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Fox News Host: Obama’s DOJ, FBI, IRS, CIA All ‘Trying To Take Down’ Trump

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo supported President Donald Trump’s accusation of the Obama administration spying on his campaign Monday, saying that “President Obama, it seems to me, was politicizing all of his agencies: the DOJ, the FBI, the IRS, the CIA; they were all involved in trying to take down Donald Trump.”

Trump tweeted Sunday calling for his DOJ to investigate any surveillance into his presidential campaign by the Obama administration.


New Report Undermines Erik Prince’s Sworn Testimony On Ties To Campaign

Erik Prince appears to have withheld critical information in his sworn testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

The private security contractor and Blackwater founder told Congress that he was barely involved with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election cycle, and that most of his interaction with the team came during the presidential transition.

Reports that have since surfaced gravely undermine that version of events.

Most recently, a blockbuster New York Times report published Saturday detailed how Prince personally arranged and attended an August 2016 meeting between foreign emissaries and Donald Trump’s eldest son. At the meeting, Prince told Donald Trump Jr. that “we are working hard for your father.”

The Times report provides new evidence that Prince may have knowingly perjured himself in his congressional testimony. Lying to Congress is a crime punishable by up to five years in prison, but it is rarely enforced.

Prince’s interview focused primarily on a January 2017 trip he took to the Seychelles, ostensibly to meet with officials from the United Arab Emirates, and a conversation he had there with a Russian banker allied with Vladimir Putin. In his testimony, Prince downplayed the trip, saying it was primarily an opportunity to discuss business prospects with the UAE’s government and characterizing his conversation with the banker, Kirill Dmitriev, as a chance encounter. Prince insisted that he was not there as a representative of the incoming administration.

In Prince’s account, his contact with the Trump campaign was limited to semi-regular text exchanges with Steve Bannon, providing a few unsolicited papers on Middle East policy, and donating money.

That does not appear to be accurate.

George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who serves as a top adviser to the UAE, has told Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the Seychelles meeting was actually a planned effort to set up a secret communications backchannel between the Trump transition team and Russian government, according to reports.

In sworn statements, Nader, who is now a cooperating witness, said that he helped orchestrate the meeting specifically so that Prince and Dmitriev could discuss relations between the two countries.

As ABC News reported, Nader met with Prince in New York a week before the Seychelles trip to brief him about the meeting, and subsequently sent him biographical information about Dmitriev that included his connection to Putin.

Prince testified that he shared a beer with Dmitriev at the Four Seasons’ bar on the recommendation of “one of the brothers” of UAE Crown Prince Mohammad bin Zayed, who thought Dmitriev would be “an interesting guy” for Prince to know.

Then there is the August 2016 Trump Tower meeting, which Prince personally organized. The other attendees were an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation, Trump Jr., and Nader, who promised that Saudi Arabia and UAE officials were eager to help Trump win the election, according to the Times.

Prince did not respond to the Times’ request for comment.

The Republican security contractor never mentioned this summit to the House Intelligence Committee. He explicitly denied having any “formal communications or contact with the campaign” aside from texting with Bannon, providing policy papers, donating funds, and putting up a Trump sign in his yard. Asked if he’d ever met Trump Jr., Prince said they were introduced at a campaign event and that they ran into each other “a couple times when I was up there during the transition.”

“I have never purported or positioned to having any great access to the Trump administration,” Prince, whose sister Betsy DeVos is the Secretary of Education, testified.

Prince grew increasingly irritated by lawmakers’ questions as the three-hour interview went on, telling them he’d “had about enough of this” and that he was “not here to indulge your fishing expedition any longer.”

At one point, he snapped at Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) for inquiring about the extent of his business interests in the UAE prior to the Seychelles meeting. The focus of the interview, Prince said, was supposed to be on Russia’s interference with the election.

“It’s just amazing how these things all find a way to be connected,” Quigley replied.

WH Still Trying To Prove Trump Only Meant MS-13 Members Are ‘Animals’

Tripling down on its efforts to prove that President Donald Trump was only referring to members of the MS-13 gang as “animals” — not all undocumented immigrants — the White House released a statement Monday morning explaining the origins and crimes of the “violent animals of MS-13.”

The statement — titled “What you need to know about the violent animals of MS-13”—outlines some of the horrific crimes committed by members of the gang in the suburbs of New York City and Washington, D.C. in the past two years. The statement called MS-13 members “animals” nearly 10 times.

During a panel discussion with California officials who oppose the state’s sanctuary immigration policies last week, Trump appeared to refer to immigrants who have been taken out of the country for attempting to illegally enter the U.S. as “bad ” people and “animals.” Trump later clarified — both to reporters and on Twitter — that he was referring to members of the MS-13 gang. Read a transcript of the conversation in question here.

In the new statement, the White House repeatedly referred to the group as “the MS-13 animals” as it outlined the brutal rapes and murders the group is believed to have committed in recent years, as the gang has risen to national notoriety for its violent attacks in the U.S.

“MS-13 is a transnational gang that has brought violence, fear, and suffering to American communities,” the statement said.MS-13, short for Mara Salvatrucha, commits shocking acts of violence to instill fear, including machete attacks, executions, gang rape, human trafficking, and more.

“Recent investigations have revealed MS-13 gang leaders based in El Salvador have been sending representatives into the United States illegally to connect the leaders with local gang members,” the White House continued. “These foreign-based gang leaders direct local members to become even more violent in an effort to control more territory.”

While the reported crimes by the gang are horrific in nature, as Vox News explains, the Trump administration — in its vows to “bring these violent animals to justice” — has used the attacks to perpetuate its narrative of linking illegal immigration with violent crime.


WH Says DOJ IG Probe Expanding ‘Based On The Meeting With The President’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that the Justice Department had asked its inspector general to expand an inquiry into the FBI “ased on the meeting with the President.”

Sanders also said White House chief of staff John Kelly would “set up a meeting” with three agencies whose leadership met with the President Monday, the Department of Justice (represented by its deputy director, Rod Rosenstein), FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence, “together with Congressional Leaders to review highly classified and other information they have requested.”

Read Sanders’ full statement below:

Based on the meeting with the President, the Department of Justice has asked the Inspector General to expand its current investigation to include any irregularities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s or the Department of Justice’s tactics concerning the Trump Campaign. It was also agreed that White House Chief of Staff Kelly will immediately set up a meeting with the FBI, DOJ, and DNI together with Congressional Leaders to review highly classified and other information they have requested.”


Trump Invokes National Anthem Controversy at White House NASCAR Event: ‘They Do Indeed Stand’

President Donald Trump dredged up the national anthem controversy Monday during a NASCAR event on the White House South Lawn, praising the thousands of fans who show up at races and who “do indeed stand” for the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.

Trump welcomed NASCAR champion Martin Truex Jr. and his team to the White House for what was — for the most part — a noncontroversial and nonpartisan event. But Trump, never missing an opportunity to ruffle some feathers, invoked into the celebratory atmosphere an issue that has divided millions of Americans.

“Many of you know NASCAR grew from the back roads of America’s south and the bright shores of Daytona Beach to become one of the world’s premier and the most beloved sports… This lively sport reflects our national spirit and our can-do attitude. At every NASCAR race you will see thousands of patriotic Americans from the grandstands to the pit stalls, proudly waving our flag and roaring with joy at the words ‘Start your engines!'” Trump said.

“And I will tell you one thing I know about NASCAR,” the president added, “they do indeed stand for the playing of the national anthem.” Trump then noted that someone told him he “shouldn’t say that because it would “be controversial.” However, Trump didn’t seem to care.

“I said that’s okay. NASCAR’s not going to mind it at all. Right, fellas? They don’t mind it at all,” Trump said.

Last year, at the height of the controversy surrounding athletes standing for the national anthem, many NASCAR drivers and executives indicated they agreed with the president that athletes should stand.
However, NASCAR, as an organization, took a slightly different approach.

At every NASCAR race you will see thousands of patriotic Americans from the grandstands to the pit stalls, proudly waving our flag






What true patriots those Nascar fans are...

Mulvaney: ‘Put Up Or Shut Up’ On Pelosi, Trade Ryan For McCarthy

On Sunday, White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney spoke publicly about the idea of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) stepping down before the midterms to trigger a speaker election and force Democrats to rally behind House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), according to a Monday Weekly Standard report.

Mulvaney reportedly made the comments to Fox News host Bret Baier in response to a question about Ryan stepping down to clear the way for his heir apparent, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). He was at a Colorado conference sponsored by the Weekly Standard at the time.

“I’ve talked with Kevin about this privately but not as much publicly,” Mulvaney reportedly said. “Wouldn’t it be great to force a Democrat running in a tight race to have to put up or shut up about voting for Nancy Pelosi eight weeks before an election? That’s a really, really good vote for us to force if we can figure out how to do it.”

According to the Standard and the Washington Post, a spokesperson for Mulvaney said that his comments were “purely hypothetical” and one for McCarthy said that the two men had never had any such conversations.

As the Post points out, Mulvaney’s idea, which comes at the cost of revealing the infighting in the Republican party, especially during the current immigration fracas, would likely be ineffective anyway. Very few Democratic House incumbents who would have to take the vote before the midterms are in any risk of losing reelection in their districts.

Conservatives Threaten Ryan’s Job If Bipartisan Immigration Bill Goes To Vote

WASHINGTON (AP) — Leaders of warring House Republican factions searched for an immigration compromise as some conservatives warned of consequences for Speaker Paul Ryan if he allowed party moderates to push a bipartisan bill through the chamber without strong GOP support.

The talks Monday occurred as centrist Republicans remained five GOP signatures away from being able to force party leaders to hold votes on a series of immigration bills. Should they succeed, it would launch a process in which the likely outcome seemed to be passage of a middle-ground measure backed by a handful of Republicans and all Democrats. Ryan has said he will avert that outcome, though it’s unclear how, and many conservatives consider it intolerable.

Conservative and moderate GOP leaders negotiated privately over ways to win centrist support for a conservative-backed measure that for months has floundered short of the 218 Republican votes it would need for House passage. They discussed changes that would help young “Dreamer” immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children and immigrant farm workers stay longer in the U.S., said one lawmaker who described the private discussions on condition of anonymity.

The effort to find GOP unity seemed uphill on an issue that has divided the party for years. But the alternative seemed unpalatable for many Republicans, who fear that the centrists’ effort will force GOP lawmakers to take divisive election-year votes unless leaders figure out how to head them off.

The conservative bill would currently reduce legal immigration, clear the way for construction of President Donald Trump’s border wall with Mexico and let Dreamers stay in the U.S. for renewable three-year periods. All Democrats oppose the measure and it would have no chance of clearing the more moderate Senate.

Monday’s negotiations came three days after bitter Republican divisions over immigration caused an unrelated farm bill to crash. Members of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus helped caused the agriculture measure’s defeat after refusing a leadership offer for a vote on the conservative immigration bill in June, which they said was too late.

Some members of the Freedom Caucus suggested it would be time for Ryan to step down should moderates prevail.

Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., said it would cause “a lot more disgruntlement” if the moderates prevail, adding, “People in my district want him to go, now.”

“If we run an amnesty bill out of a Republican House, I think all options are on the table,” said Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., a member of the group, when asked if Ryan should remain as speaker if the moderates’ effort succeeds.

Ryan is not seeking re-election to the House but has repeatedly said he will serve the rest of this year as speaker. Many conservatives say legislation protecting immigrants in the U.S. illegally from deportation is amnesty.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the Freedom Caucus leader, said he does not think Ryan should vacate his post if the moderates succeed. But he said House passage of a middle-ground measure would have a “devastating effect” on the GOP because it would “depress anybody who feels like the Republican Party needs to be strong on immigration.”

Other Republicans said it seemed unlikely Ryan would abandon his post. They said others — including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., seen as the likeliest successor — so far lack the GOP votes they’d need to win the job.

Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., a Freedom Caucus member, said Ryan has made good on his word to conservatives not to bring up an immigration bill unless it had support from most Republicans. “We just want him to hold true,” Brat said.

“It’s best for stability” for Ryan to stay, said moderate Rep. Ryan Costello, R-Pa.
The moderates need 218 signatures — a House majority — on a petition to force votes on immigration bills, a rarely used procedure.

With all 193 Democrats expected to sign, the moderates need five more than the 20 signatures they already have. If they succeed, a vote could occur no earlier than late June.



WH Aides Routinely Write Out Error-Laden Tweets For Trump To Browse

Working in the West Wing requires a bit of familiarity with President Donald Trump’s quirks, like his paranoia of being poisoned and penchant for fast food.

It also requires a close study of his poor grammar.

According to two people familiar with the process who spoke with the Boston Globe, White House staffers regularly write out draft tweets options for Trump to browse, each including a hand selected Trumpism — like excessive exclamation points, capitalization for emphasis, fragments and cryptic ellipsis.

The intentional poor grammar is designed to keep Trump’s personal cadence alive and well on his Twitter feed, even when it’s not actually the President composing the tweets, according to the Boston Globe. The distinction between a Trump tweet and a replica by his communications staff has become increasingly difficult to decipher, people who closely follow his feed told the Boston Globe.


What? Trump Aides Reportedly Making Typos On Purpose When Tweeting for Him

A new report suggests that President Trump not only doesn’t write all of his own tweets, but the aides who sometimes tweet for him make deliberate errors to make them seem more authentic.

Ever since Trump entered politics, members of the media have given plenty ofnotice to how often his tweets contain typos, grammatical mistakes, and other unusual quirks. According to officials who spoke to Boston Globe, some of these “mistakes” are actually done by Trump’s staff on purpose as they try to mimic his online voice.

From the report:

Presidential speechwriters have always sought to channel their bosses’ style and cadence, but Trump’s team is blazing new ground with its approach to his favorite means of instant communication. Some staff members even relish the scoldings Trump gets from elites shocked by the Trumpian language they strive to imitate, believing that debates over presidential typos fortify the belief within his base that he has the common touch.

His staff has become so adept at replicating Trump’s tone that people who follow his feed closely say it is getting harder to discern which tweets were actually crafted by Trump sitting in his bathrobe and watching “Fox & Friends” and which were concocted by his communications team.

Boston Globe also says there’s a system in place where White House employees will submit sample tweets to Trump if they want to address a particular topic. Trump supposedly reviews them, picks the one he likes best, and tweaks it however he will before sending out an otherwise staff-written message.

WH: Speaker Ryan’s Status ‘Not Something That The White House Has Waded Into’

The White House on Tuesday declined to weigh in on whether Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) should step down from his leadership position before his actual retirement takes effect at the end of this term.

“At this point, that’s something for Speaker Ryan and members of Congress to make that determination, not something that the White House has waded into at this point,” Sanders told reporters at a press briefing Tuesday.

Yet the White House’s own budget director, Mick Mulvaney, has reportedly weighed in on that question.

The Weekly Standard reported Monday that Mulvaney wondered aloud at a conference sponsored by the magazine the previous day: “Wouldn’t it be great to force a Democrat running in a tight race to have to put up or shut up about voting for Nancy Pelosi eight weeks before an election? That’s a really, really good vote for us to force if we can figure out how to do it.”

Pelosi has said she’ll run for the speakership should Democrats win control of the House in November.

A spokesperson for Mulvaney told the Washington Post his comments were “purely hypothetical.”

NYT: Cohen’s Taxi Business Partner Is Cooperating With Prosecutors

One of Michael Cohen’s former partners in the taxi business is cooperating with prosecutors, the New York Times reported Tuesday.

Gene Freidman, the Russian-born “Taxi King” of New York, will cooperate with state or federal investigators as a potential witness as needed in exchange for avoiding jail time for his own crimes, a person briefed on the matter told the Times.

Freidman’s plea deal puts more pressure on Cohen to cooperate with the sprawling federal investigation into Russian election meddling – a prospect that may cause anxiety in the White House.

It also represents a remarkably lenient deal for Freidman, who has told TPM he has managed taxi medallions owned by Cohen in both New York City and Chicago for some 16 years.

Freidman was facing four counts of criminal tax fraud and one of grand larceny for failing to pay over $5 million in taxes. The Times reported that each of those class B felonies carried a maximum sentence of up to 25 years in prison.

Freidman instead pleaded guilty to one count of evading $50,000 taxes and faces five years of probation provided he complies with the terms of his agreement, according to the newspaper.

Cohen’s involvement in the lucrative New York City taxi business is one of the focuses of federal prosecutors. The search warrants they received to execute raids on Cohen’s premises in April specifically sought information about Cohen’s associates in his taxi business, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Freidman told TPM in an interview last year that he and Cohen were close and “talk daily sometimes.”

“I help him out as much as I can,” Freidman said at the time. “I also have a business relationship but we’re friends, you know. We have dinner with his wife.”

