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Oprah could run for president & she has a 65% chance of winning, the 35% being who gets the electoral votes & one thing you can say about Republicans is that they definitely support their own. The Rock I doubt will win but if he does that'd be dope.
I wish people would look to their local active politicians, mayors and governors before they looked to Hollywood for a new potential president, being likeable doesn't mean being capable of doing such a serious job and that's clearer than ever right now.
I’m kinda disappointed. I was hoping there’d be more divide between within the Breitbart/alt right over Bannon vs Trump and maybe finally erode some of Trumps supporters. Bannon really backed down and folded like a bitch. Was hoping for a war. After Roy Moore loss and this last week Bannon is finally learning that he’s delusional and not as influential as he thinks.

Guess Trump was right about Bannon all along. Everybody saying Trump was Bannon's puppet but that obviously wasn't the case with how Bannon folded. I didn't like Bannon but I at least thought he was more intelligent and cunning than this. I was looking forward to the fight as well.
Bannon was dumber than a box of rocks. nigga really overvalued himself thinking he was some kind of genius kingmaker; he reminds of the one homie who reads a book then hits the block and try to speak like he Einstein and shit...when i think of Bannon this quote always comes to mind " in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king"

Court Strikes Down GOP’s North Carolina Congressional Gerrymander
A North Carolina district court has struck down Republicans’ highly gerrymandered North Carolina congressional map as unconstitutional. The ruling could cost the GOP House seats in November’s midterm elections if the Supreme Court doesn’t delay the decision by the Supreme Court because of other redistricting cases it’s currently considering.

A three-judge panel ruled on Tuesday that Republicans had illegally gerrymandered the state’s map to their advantage.

This is not the first time courts have thrown out North Carolina’s congressional map. In May 2017, the Supreme Court declared it an illegal racial gerrymander, a violation of the Voting Rights Act. Tuesday’s ruling went much further, arguing that the congressional map violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution, as well as the First Amendment and Elections Clauses.

The district court’s decision may be stayed by the Supreme Court, which is currently considering a pair of cases to determine whether or not extreme partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional.

According to Tuesday’s ruling, however, North Carolina’s Republican-controlled statehouse must redraw the map with weeks to spare before the 2018 elections, or the court will appoint a special master to do it for them. If the Supreme Court upholds that part of the ruling, Democrats could see a huge boost—they currently only hold three of the swing state’s 13 congressional seats.

More litigation is likely to come before it’s clear what will happen to North Carolina’s congressional map, but the ruling is the latest blow to gerrymandering—and potentially to Republican control of the House, which is built partly on a series of gerrymanders in large swing states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio, as well as Wisconsin, whose maps are currently in front of the Supreme Court.
Here's the truth:

Ain't nobody voting for Oprah but the sistahs, simps, and fake "woke" white wimmens.

She'd get WASHED by that dumbass Dotard.

No thanks.

Like y'all forgot that Oprah flipped SOOO many times on hip-hop. Nah. Don't do that shit.

Give Uncle Joe a 10-year supply of Sensu Beans and tell him he's "next man up."
Agreed about Oprah and Joe.

If Trump doesn’t get washed by this Russia shit, then the only person capable of beating him is gonna be Joe Biden.

Joe is perfect to run against this clown.
U niggas really overvaluing Trump lol
The bigots showed us last election what happens when they come out to vote and when other people outsmart themselves by either staying home or voting for 3rd party candidates that don’t stand a chance of winning.

I don’t overvalue Trump.....I overvalue people’s common sense and ability to vote him out.
Agreed about Oprah and Joe.

If Trump doesn’t get washed by this Russia shit, then the only person capable of beating him is gonna be Joe Biden.

Joe is perfect to run against this clown.

Joe is too old for the president shit though, maybe even the campaign alone
The bigots showed us last election what happens when they come out to vote and when other people outsmart themselves by either staying home or voting for 3rd party candidates that don’t stand a chance of winning.

I don’t overvalue Trump.....I overvalue people’s common sense and ability to vote him out.
Right, but i think them ppl that sat out last time or voted 3rd party aint doin that shit again, most ppl were on the "theyre both just as bad"shit or thought there was no way he'd win anyway...hopefully theyve learned not voting has consequences, like ive said before if he even makes it to the next election most ppl will come out and vote on some anti trump shit alone...dems just gotta put out someone decent..no hillary 2.0 shit
Right, but i think them ppl that sat out last time or voted 3rd party aint doin that shit again, most ppl were on the "theyre both just as bad"shit or thought there was no way he'd win anyway...hopefully theyve learned not voting has consequences, like ive said before if he even makes it to the next election most ppl will come out and vote on some anti trump shit alone...dems just gotta put out someone decent..no hillary 2.0 shit
I don’t know man.

The Virginia state House could be controlled by the Democrats right now if 1 (one) more person would’ve decided to vote a few weeks ago. Because of that, the racist ass republicans in that state will continue to control things and push thru an anti-Black agenda.
I’m kinda disappointed. I was hoping there’d be more divide between within the Breitbart/alt right over Bannon vs Trump and maybe finally erode some of Trumps supporters. Bannon really backed down and folded like a bitch. Was hoping for a war. After Roy Moore loss and this last week Bannon is finally learning that he’s delusional and not as influential as he thinks.

I dont know why you would think that there would be an erosion of support from Bannonites and Trump followers.. they are one in the same.. they have different approaches... Bannon speaks in a way that is more "moderate" he is intelligent and is artful in his racism.. Trump is a hamfisted idiot.. they have two different ways of fishing thats all that is.. the "populism" is baked into the cake... Trump has the shiny name. Bannon was an asset could have been a bigger asset.. to trump but he thought he was bigger than he was... assett = cohort...

Rep. Darrell Issa Announces Retirement

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) will not seek another term in Congress, he announced Wednesday.

“While my service to California’s 49th District will be coming to an end, I will continue advocating on behalf of the causes that are most important to me, advancing public policy where I believe I can make a true and lasting difference, and continuing the fight to make our incredible nation an even better place to call home,” he said in a statement.

The OC Daily first reported the news, citing unnamed sources.

Issa, reportedly the wealthiest member of Congress — except for, possibly, Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-MT) — has served in the House since 2001, and from 2011 to 2015 chaired the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

He joins 27 other Republican members of the 115th Congress who have either announced their retirement or resigned before their next re-election campaign.

Basically house republicans are looking at the odds of winning in those mid-term elections and doing like..

I dont know why you would think that there would be an erosion of support from Bannonites and Trump followers.. they are one in the same.. they have different approaches... Bannon speaks in a way that is more "moderate" he is intelligent and is artful in his racism.. Trump is a hamfisted idiot.. they have two different ways of fishing thats all that is.. the "populism" is baked into the cake... Trump has the shiny name. Bannon was an asset could have been a bigger asset.. to trump but he thought he was bigger than he was... assett = cohort...

I thought they’d have to pick a side and I thought it would be more divided. Seems like they went with Trump easily.
This is crazy if its true and could disenfranchise a lot of voters for years to come once the Supreme Court makes their ruling


Supreme Court appears likely to approve Ohio’s voter purging

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court seemed inclined Wednesday to rule for Ohio in a legal fight over the state's method for removing people from the list of registered voters.

Civil rights groups say it discourages minority turnout. But a lawyer for the state told the court that the process helps keep voter registration lists accurate and up to date. And a bare majority of the justices seemed to agree with the state officials.

"They want to protect the voter roll from people that have moved, and they're voting in the wrong district," said Anthony Kennedy, often the deciding vote when the court is closely divided. "What we're talking about are the best tools to implement that purpose."

At issue is a method Ohio uses to identify people who have moved and are no longer eligible to vote. The state sends notices to those who fail to cast a ballot during a two-year period. People who do not respond and don't vote over the next four years, including in two more federal elections, are dropped from the list of registered voters.

That's what happened to Larry Harmon, a U.S. Navy veteran and software engineer who was turned away from his polling place in 2015 when he wasn't on the list.

"I looked and I looked. And I saw my son's name, but I didn't see my name," he says. So he joined a civil rights group in suing the state. Ohio said he was sent a notice, but he says he didn't get it.

A federal appeals court ruled for the state, concluding that roughly 7,500 Ohio voters — in a state that's perennially a presidential battleground — were wrongly purged from the list in the 2016 election.

Paul Smith, a Washington lawyer representing the challengers, said the state's method is flawed.

"The reality is that the failure to vote for two years tells you almost nothing about whether or not anybody has moved," he said. "Fifty or 60 percent of the voters in Ohio routinely don't vote over a two-year period."

And Smith said surveys show that most people who receive a notice after not voting simply throw it away.

He said Ohio is violating the National Voter Registration Act, which specifies that voters can be purged from the rolls only if they ask, move, are convicted of a felony, become mentally incapacitated, or die.

The court's liberal justices seemed to side with the challengers.

"You have a right not to vote," said Sonia Sotomayor.

But Chief Justice John Roberts said a failure to vote or respond to a notice tells the state something about whether a voter has moved.

The Justice Department supported the challengers in the early stages of the court fight, but the Trump administration switched sides and argued Wednesday for the state.

Solicitor General Noel Francisco said Ohio's system strikes a balance between "on the one hand dramatically increasing the number of voters on the voter rolls but, on the other, giving states the flexibility they need to manage the issues that arise when you have over-inflated voter rolls."

Professor Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California at Irvine, says if the court sides with Ohio, "you'll see more red states making it easier to drop people from the voter registration rolls, and it's going to continue what I call the voting wars between the parties."

At least a dozen other states have suggested they will follow Ohio's lead if the state wins.

The court will decide the case by late June