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I find it very weird people are claiming we're in a post-truth media era where it matters more about telling people what they want and what's good for them than telling the truth or related facts.

White House Aide Reportedly Escorted Off CNN Set After Contentious Interview

White House aide Stephen Miller was escorted off the set of CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday after host Jake Tapper told Miller he was wasting viewers’ time and ended Miller’s interview on the show, according to several reports.

Business Insider was first to report that Miller was escorted off the set, citing two sources close to the administration. Miller was asked to leave the set several times and when he he ignored the requests, security came to escort him out, per Business Insider.

The Hill and CBS News later confirmed that Miller was escorted off the CNN set.

During the Sunday interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Miller dodged several questions from Tapper about President Donald Trump’s tweets and former White House adviser Steve Bannon. As Miller avoided Tapper’s questions, the CNN host eventually cut him off.

“I get it. There’s one viewer that you care about right now and you’re being obsequious, you’re being a factotum in order to please him, okay?” Tapper told Miller. “And I think I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time.”



NBC: Trump’s Team, FBI In Talks About Possible Mueller Interview With POTUS

Lawyers for President Donald Trump are engaged in initial talks with the FBI about a possible interview with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the President, NBC News reported Monday morning, citing three people familiar with the matter.

Trump’s lawyers are discussing several potential formats for an interview, such as responding to written questions in place of an in-person interview, and they are debating whether Trump could completely skip an interview, according to NBC News. His attorneys are also looking at the legal standard for when Trump can be interviewed and whether Mueller himself would interview the President, per NBC.

The President’s legal team met with investigators on the special counsel probe in late December, but it’s not clear what was discussed at that meeting.

Heard he is exploring the option of giving a written testimony.

They don't want Trump answering questions on the spot. He'll absolutely perjure himself.

Trump aint gone go no where near meuller! They kno trump will fuck himself.

Anyone else notice he only does on camera sit down interviews w fox news....they scared af.

WH Defends Trump’s Schedule After Report He Doesn’t Start Until 11AM

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended President Donald Trump’s work schedule following a report in Axios that Trump spends the first several hours of his day in his private residence watching television, making calls and tweeting.

“The time in the morning is a mix of residence time and Oval Office time but he always has calls with staff, Hill members, cabinet members and foreign leaders during this time,” Sanders said in a statement to Axios. “The President is one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen and puts in long hours and long days nearly every day of the week all year long. It has been noted by reporters many times that they wish he would slow down because they sometimes have trouble keeping up with him.”

Axios reported that Trump stays in his residence until about 11 a.m. most days, before he heads to his first meeting, citing unnamed officials. Trump typically spends the time watching cable news and on Twitter, per Axios. The President’s time in his private residence, which has lengthened since the beginning of his term, is marked as “Executive Time” on his official schedule.

Trump does often send tweets early in the morning, some of which are clearly in response to reports on “Fox and Friends” and other networks.

Spicer either has a short memory or a very long nose, based on comments he made Monday morning regarding Oprah Winfrey.

The former White House press secretary appeared on the British TV show “Good Morning Britain” to discuss, among other things, Winfrey’s potential presidential run, which many were discussing after the media mogul received the Cecil B. DeMille Awardat Sunday’s Golden Globes.

Spicer suggested Winfrey might have problems because of her inexperience in the political arena.

She doesn’t have the political infrastructure,” Spicer said. “And we’ve seen this before in our history — where people who have tried to pop in who are not in politics and have had a difficult time adjusting.”

The show’s host, Piers Morgan — also a former “Celebrity Apprentice” winner — seemed like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Sean, Sean, Sean!” he said in response. “The current president of the United States had no political experience! Sean! You were his press secretary! Have you forgotten Donald Trump?!”

Spicer then tried to walk back his comments by saying that Trump’s election “proves there is an appetite for outsiders,” but added, “The question is, was that an anomaly or is that the new norm? And that’s all I’m getting at.”

“I 100 percent know who I used to work for!” he said, laughing.

Although Spicer said he thought Winfrey was “extremely impressive,” he didn’t think she could beat Trump in 2020.

“This would be the clash of titans. Hands down Donald Trump [would win], but I think Oprah would give him a run for his money,” he said.

Though Winfrey told Bloomberg Sunday night that she had no current plans to run for president, longtime partner Stedman Graham said to the LA Times, “It’s up to the people. She would absolutely do it.”

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5 Of The Most Powerful Pieces Of Advice In ‘Oprah Show’ History

David Moye

Reporter, HuffPost
Arts And Entertainment Sean Spicer Golden Globes Oprah Winfrey U.S. Presidential Election

Here's the truth:

Ain't nobody voting for Oprah but the sistahs, simps, and fake "woke" white wimmens.

She'd get WASHED by that dumbass Dotard.

No thanks.

Like y'all forgot that Oprah flipped SOOO many times on hip-hop. Nah. Don't do that shit.

Give Uncle Joe a 10-year supply of Sensu Beans and tell him he's "next man up."