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Trump warns of ‘dangerous anti-police prejudice’

President Donald Trump lamented what he called the spread of a “dangerous anti-police prejudice” in the U.S. during an event to honor fallen and injured law enforcement officials on Tuesday.

Speaking at the 37th annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service on Capitol Hill, an event to recognize those killed in the line of duty, the president vowed his administration would work to protect law enforcement officers.

Trump cited efforts by his administration to boost border security measures and tighten federal immigration restrictions as ways to curb violence against both U.S. citizens and law enforcement officials.

“The first duty of government is to protect our citizens,” Trump said. “That is why we are calling on Congress to secure our borders, support our border agents, stop sanctuary cities, and shut down policies that release violent criminals back into our communities.”

The president also lamented what he described as a growing “prejudice” against police officers.

“If we want to bring down violent crime, then we must stand up for our police,” the president said. “We must confront and condemn dangerous anti-police prejudice.”

He added: “Can you believe this prejudice with respect to our police? We're not going to let bad things happen to our police.”

During his remarks, the president honored and addressed the families of several fallen officers, including border patrol agent Rogelio Martinez, who died in November in Texas near the Mexico border, and Bronx officer Miosotis Familia, who was shot while in a police vehicle on the Fourth of July.

Trump reiterated his stance that those convicted of killing officers ought to face the death penalty. "We believe criminals who kill our police should get the death penalty,” Trump said. “Bring it forth."

On the presidential campaign trail, Trump said if elected he would sign an executive order mandating capital punishment for convicted cop killers. He was yet to enact such a measure.

Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Claims Steve Bannon Tried to Use Firm to Suppress Black Vote

Christopher Wylie, the former Cambridge Analytica employee who disclosed how the political consulting firm allegedly misused millions of people’s Facebook data, told the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday that the company also engaged in efforts to discourage certain “targeted sections of the American population” from voting, CNN reports.

During the hearing, Wylie claimed that former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was particularly interested in the tools Cambridge Analytica could offer to suppress voters.

“Mr. Bannon sees cultural warfare as the means to create enduring change in American politics,” Wylie explained. “It was for this reason Mr. Bannon engaged SCL (Cambridge Analytica’s parent company), a foreign military contractor, to build an arsenal of informational weapons he could deploy on the American population.”

He also said that the suppression efforts targeted the black community.

“One of the things that provoked me to leave was discussions about ‘voter disengagement’ and the idea of targeting African Americans,” Wylie said during the hearing according to The Guardian,

He added that he saw documents referencing the idea.

Speaking to CNN after the hearing, he also confirmed that the African-American voters were targeted.

Wylie also said that Cambridge University professor Aleksandr Kogan made many trips to Russia — partly due to his work with St. Petersburg University — and Russia may have obtained data through him.

Kogan denies Wylie’s claims.

“Mr. Wylie has proven once again that he has a very active imagination without actual knowledge to back it up,” Kogan told CNN in response. “As with his claims about the usefulness of the data, his claims here also quickly fall apart under any sensible scrutiny.”


SARs Removal Stokes Fears About Mnuchin Conflict Of Interest

For months, good-government groups and some Democratic lawmakers have been calling on Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to recuse himself from matters related to the federal investigation into Russian election meddling. Mnuchin’s role as finance chair of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign means he can’t impartially oversee a probe that delves into Trump associates’ financial affairs, they have argued.

Those calls took on a new urgency this week when The New Yorker revealed that Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed on long-time Trump fixer Michael Cohen were removed from a database kept by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) division.

Their removal, which is highly unusual, so alarmed a longtime law enforcement official that he or she leaked some of the documents to the press out of concern that information was being intentionally withheld from law enforcement.

In multiple letters sent since late 2017, Democratic lawmakers have asked Mnuchin to recuse himself from the Russia probe, and to detail any information Treasury has received about potential illegal activities by Trump and his associates.

“Have you ever directed, or has any other Trump administration official, Trump campaign official, or Trump family member called on you to direct U.S. Treasury officials or staff members to obscure, destroy, or withhold information implicating the president, Trump campaign officials, Trump family members, or his associates?” the Democrats wrote in January.

They received no response from Mnuchin.

Appearing on MSNBC Wednesday night, one of the Democrats, Rep. Maxine Waters of California, said the reported removal of the SARs from the Treasury database underscores the need for Mnuchin to provide answers.

“Someone removed this information, and the Treasury Secretary is going to have to answer for this,” Waters said. “The question is, why did he ignore us?”

In December, progressive groups noted in their own letter to Treasury’s Inspector General that Mnuchin had replaced the director of FinCEN with his own choice, just days after former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort was indicted for money laundering and a host of other financial crimes.

The groups called the timing “extremely worrisome,” and asked the IG’s office to look into whether Mnuchin should recuse, a request the IG declined.

On Thursday, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint with the Treasury Department Inspector General asking for an investigation into the “possible compromise” of information in the database.

Sources familiar with FinCEN’s database told the New Yorker they could have been removed by a request from the special counsel’s team or from federal prosecutors who are investigating Cohen for financial crimes.

FinCEN declined to offer comment on whether the SARs even existed, telling the magazine that it is tasked with ensuring confidentiality of “both filers and potentially named individuals.”

The Treasury Department did not immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.

McConnell Mulls No August Recess To Pressure Democrats Up For Reelection

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is dangling the threat of canceling the Senate’s August recess to pressure Democrats eager to get back to their hometown campaign trails, on key votes, according to a Wednesday Politico report.

McConnell is reportedly planning to meet with Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and President Donald Trump to see if he can negotiate with Schumer to get nominees confirmed and a spending bill passed in exchange for a ceasefire from Trump in attacking the Senate and it’s four-week break.

Sixteen Republican senators signed a letter last week urging McConnell to cancel the recess to force Democrats’ hand. They say that they want to forego the break to get work done amid “historic obstruction” from the Democrats.

However, the fact that ten Democrats are up for reelection this year in states won by Trump certainly factors in. Only one Republican, Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV), is up in a state won by Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Company With Qatari Ties May Save Floundering Kushner Flagship Property

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner’s family’s financially troubled property, 666 Fifth Avenue in New York, is close to being saved by a Canadian company with direct ties to the Qatari government, according to a Thursday New York Times report.

The company, Brookfield Properties, is heavily invested in by the Qatar Investment Authority, the second largest investor behind Brookfield’s parent company, per the New York Times. If the deal goes through, Brookfield would reportedly take over the leasing and operations of the building, with plans on the docket for aesthetic changes and elevator installation.

The Times report does not disclose any prices being negotiated as part of the deal. The property is financially drowning after the Kushners bought it over a decade ago for $1.8 billion. It is reportedly only producing half of the annual mortgage, and large swaths of the building sit empty.

This deal would not be the first time Kushner Companies flirted with Qatari financial sources to salvage the property—in 2016, the family was reportedly negotiating a deal with a Qatari billionaire as well as Anbang, a Chinese company. That deal fell apart after being torpedoed by criticism about Jared Kushner’s mixing of his personal business and political role.

Per the Times, this new deal could stir up similar concerns, especially in the wake of Kushner’s loss of his security clearance due to the concern that foreign agents could manipulate him through his business interests.

Kushner resigned as chief executive of his family’s company when he joined the White House, but he reportedly still owns large stakes in the company. According to the New York Times, he gave up his stake in the midtown property by selling it into a trust controlled by his mother.

Cohen Confides In Friends: ‘I Just Can’t Take This Anymore’

President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen has reportedly confided in friends that he’s at his wit’s end with federal investigations into his business dealings, Vanity Fair reported Wednesday.

According to two people familiar with Cohen’s thinking who spoke to Vanity Fair, Cohen is “fuming” over Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti’s release of information about his bank records and has grown weary of all the news coverage surrounding his attempts to sell access to Trump after the 2016 election. Cohen has reportedly confided in friends that he “just can’t take this anymore” and is focused on protecting his family, whom he thinks is suffering because federal investigators want to get to Trump, a friend told Vanity Fair.

Despite his exasperation over the probe, he spends hours every day with his lawyers reading through documents that the government has returned to him after the FBI raided his house, hotel and office last month and has told friends, “I’m not going to roll over.”

Cohen has been bombarded with headlines in recent weeks, ever since the FBI seized documents related to his business dealings and a $130,000 payment he made — and Trump reimbursed — to porn actress Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about an alleged affair she had with Trump a decade ago. The barrage continued after Avenatti released information related to payments Cohen received from companies like Novartis and AT&T in 2017. Most of the businesses confirmed they made deals with Cohen in order to gain access to Trump.
so even with impeachment or indictment.....they still getting loot?
or should u say keeping they illegal loot?

don't the govt seize ill-gotten money?

Report: Manfort’s Former Son-In-Law Reaches Plea Deal With DOJ

Paul Manafort’s former son-in-law has reached a plea deal with the Justice Department regarding his own case that requires him to cooperate with other investigations, Reuters reported Thursday evening, citing two people with knowledge of the matter.

Jeffrey Yohai’s cooperation with other ongoing probes could impact special counsel Robert Mueller’s case against Manafort, who faces two indictments stemming from his political work in Ukraine.

CNN reported last year that Yohai gave federal investigators information and documents. It’s unclear what information he handed over, but investigators were looking for cooperation on their probe into Manafort’s Ukraine work, per CNN.

Yohai had been facing a separate investigation into his real estate dealings along with Manafort in New York and California.

In the plea agreement he reached earlier this year, Yohai pleaded guilty to misusing construction loan funds and to a charge related to overdrawing a bank account, according to Reuters.

Republicans Are Still Running Against Colin Kaepernick

On the campaign trail, conservatives run ads that have turned the former NFL quarterback into a favorite punching bag.

Representative Todd Rokita was under attack. Facing two challengers in Indiana’s GOP Senate primary, Rokita was eager to burnish his conservative bona fides by aligning himself with President Donald Trump, who had carried the state by 19 percentage points. So Rokita produced an ad that naturally featured standard Democratic punching bags Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the first frame. But the next boogeyman that appeared was not Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer (they appeared later). Instead, it was a clip of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem. As the camera zoomed in for a close-up of the quarterback’s face, the voiceover intoned: “The liberal elites disrespect our flag.”

In the end, Rokita lost the primary in Indiana last week to businessman Mike Braun, but it wasn’t because he decided to make an issue of a protest that came to define the NFL last season. In fact, two days after his defeat, the president himself came to Indiana for a campaign rally at which he made sure to deliver one of his most reliable applause lines: “We stand for our national anthem at all times.” The crowd roared.

Rokita is just one of a handful of Republican candidates across the country, from Tennessee to Pennsylvania, who have incorporated the anti-player protest sentiment into their campaigns. While the protests themselves have slipped over the past six months from the front page back inside the sports section, the complaint about spoiled, rich athletes—a complaint the Trump administration has gleefully stoked time and again—has become a durable meme in the culture war, as powerful a symbol as the “welfare queens” of the Reagan era.

One of the candidates who has featured the anti-NFL player message most prominently is Tennessee Congresswoman Diane Black, the front-runner for the Republican nomination in the state’s race for governor. On Super Bowl Sunday, Black aired her own campaign ad in which she stood in front of the camera and said, “It's too bad the league doesn't respect the patriotism of our national anthem.” A month later, she followed up by publishing a 700-word op-ed on Outkick the Coverage, a website run by sports talk firebrand and conservative darling Clay Travis, declaring that she would give up her season tickets for the coming season. “It has been something that has been a conversational piece as I travel throughout the state,” Black told me. “People are saying thank you for standing up.”

Black and Rokita have tapped into an emotional and polarizing national argument that began when Kaepernick and other NFL players knelt during the national anthem to protest racial inequality and police violence. In September, at a campaign rally for Alabama Senate candidate Luther Strange, Trump famously called the players “sons of bitches,” recasting the protests from an exercise of free speech into an insult to patriotism and disrespect to the military. Republicans took his cue. Last year, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie sent out a mailer attacking the players. In Alabama, Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, called the protests “illegal.”

The NFL has done its best to quash the protests, worried about the bad publicity and alienating conservative fans, of which the league has many. By October last year, the NFL was one of the most divisive brands in the country and had a net favorability of negative 24 among Trump voters. Kaepernick, despite respectable stats, went unsigned last year and has since filed a collusion lawsuit against the league. His fellow protester, safety Eric Reid, only 26 years old and a former Pro Bowler, remains without a team this off-season and has filed his own suit. Indeed, the message from the league has been unmistakable (if not illegal): Protesting will affect your job prospects.

But if the league wants to turn the page, there are Republicans still eager to talk about the protests. No one I spoke to believes it’s an election-swinging issue, but it has still become a powerful signal to voters for politicians looking to flex their cultural conservative credentials: pro-flag and anti-Black Lives Matter. “It makes sense because politics follows the culture,” said former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer, who has worked with athletes and pro teams. “Cultural issues tend to reverberate deeper and be remembered by voters more than policy matters like tax cuts and health care.”

And it’s likely we haven’t heard the last of it as campaign season ratchets up. The Trump administration has made the kneelers a pet issue. Mike Pence made a show of walking out of an Indianapolis Colts game last year—a protest of the protest—and Trump relishes plumbing the cultural fissures. A former Trump White House adviser put it to me this way: “Colin Kaepernick probably has a higher name ID than Nancy Pelosi. He’s a better foil than Pelosi because more people know who he is.”

No one has tested that theory with more gusto than Black. A die-hard Tennessee Titans fan, she also hails from a proud military family—her father fought in World War II, her husband was a Marine and her son is a veteran of the Gulf War. Watching players kneel during the anthem last year was viscerally upsetting, she told me. She had her season tickets for years but didn’t attend a single game last year. “We didn’t give our tickets to anyone,” she said. “We wanted the seats to be empty to send a message to the NFL.” (No Titans players kneeled, though one remained in the locker room during the anthem for much of the season.) Black told me that when the Titans sent her the paperwork to renew her season tickets this off-season, they included a massive gift box. “Usually they send a little koozie,” she said. “But this year it was filled with cups and scarves and all kinds of goodies. We sent it back.”

Black likes to couch her decision in personal terms, not political. But it has certainly become part of her political identity She told me that she hasn’t done any polling on the issue, though a number of polls last year—CBS, HuffPost and CNN, among them—found a majority of respondents opposed the protests rather than supported them. Respondents were particularly divided along racial lines, with whites opposed to the protests and blacks supporting them.

Anecdotally, there is little doubt that the issue energizes Republicans. If you go back to Trump’s speech when he first attacked the players, he was giving a somewhat meandering address. As soon as he mentioned the kneelers, the crowd went wild. I saw the same phenomenon in action when I attended the annual state convention for the Arizona Republican Party earlier this year in Phoenix. Kelli Ward, locked in a primary fight in the race for Senate with former Sheriff Joe Arpaio and U.S. Representative Martha McSally, delivered the pledge of allegiance to kick off the meeting. “People in this room always stand for the pledge!” she cried. The crowd of a few hundred Republicans erupted in applause.

The issue is also another way to align yourself with Trump. But Howie Morgan, a conservative campaign consultant based in the Gulf Coast who has worked for Mike Huckabee and Rick Perry, told me that there was a larger cultural appeal that goes beyond the president. “If you want to show voters that you support the military and veterans, it works,” he said. “Just like you raffle off a gun to show you’re strong on guns.” He added that when his clients post anything about the protests to social media, it spreads like wildfire.