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LOL so much for that Nobel Peace Prize. Was looking forward to Trump being sonned in the meeting
now that you say that...i could only imagine it now....lol

trump would be pissed and launch a strike on korea and kim while trumps still at the meeting
America is so full of shit. meeting cancelled cuz kim called pence a dummy. lol. pence, Bolton and pompeo been talking shit. and Bolton talking bout the "Libyan model" could happen to NK. WTF did they expect....gtfohwtbs
America is so full of shit. meeting cancelled cuz kim called pence a dummy. lol. pence, Bolton and pompeo been talking shit. and Bolton talking bout the "Libyan model" could happen to NK. WTF did they expect....gtfohwtbs
nigga where you been.

everyone is supposed to respect white folk and their word no matter how many times they go back on it
When I first read the actual letter i legit thought it was an onion satire piece on what it would be.


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Cancelled his trip to the UK too. Shook a them protesters. Kinda bummed I was gonna go try score on them liberal white political bitches, they're about the black dick

LMAO @ Trump calling out someone else for their anger and hostility...

So Trump was scared basically

Trump Posthumously Pardons Boxer Jack Johnson

President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he is pardoning late heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson, who was arrested in 1912 for driving his white girlfriend across state lines.

Trump indicated last month he was considering pardoning the boxer at the urging of actor Sylvester Stallone.

Johnson, the first black man to earn the title of heavyweight boxing champion of the world, died in 1946 after serving time for violating the Mann Act, which banned traveling with a woman across state lines for an “immoral purpose.”

This marks only the third posthumous pardon in U.S. history.


Great for Jack Johnson and his family but this doesn't change shit about this fool concerning black people

Trump’s White House Lawyer Spotted At DOJ Informant Briefings For Lawmakers

The White House attorney responsible for handling its response to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe was spotted heading into two Justice Department briefings Thursday for lawmakers on a reported “informant” the FBI used in its investigation of the Trump campaign.

Emmet Flood was spotted at the Justice Department, where Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and other DOJ officials were scheduled to brief House Speaker Paul Ryan, House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the Intel Committee, also attended the noon briefing, after initial reports that only Republican lawmakers were invited. White House Chief of Staff John Kelly also reportedly attended at least part of the briefing.

FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats also joined Rosenstein at the briefings. After the noon meeting, they headed to the Capitol to brief the so-called “Gang of 8”: The House and Senate Intel Committees’ chairs and vice chairs, the House Speaker and Minority Leader, and the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders. (Ryan attended the noon briefing due to a prior commitment.) Gowdy was also slated to attend that meeting.

Flood, too, was spotted heading into the briefing, being held in the basement of the Capitol, as was Kelly.

Kelly did not explain Flood’s presence at the briefings when asked by CNN reporters at the Capitol.

The White House Press Secretary had previously said that White House officials would not be attending the briefings. The White House press shop did not respond to TPM’s inquiries about Flood’s presence at them Thursday. A DOJ spokesperson said she couldn’t confirm who was at the briefings themselves.


WSJ: New Evidence Shows Roger Stone Seeking Clinton Emails From Assange

Roger Stone emailed a New York radio host — whom Stone himself has described as his “intermediary” to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange — in September 2016 seeking that the host ask Assange about specific Hillary Clinton emails, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

Stone had previously told the House Intel committee last year that he had asked the host, later revealed to be Randy Credico, merely to “independently confirm” a report in June 2016 that Wikileaks had obtained Clinton’s emails.

In emails obtained by the Journal, Stone, on September 28, 2016, requested that Credico ask Assange “for any State or HRC e-mail from August 10 to August 30–particularly on August 20, 2011.”

When Credico suggested that Wikileaks would have already posted all the Clinton emails that existed, according to the Journal, Stone replied, “Why do we assume WikiLeaks has released everything they have ???””

The Stone-Credico emails were not turned over to the House Intelligence Committee, Stone’s attorney Grant Smith confirmed to the Journal.

Stone, in an email to TPM, said that he “turned over all emails that met the precise wording of their document request.”

“I supplied the emails to the WSJ – they fell outside the scope of their request,” Stone said

The emails had also not been turned over to the Senate Intelligence Committee, Stone attorney Grant Smith told the Journal.

Credico met with Senate Intel Dem staff on Wednesday, he told the Journal, where he had a limited discussion about Wikileaks, 2016 and Stone.

Stone, suggesting that Credico was serving as an informant for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, also appeared to threaten Credico with a lawsuit, according to emails viewed by the Journal.

“Everyone says u are wearing a wire for Mueller,” Stone said in an April 8 email.

“Run your mouth = get sued,” Stone told Credico two days later.

Both Stone and Credico told the Journal that they have not been in touch with Mueller’s team.
So much fuckery, so little consequence. The reporting on Trump is getting old and tiring. Wish the media would just leave this shit alone until some shit with consequences happens.

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange May Be Forced Out of Ecuadorian Embassy in London ‘Any Day Now’

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may be forced out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he has lived for the past six years “any day now,” according to a CNN report.

Multiple sources told CNN that Asssange’s spot at the residence is in “jeopardy” or may soon become so untenable that he may leave.

CNN reports:

While Assange has in the past claimed his position in the embassy was under threat, sources say his current situation is “unusually bad” and that he could leave the embassy “any day now,” either because he will be forced out or made to feel so restricted that he might choose to leave on his own. His position there is “in jeopardy,” one source familiar with the matter said.

A CNN News report Thursday night also pointed out conditions have not been great for Assange for a while now in his refuge. His internet has been cut off, making it impossible for him to manage Wikileaks and “Assange is only allowed now to see his lawyers who say their mobile phones are scrambled while in the embassy.”

The report also noted that once he leaves the embassy he risks arrest by British authorities and extradition back to the United States.
Dennison is such an idiot that he hasn't realized that the peace talks are being sabotaged from within inside. Bolton and Pence don't want peace talks. Bolton is a fucking warhawk. He wants to go to war with NK