 yen earlier, and yields on Treasurys dipped slightly.

After Trump’s interview with CNBC was made public, Lindsay Walters, a White House spokeswoman, said the president “respects the independence of the Fed.”

“The president’s views on interest rates are well-known, and his comments today are a reiteration of those long held positions, and public comments,” Walters said.

Speaking about Fed policy in his interview with CNBC, Trump said he is “letting them do what they feel is best.”

But his comments raised alarms, including with some former Fed officials who saw in his remarks a possible effort to apply public pressure on the central bank.

“I am not pleased,” said Carl Tannenbaum, a former Chicago Fed official and chief economist at Northern Trust. “The remarks certainly aren’t an immediate threat to Fed independence, but they break with the tradition of respectful distance.”

Randall Kroszner, a former Fed governor, said the central bank has withstood political pressure before and will continue to do so under Powell’s leadership.

“The Fed has often faced political pressures — from Congress, presidents, Treasury secretaries and innumerable outside groups,” said Kroszner, an economics professor at the University of Chicago. “My experience at the Fed is consistent with what Jay Powell recently said — being non-political is deep in the Fed’s DNA — and I believe that Jay will keep it that way.”

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump was highly critical of the Fed and accused its policymakers of keeping rates at ultra-low levels to favor Democrats. But he also told CNBC during the campaign that he is a “low interest-rate-person.”

Past efforts to apply political pressure on the Fed have sometimes hurt the economy.

President Richard Nixon encouraged Arthur Burns, the Fed chairman at the time, to help boost economic growth ahead of Nixon’s 1972 landslide re-election. That episode ultimately triggered runaway inflation that took a decade to tame and required raising the Fed’s policy rate above 15 percent — more than eight times the rate’s current average.

George H.W. Bush’s administration complained that he felt the Fed’s failure to cut rates more quickly in 1992 contributed to his re-election defeat that year.

When Robert Rubin led President Bill Clinton’s National Economic Council, he adopted a rule of never commenting on the Fed’s actions — a policy that was subsequently followed by the George W. Bush and Obama administrations.

Trump-Coats Tension On The Rise: ‘Coats Has Gone Rogue’

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats’ visible shock when he found out about President Donald Trump’s inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House mid-televised interview is just the latest hint of the rising tension between the two men.

According to a Thursday Washington Post report, White House aides were so concerned that Coats would quit after he made comments signaling his disapproval of Trump Helsinki’s performance that they told Trump to praise Coats specifically during his CBS interview. A transcript was sent to Coats afterwards to make sure he didn’t miss the President’s comments.

Staffers were in an uproar again on Thursday, when Coats said that he would have advised against the Putin-Trump one on one at the Aspen Security Forum and said “that’s going to be special,” in reaction to Trump’s inviting Putin to Washington.

Some think that the President will perceive the comments as Coats making fun of him, and will feel betrayed that Coats mocked him so soon after he publicly praised him.

“Coats has gone rogue,” a senior White House official told the Post.

Trump Tells CNBC He’s ‘Ready’ to Impose Tariffs on Every Chinese Good Imported to US

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen interviewed President Donald Trump this week in an exclusive that aired on Squawk Box Friday morning, that focused heavily on the economy and only lightly on politics. During that interview, the President quintupled down on his tariff and trade war policy.

President Trump said he is “ready” to impose more tariffs on China to “level the playing field.”

“I’m ready to go to 500,” he said.

That’s $500 billion, and means the President is saying he’s prepared to impose tariffs on more imports than he already has.

The President began his explanation, in answer to a prompt from Kernen that the economy is “hot” right now, by suggesting his trade war and domestic economic policy are working.

“What I really am happy about is, a lot of cash is coming back in through the billions and trillions of dollars, as you know, that was overseas, where companies were locked and they couldn’t get it back,” he said. “Now it’s coming back hundreds of millions of dollars at a clip, and also, companies are coming back to our country. We have record numbers of companies coming back in, they’re coming back—they’re pouring back in.”

The President expressed some concern over the Fed raising rates but indicated that he was leaving those decisions up to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. He segued from that back into trade.

“I don’t like all of this work that goes into doing what we’re doing. You look at the Euro, you look at what’s going on with the EU and they are not doing what we are doing and we already have somewhat of a disadvantage, although I am turning that into an advantage,” he said.

“You know last year and for years we have been losing $150 billion dollars with the EU nations with the European union and they are making money easy and their currency is falling,” he continued. “In China, their currency is dropping like a rock and our currency is going up and I have to tell you it puts us at a disadvantage.”

In other words, our currency gains are bad for the trade war. “Basically, President Trump just said if our currency gets too strong, ‘it hurts in my efforts to cut down the trade deficit and to export more,” said Kernen, characterizing Trump’s remarks on Squawk Box after the interview aired.

Trump said he was saying now exactly what he would say as a private citizen and didn’t care about any political fallout “I see China where, I mean look at what’s happening with their currency, it is dropping like a rock,” he added.

Kernen replied that this was “partly because some of the trade…”

Trump again indicated it was his trade war working. “Well it’s also because I think I’m helping, OK. You want to know the truth, because I’m doing something, we’re going to you know, we’re going to level out the playing field” he said.

Kernen asked if Trump was seeing “signs, some glimmers” that the tariffs are working punitively to force trading partners in line.

“Tremendous hope,” said Trump. “100%.”

Kernen also pointed out that former Trump adviser Steve Bannon said this week that China was “scared” because of the trade war.

“Yeah. I don’t want them to be scared. I want them to do well,” he said. :I really like President Xi a lot, but it was very unfair, so I raised 50. We’re down 500. Now some people would say $375 billion. I’m not talking about million. I’m not talking about pennies. I’m talking about – we’re down $375 billion, but other estimates could say 507, it doesn’t matter,” he explained, referring to the trade deficit. “We’re down a tremendous amount. I raised 50, and they matched us. I said, ‘You don’t match us. You can’t match us because otherwise we’re always going to be behind the 8-ball.'”

So far, the administration has imposed tariffs on approximately $35 to $50 billion of Chinese imports. “I raised 50” as the President is quoted above. China responded in kind with taxes on about the same amount of U.S. goods. “They matched us” as the President put it. Trump estimated the total deficit about $500 billion, so Kernen asked if he was willing to go the full monty.

“Would you ever get to 500, though?” Kernen asked.

“I’m ready to go to 500,” he said.

The President is saying he’s prepared to take the trade war with China all the way, and impose tariffs on $500 billion of Chinese imports, or about 10 times the current amount, even if they continue to respond in kind.

Kerned indicated that such dramatic action could have a negative effect on our economy. “What if the stock market were to go down?”

“well, if it does, it does,” said Trump.

The President even indicated that the effect on the midterms of a downturning economy weren’t on his mind. “Look, I’m not doing this for politics,” he said.

He also said that the trade deficit was simply the product of previous presidents never taking action, in a rather lengthy remark, quoted below.

We have been ripped off by China for a long time and I told that to President Xi. I said, ‘How did this ever happen?’ And you know what their answer is? Because I deal with the highest echelons of China. One of the great people of China said, “There was never anybody to talk to in the United States. We would put on a trade barrier, where you couldn’t sell cars, or you couldn’t sell beef, or you couldn’t sell your farm products. We would put it on, and nobody would talk to us in the United States, so we said, ‘Hey, that’s great!’ Then we’d put on another one. We’d put on a tariff on cars – 25% – and you’d charge us virtually nothing – 2.5%. But they don’t pay it. So we would do this and nobody would talk. We’d start off at a lower number. We’d raise it, we’d raise it. Nobody would ever complain until you came along.” Me. And they said, “Now you’re doing more than complaining. We don’t like what you’re doing.” You know, they think I’m doing maybe too much, but of course they’re going to think that. But for many years – and I’m not just saying Obama. I’m saying Bush, and I’m saying long before, they had nobody. And it’s very interesting because I actually asked them the question, “So we’re down 507 – recently – we’re down $507 billion in trade deficits. How did it happen?” And they told me, ‘Nobody ever complained. Nobody ever talked to us.’

Transcript via CNBC.

So in the trade war, the President is prepared to go all the way to 500, and, as CNBC put it in analysis after the interview, to use the dollar as “a weapon in the President’s trade war”, in both cases even supposing there is a negative effect domestically.


‘People Are Just Depressed’: Trump-Putin Presser Crushes WH Morale

White House staffers who initially planned to leave their jobs after the midterm elections are considering getting out sooner because of President Donald Trump’s performance during a press conference with Vladimir Putin Monday, and his fumbled attempts to clean up his remarks ever since.

According to Politico, morale hasn’t been this low in the White House since Trump blamed “both sides” for violence following the attack of counter-protesters at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last year.

“People are just depressed,” a Republican close to the White House told Politico. “Nobody wants to take on the public heat of resigning right now, but there are a bunch of people who were thinking maybe they’d leave after the midterms who are very seriously starting to consider accelerating their timetable.”

While staffers may reportedly be eying the exits over Trump’s discombobulated messaging on Russian interference in the 2016 election, senior officials like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton don’t plan to resign because his comments won’t have any concrete impact on policy, Politico reported.

While in Helsinki this week, Trump stood beside Putin and publicly supported the Kremlin chief’s denial of meddling in U.S. elections in 2016, despite declarations to the contrary from his own intelligence agency. Trump made a rare retraction on Tuesday, at the behest of top officials like Vice President Mike Pence and Chief of Staff John Kelly, and told reporters that he misspoke during the presser.

Then, on Wednesday, he appeared to break with his intelligence community’s assessment that Russia is still actively targeting the U.S., but press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders cleaned up that mess for him, telling reporters that Trump’s “no” was an indication that he didn’t want to take any more press questions, not that he didn’t think the U.S. was under attack.
