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2040 sounds like it’s real far away but keep in mind that we’re also 22 years away from 1996

trump may be planning with putin.

putin placing forces on a weak border of nato as trump says nato needs to pay more for the US protection and support.
with all them troops on the border building up, they may pay because they are scared.

kinda like 9/11. if someone can kill 3000 people lets kill them.

create a problem and then solve it
watch niggas still buy bmws and stunt talking bout i paid more because of tariffs....i got doe nigga. they cant stop me.

Ryan Backs Jordan Over Wrestlers, Calls Him Man Of ‘Honesty’ And ‘Integrity’

House Speaker Paul Ryan addressed the allegations swirling around Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) — that he knew about and ignored widespread sexual abuse on the Ohio State University wrestling team he coached — in a press conference Wednesday, standing behind his “friend,” a man of “honesty” and “integrity.”

“Jim Jordan is a friend of mine,” Ryan said. “We haven’t always agreed with each other over the years, but I’ve always known Jim to be a man of honesty and integrity. I also want to make sure that Ohio State conducts the review of this doctor and what he did — that’s important so campuses are safe. I’m glad Jim is supporting that review.”

Ryan continued, addressing a letter sent Monday by former ethics czar Norm Eisen and president of nonprofit Democracy 21 Fred Wertheimer calling for an Office of Congressional Ethics investigation into Jordan’s conduct.

“With respect to ethics, the Ethics Committee here investigates things that members do while they’re here, not things that happened a couple decades ago when they weren’t in Congress,” Ryan said.

Jordan has consistently denied any knowledge of the abuse many former wrestlers say they suffered at the hands of team doctor Richard Strauss. Jordan launched a full-scale PR defense Tuesday to fight back against the, as of Wednesday afternoon, eight accusations leveled by former wrestlers who say that Jordan did know about the abuse and is lying about his ignorance.

Jordan Launches Full-Scale PR Defense As Wrestlers’ Accusations Mount

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is pulling out all the stops in a sweeping damage control effort as more former Ohio State wrestlers come forward to accuse him of being negligent of and later lying about rampant sexual abuse on the team while he was coach.

According to a Tuesday Politico report, Jordan has hired the conservative PR firm Shirley & Banister Public Affairs. The firm got to work immediately, launching StandWithJimJordan.com, a website plastered with statements of support for the embattled congressman.

“We reached out to Jim as soon as we saw the story,” Diana Banister, the Shirley & Banister employee spearheading the effort, told Politico. “We reached out to the congressman because he’s a friend. He has a situation on his hands, and we wanted to be of help, of counsel, whatever we could do for him.”

Jordan has consistently denied any knowledge of the abuse many former wrestlers say they suffered at the hands of team doctor Richard Strauss, who committed suicide in 2005. Ohio State University has since opened an investigation into Strauss’ behavior.

Jordan’s colleagues in Congress are rallying to his side, choosing to disregard the stories of, as of Wednesday morning, eight former wrestlers on Jordan’s team.

“I 100 percent support Jim Jordan. He is a man of integrity and honor, and always fights for the underdog,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) told reporters Tuesday. “He was an assistant coach … one of many coaches. And to suggest this was somehow Jim Jordan’s fault? That’s just not accurate.”

“I don’t know happened 20 years ago at Ohio State, but the only person I know in this whole thing is Jim, and Jim to me has been an honest person — all the time,” Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) also said Tuesday. “I think if he saw something, he would say something.”

“I have always known Jim Jordan to be honest, and I’m confident he would stand up for his athletes, just like he’s always stood up for what’s right,” Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said Tuesday in a statement. “I’m glad that Jim is committed to working with the investigators to see that the full truth comes out and justice is served.”

Many have less faith in Jordan’s claims of ignorance. On Monday, ethics experts requested an Office of Congressional Ethics probe into Jordan’s denials and past conduct, requesting that the investigation be handed over to the House Ethics Committee if any wrongdoing is found.


Jim Jordan: ‘To Think That I Would Not Stand Up For My Athletes Is Ridiculous’

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said Wednesday that it was “ridiculous” to think he wouldn’t have stood up for student wrestlers at Ohio State University if he truly knew a school doctor was sexually abusing them, as some former wrestlers have claimed.

“I’m telling the truth,” Jordan told reporters. “Look, I stood up to the speaker of the house from my home state, I stood up to the IRS and I’ve stood up to the FBI. To think that I would not stand up for my athletes is ridiculous.”

After news first broke last week that former OSU wrestlers had accused Jordan of knowingly ignoring the late Dr. Richard Strauss sexual’s abuse when Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at the school, the rightwing Ohio congressman has continued to deny knowledge of what the wrestlers say was systematic and widely known behavior.

More and more former wrestlers have since claimed Jordan knew what was going on. The congressman in turn hired a conservative PR firm as former coaches and fellow Republican congressman have come to his defense.


Jim Jordan Calls CNN ‘Desperate’ For Reporting On Him

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said Wednesday that CNN was “contacting all 100+ of our former staff and interns asking for dirt on me.” Jordan said the network was “Getting desperate!”

The rightwing congressman has been accused by several former Ohio State University wrestlers of ignoring the late Dr. Richard Strauss’ alleged widespread sexual abuse of students when Jordan was an assistant coach on the team.

Jordan has maintained that he did not know about the abuse, saying earlier Wednesday, “To think that I would not stand up for my athletes is ridiculous.”

Meanwhile, the number of wrestlers accusing Jordan of ignoring the abuse has continued to increase.

CNN did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.