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It funny this proves there isn't one type of brexit everyone got a different opinion on how it should be yet David Cameron thought a in out ballot was sensible.

It was a stupid binary choice question because he didn't think the public were stupid enough to vote leave. No one planned towards a leave vote.

Ginni Thomas: Jordan Is ‘Under Attack’ For ‘Threatening Elites’

Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, shared a Facebook post Monday claiming that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was being falsely accused of lying about his knowledge of rampant sexual assault while coaching wrestling at Ohio State University.

“Jim Jordan is under attack, with false accusations, because he threatens the elite,” she wrote on the post with the video below.

Jordan has now been accused by seven former Ohio State University wrestlers of lying about his ignorance of the sexual abuse many players suffered at the hands of team doctor Richard Strauss.

The university has opened an investigation into the now-deceased Strauss’ conduct and ethics experts are calling on the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Jordan’s claims of ignorance.
The UK’s Brexit crisis, explained in 500 words
Here’s your small guide to a huge problem.

Boris Johnson resigned as foreign secretary on Monday over Prime Minister Theresa May’s “Brexit” terms.
Jack Taylor/Getty Images

A huge political fight has erupted in the UK government over Brexit — Britain’s controversial decision to break away from the European Union — and it could bring down Prime Minister Theresa May.

In the last 24 hours, three members of May’s cabinet — Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, Brexit Minister David Davis, and the minister for the Department for Exiting the EU, Steve Baker — quit the government in protest over May’s handling of negotiations with the European Union.

Here’s what’s going on: In June 2016 the UK held a referendum on whether to stay in the EU or cut ties with the political and economic bloc.

Pro-Brexit advocates made seven main arguments for why the UK should leave the EU. The key ones were that their country could no longer control its borders and that it put more money into the EU than it received. Leaving the EU, so their argument went, would allow Britain to regain its sovereignty and economic independence.

The result: Fifty-two percent of the British public voted to leave. “Brexit,” the “British exit” from the EU, would take place on March 29, 2019.

Then came the hard part: negotiating a Brexit with EU leaders.

May came to power shortly after the Brexit vote, promising to be a steady hand in the negotiations. She even brought into her government pro-Brexit politicians, including Johnson, Baker, and Davis.

Over time concern grew that May would agree to a “soft Brexit.” That’s the nickname for a model based on Norway’s relationship with the EU: It isn’t in the union but still has access to Europe’s single market. To follow that model, the UK must mostly allow the free flow of goods, services, money, and people.

That’s a no-go for the pro-Brexit crowd, who prefer a “hard Brexit,” like Canada’s relationship with Britain. Under that model, the UK-EU relationship would be governed by international law — not EU law — and Britain could restrict immigration. Basically, the UK would be just another country with no special ties to the EU, just like Canada.

May’s cabinet is deeply divided between those two camps, and time is running out for her to present her terms to the EU.

Last Friday May sequestered her entire cabinet to hammer out a compromise. After a 12-hour meeting, May emerged with a plan the group “collectively” agreed on: The UK would seek a “free-trade area” with the EU for industrial and agricultural goods, preserving its access to EU markets and governed by a “common rule book.”

But there wasn’t a consensus: For Johnson and other hardcore Brexiteers, the plan was too soft. “It seems to me we’re giving too much away, too easily,” Davis said.

So they quit in protest.

Now, May’s entire party is in turmoil, with some members threatening to challenge her leadership if she doesn’t change course. Which means that the UK prime minister may be about to fall — just days before President Donald Trump is set to meet with her.

Excuse me for my ignorance but Brexit seems so stupid to me for the simple premise that if it all goes according to plan... the EU would have a ridiculous amount of leverage to manipulate the UK to whatever it wants.

Theres no way the UK comes out of this unscathed, and I cant see any other way than London having to make the vast majority of concessions for it to even be possible.

Is that what they want? Or are they fantasizing about pipe dreams of the UK having the same sway as the imperial days?
Excuse me for my ignorance but Brexit seems so stupid to me for the simple premise that if it all goes according to plan... the EU would have a ridiculous amount of leverage to manipulate the UK to whatever it wants.

Theres no way the UK comes out of this unscathed, and I cant see any other way than London having to make the vast majority of concessions for it to even be possible.

Is that what they want?

They are fantasizing about pipe dreams of the UK having the same sway as the imperial days.

Yes exactly that.

During Talk With Putin, Trump Reportedly Knocked His Own ‘Stupid’ Officials Who Tried to Stop the Call

Remember the infamous “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” call? Well, a new report reveals another tidbit of information on what President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin talked about during that conversation.

The revelation comes at the end of a big new report from The New York Timespreviewing Trump’s relationship with Putin and NATO ahead of the big NATO summit.

There are concerns among some world leaders about what Trump could do and say during the meeting, and Trump himself recently criticized allies while offering compliments to Russia and Putin––even suggesting that they be brought back into the group of nations currently known as the G-7.

The Times report reminds us of the “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” dust-up, but it also reveals other comments made by the President:

He told Mr. Putin that Russia and the United States should get along better. And he commiserated with Mr. Putin over Trump administration officials whom the Russian president said had tried to prevent the call from happening, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversation.

“Those are stupid people; you shouldn’t listen to them,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Putin, the person said.

The planned summit between Trump and Putin is set for July 16th. Advisors told the Times that POTUS is ready to confront Putin on “malign activities,” but as the report notes, “the president often speaks and acts at odds with the rest of his government, which has left allies all the more uncertain about whether they can rely on the United States.”


San Bernardino DA Suspends Prosecutor Amid Probe Of Social Media Posts

The San Bernardino County District Attorney Michael Ramos suspended a top prosecutor after a report on his racist and sexist social media postings.

“On June 28, 2018, we received information regarding negative comments posted online by one of our prosecutors,” Ramos said in a statement. “At that time, we took immediate steps to initiate a personnel investigation.”

The statement added: “Deputy District Attorney Michael Selyem will be on administrative leave pending the conclusion of the formal investigation which could result in disciplinary action leading up to termination.”

As reported by The San Bernardino Sun, Selyem, who the paper identified as the lead hard-core gang prosecutor in the DA’s office, said in a Facebook comment referring to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA): “Being a loud-mouthed c#nt in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this bitch by now …”

In another instance, he said of the victim of a police shooting: “That s—bag got exactly what he deserved. … You reap what you sow.”

According to the report, Selyem also posted a photo of former first lady Michelle Obama holding a sign that read: “Trump grabbed my penis.”

The paper reported, citing unnamed sources, that the DA’s office had been made aware of the posts in a June 25 complaint.

Ramos discussed Selyem’s suspension at a press conference Monday
all this proves my point that not all white people are highly educated because they are in high positions.

they just like you and i...their skin color just gave them access and excuses to do fuck shit we could never mention in a joke.
Overall, however, based on some 300 opinions in 12 years on the federal bench, Kavanaugh is considered a pragmatic but conservative judge, who believes in textualism and originalism. He also often weighed in against President Barack Obama's Environmental Protection Agency, including, notably in one case — in which he was in the minority — that said the EPA should have considered costs to power plants.

This could be another thing that upsets the conservative base. In his speech, he also endorsed stare decisis, the practice of following precedent. "We follow precedent," he said. He added that to be a good judge, one has to follow not just the "letter" but also the "spirit" of the law."

Confirmation hearings are always a joke..

You'll have stray (red state) democrats push him over the top.

I wouldnt vote anyone that trumps appoints for anything.. Id be skeptical of everything he does. Everyone in his cabinet is adversarial to the responsibilities that they have for their appointment..

He will continue along with that thinly veil facade of.. "religious rights" also it is said that he believe strongly in presidential power and that he doesnt believe that a president should be under investigation. Again this is consequential..

Qualifications he checks off all the boxes... but just because one is papered doesnt mean they are right for the country. But this will be the narrative that he is very qualified.. wrote alot of briefs.. blah blah blah.. wasnt out right controversial and firebrand as far as social stances.. but in the end we will see that he listened to his mentor.. kept his head down stayed active..but treaded lightly on the core issues of the country.. and now he will act at trumps behest

Kavanaugh was picked before Kennedy left, everything about Trump's 'search' was just a farce

Stepping from behind the curtain to accept his nomination to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh lauded Donald Trump’s process of selection.

Kavanaugh: Throughout this process, I have witnessed firsthand your appreciation for the vital role of the American judiciary. No president has ever consulted more widely or talked with more people from more backgrounds to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination.

No statement may be better suited to this moment because it, like Trump’s selection process, is entirely a fiction.

NBC is reporting, that Kavanaugh wasn’t just Trump’s pick from the beginning, he was picked before the beginning. Kavanaugh wasn’t even selected by Trump. He was picked by Anthony Kennedy. As part of the unprecedented talks between Trump and Kennedy to net the justice’s retirement, Kennedy was promised that Trump would name his former law clerk to take his chair. It was that reassurance that pushed Kennedy to announce his retirement. There was never a moment of doubt concerning who was going to be picked.

The one actual success of Trump’s pre-White House career was showing up on the set of The Apprentice to be handed a script and shout a few lines. And the one thing he learned from that experience is that, no matter how boring something is in reality, no matter how rote, how mundane, or how deeply silly, with a little stagecraft and a firm hand in editing, it can be made to appear as drama. Drama!

So Trump dutifully ran his finger down a list of Federalist Society candidates, each of whom is pre-vetted to crush individual rights, bolster corporations, and discover a love for an imperial executive. That last point made it easy to agree to Kavanaugh, since he’s way ahead of the game when it comes to protecting Trump from criminal charges, lawsuits, and even impeachment.

Trump and Kennedy made a backroom deal. Kennedy would retire. Trump would pick Kavanaugh. Trump would go through the motions of looking at other people. And Kavanaugh would drop a cherry on top of this BS sundae by praising Trump’s arduous journey in making this selection.

All the “consulting widely” and “talking with more people” that Kavanaugh pitched to the cameras in his opening remarks weren’t just a sign of his gratitude for getting the nod, but an open declaration that he would go along … that he will be a good contestant on The Trump Show. He’ll read his script, and make sure that Trump gets the last word.

But then, this may be one area where Kavanaugh is no worse than Kennedy. Since the connection between Trump and Kennedy was already enough that it should have demanded the justice recuse himself from … everything from the moment Trump took office until he leaves. Kennedy’s son didn’t just work at Deutshe Bank—the single bank which was miraculously willing to keep loaning Trump money after repeated business failures and a total lack of equity had other banks closing their doors—he also served as the head of a real-estate fund that worked directly with Trump.

Which leads to an interesting question: What else did Kennedy and Trump discuss in their backroom bargaining? If the next justice of the Supreme Court was actually selected behind closed doors as part of an arrangement between Kennedy and Trump, it seems possible that deal could have been part of a package that contained almost anything.

But that’s all behind the scenes. Trump is only concerned about what gets on camera. And, of course, the ratings.

Great reviews. Great reviews. Just keep hoping Trump doesn’t decide to make a war picture.