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Devin Nunes Lashes Out At Local Reporter: ‘Your Paper Is A Joke’

When asked by a Fresno Bee reporter if he planned to hold any public town halls during this election cycle, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) lashed out viciously, calling the paper a “joke” to be raising these issues.

“I actually feel bad for the people who work at the Bee because sadly it’s become just a left-wing rag,” Nunes continued. “It’s unfortunate that we’re in this situation but when the paper just becomes regurgitating Democratic talking points, it’s no longer a news outlet that’s being fair or objective.”

He added that he had held “educational forums” over the years, never answering the journalist’s question.

Stephen King Rips ‘Creepy’ Mike Pence: He’s Like ‘The Mean Doctor on a Soap Opera’ That ‘Sells Drugs’

On Wednesday night, Stephen King appeared on The Late Show and blasted President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

The prolific horror author mocked the president for blocking him on Twitter several months ago, which he noted was recently deemed unconstitutional by a federal judge.

“So my question is, do I really want to follow that guy? I don’t think so!” King exclaimed.

“What did you do, Stephen King?” Stephen Colbert asked. “What did you do to that good man that hurt his feelings so much that he felt the only way to defend himself through your harsh and hurtful words was to block you on Twitter?”

“Well, I might have said he had his head somewhere where… a certain yoga position would be necessary to get it there,” King responded. “And that was it, man!”

King told Colbert he sought revenge by blocking him from seeing his most recent film It.

The Late Show host then asked that writer if he had ever blocked anybody on Twitter. And aside from Trump, he had also blocked the vice president.

“There was something about, too, about Mike Pence that’s creepy,” King continued. “And I think it has something to do with the hair. The hair doesn’t look like it has strands. It’s just there. You know, it’s kind of this soap opera- He’s like the mean doctor on a soap opera, the one who sells drugs, you know, or has a prostitution ring from Bulgaria or something. He has that look. He has that look.”

King elaborated how Pence “tweeted so much” and that it was “boring.”

“So I blocked him,” King told Colbert. “I blocked his ass!”
tump/kim meeting cancelled


Trump Cancels N. Korea Summit, Citing Kim’s ‘Anger’ And ‘Hostility’

President Donald Trump announced in a letter Thursday morning that he will not meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore next month to discuss denuclearization.

In the letter sent to Kim and released publicly, Trump cited the North Korea’s “tremendous anger and open hostility” in his most recent statement, which called Vice President Mike Pence a “dummy.”

“I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,” Trump wrote. “Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place.”

The cancellation follows several days of speculation over whether the summit would actually take place after news broke that Kim had concerns about the meeting.

LMAO @ Trump calling out someone else for their anger and hostility...