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Foreign Affairs Chair Ed Royce To Retire, Opening Up Key Swing Seat

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) will retire at the end of his term, handing Democrats a huge opportunity in a Democratic-trending district and marking the latest sign of a building blue wave in the 2018 elections.

“In this final year of my Foreign Affairs Committee chairmanship, I want to focus fully on the urgent threats facing our nation,” Royce said in a statement Monday evening. “With this in mind, and with the support of my wife Marie, I have decided not to seek reelection in November.”

Royce’s decision to retire is a blow to his party’s hopes to hold onto the Democratic-trending Orange County swing seat. Royce won reelection last year by double digits even as Hillary Clinton was carrying the district by 52 percent to 43 percent — a major shift to Democrats after Mitt Romney won it by four percentage points in 2012.

His decision adds Royce to a growing list of longtime GOP lawmakers who’ve decided to leave Congress instead of facing a tough reelection battle in what’s increasingly looking like a wave election year. A high number of retirements are often a sign of a building political wave, and while many committee chairmen decide to retire from Congress at the end of their tenures rather than take on a reduced role in Congress, Democrats’ double-digit lead in many recent generic congressional ballots is unquestionably playing a role in some of their decision-making. Congressmen often decide to pack things up after talking things over with family over the holidays, and Royce may not be the last one to decide to retire.

The race was shaping up to be Royce’s toughest election in his career. He was held to 57 percent of the vote last year, a solid number but a mark that matched the lowest win percentage of his career, from his first election in 1992, and that came against a candidate who raised just $74,000 for his entire campaign. While some GOP operatives were worried Royce might not be ready to shake off the rust in the district, he was sitting on a campaign war chest of almost $3.5 million — a major sum in an expensive media market.

Democrats had already made it clear the seat would be a top target in next fall’s midterm elections — its population is roughly one third Hispanic and one third Asian American, making it a prime pickup opportunity in the age of Trump.

Five Democrats are already running for the seat that have raised at least $100,000 — including heavy-hitting self-funders Andy Thorburn, his campaign $2 million, Gil Cisneros, another self-funder, and Mai-Khanh Tran, a pediatrician and former refugee from Vietnam who has the backing of EMILY’s List.

Royce is a longtime foreign policy hawk who often sparred with the Obama administration on issues from Iran to North Korea. He’s also taken a hawkish approach towards Russia — calling for more sanctions against the country after its invasion of Ukraine — and his decision to retire could free him up to return to his more aggressive posture towards the country.

With Royce leaving, the GOP faces a potentially tough recruiting challenge in the district, though they said they’ll fight hard for it.

“Republicans are fired up and ready to hold this seat. Orange County has no shortage of Republican talent and a highly organized ground effort with the NRCC at the forefront,” NRCC Chairman Steve Stivers (R-OH) said in a statement. “We have just one message for Democrats who think they can compete for this seat: bring it on.”

Here's the truth:

Ain't nobody voting for Oprah but the sistahs, simps, and fake "woke" white wimmens.

She'd get WASHED by that dumbass Dotard.

No thanks.

Like y'all forgot that Oprah flipped SOOO many times on hip-hop. Nah. Don't do that shit.

Give Uncle Joe a 10-year supply of Sensu Beans and tell him he's "next man up."
Oprah's own cousin has called her out for lying about her upbringing. They aren't rich. They'd sell her down the river if the RNC came waving blank cheques and O's rep would be fucked.
Here's the truth:

Ain't nobody voting for Oprah but the sistahs, simps, and fake "woke" white wimmens.

She'd get WASHED by that dumbass Dotard.

No thanks.

Like y'all forgot that Oprah flipped SOOO many times on hip-hop. Nah. Don't do that shit.

Give Uncle Joe a 10-year supply of Sensu Beans and tell him he's "next man up."

Hip hop is has it good moments but bruh. That shit can be so destructive.
Oprah could run for president & she has a 65% chance of winning, the 35% being who gets the electoral votes & one thing you can say about Republicans is that they definitely support their own. The Rock I doubt will win but if he does that'd be dope.

The Rock wouldn't run until Trump is out of the picture because he is a Republican
Oprah could run for president & she has a 65% chance of winning, the 35% being who gets the electoral votes & one thing you can say about Republicans is that they definitely support their own. The Rock I doubt will win but if he does that'd be dope.

I really really hope Trump isn’t followed by another celebrity president. He needs to be the anomaly, not the norm. Plus we need someone capable to clean up after him, you know there has to be a good amount of actual “presidential” work that he ignores while he goes golfing.


White House Spox Admits Border Wall May Not Be a Wall: It’s a ‘Border Wall System’

During an appearance on CNN this morning, White House Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp essentially told host Brianna Keilar that President Donald Trump‘s long-touted border wall with Mexico is mostly just in our hearts, and that we shouldn’t expect an actual, physical wall.

Discussing the divisive issue of funding the wall and how Democrats are pushing for DACA protections in return during budget talks, Schlapp noted that the wall represents “border security” and “protecting our heartland.” This then shifted to reports that the administration has requested billions of dollars for a wall.

With Keilar stating that this funding request appears to be for a physical wall, Schlapp jumped in to state that it is actually for a “border wall system.”

“Do you understand what a ball border wall system is?” Schlapp asked Keilar. “It is a physical wall and in certain areas, if you look at where the wall would be placed you can’t somehow put some physical barriers — that’s where you need personnel and technology. So it is a — it’s a border wall system.”

After the CNN host said she was trying to understand, Schlapp shot back, telling Keilar that she didn’t get why she was stuck on a “brick and mortar” border wall.

“There are different components to it,” she added.

“Because of what the president himself has talked about,” Keilar answered back. The White House spokesperson reiterated that “by saying building the wall, it clearly means there’s a technology component to it” and border agents are a big component of it.
I’m kinda disappointed. I was hoping there’d be more divide between within the Breitbart/alt right over Bannon vs Trump and maybe finally erode some of Trumps supporters. Bannon really backed down and folded like a bitch. Was hoping for a war. After Roy Moore loss and this last week Bannon is finally learning that he’s delusional and not as influential as he thinks.
At the end of the day, Trump is the most powerful man in the world and isnt even hiding who he playing the game for....these CACs no linger give a fuck about Sloppy Steve