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Diamond and Silk Bash ‘Little Spike Lee’ for Blasting Trump: He’s the ‘Gatekeeper of the Democrat Plantation’

Trump world celebrities Diamond and Silk joined Fox News host Jesse Watterson Saturday night to blast Spike Lee for his profanity-laced tirade against President Donald Trump at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this week.

During a press conference for BlacKkKlansman, which premiered at Cannes on Monday, Lee blasted Trump for his response to the deadly alt-right, white supremacist march in Charlottesville.

“That motherf—er was given a chance to say we are ’bout love, and not hate, and that motherf—er did not denounce the motherf—ing Klan, the alt-right, and those Nazi motherf—ers,” Lee said, according to Variety.

Watters introduced the segment by playing a heavily bleeped clip of Lee’s remarks, before asking Diamond and Silk for their thoughts on Lee’s anti-Trump views.

“Little Spike Lee is just upset because he can’t get the majority of his movies to spike to the top,” Lynnette Hardaway, better known as Diamond, said. “So he’s trying to politicize this movie. Throwing daggers at a sitting president and calling a sitting president nasty names is not going to get people to the polls.”

Then Rochelle Richardson, aka Silk, chimed in.

“We look at little Spike Lee as one of the gatekeepers of the Democrat plantation,” Silk opined. “He don’t want to see black people come up. All he wanna see is black people stay stuck. That’s why they make these boring movies to try to keep black people stuck in the pain of their ancestors and stuck in the pain of slavery.”
Im legit mad at this. I get that suckin up n being the white mans lackey is their hustle. But you dont gotta shit on other black ppl while doin it. smh w/e

they are absolutely disgusting to me........compared to their white Pro-Trump surrogates, they are probably getting paid pennies on the dollar to talk bad about Trumps opposition, which in their case, is mostly Obama or any other black person


Former Obama Adviser Slams Fox News For Maria Bartiromo’s ‘Conspiracy Theory’ About FBI Spying on Trump Campaign

Ever since a New York Times report revealed that the FBI had an informant speak to affiliates of Donald Trump‘s 2016 campaign, the president’s allies in the media have sounded the alarm, floating theories that the Obama administration targeted the Republican candidate with a “spy.”

The Times report revealed the FBI launched an incredibly secretive investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 and used an informant to contact four members of the campaign, including Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn. Critics of the investigation have argued it was evidence the FBI spied on the Trump campaign with the malicious intent of setting then-candidate Trump.

Trump himself is fond of this narrative, though his lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted this week that he nor the president had any evidence the FBI targeted the campaign with a spy.

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo ran with an iteration of the theory on Fox & Friends Sunday morning, connecting the dots to put forward one of the more strident theories about the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign.

“It sounds like either President Obama or Hillary Clinton were sort of masterminding all of this,” Bartiromo said.

Eric Schultz, a senior advisor to former President Barack Obama, decried Fox News for touting Bartiromo’s comments in a tweet.

“Fox News using its official online channels to promote conspiracy theory voiced by Fox News anchor,” Schultz wrote.
