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The Official Raw/Smackdown Live/NXT Thread

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Or its a feud with Jinder with the belief that we hate Jinder so much that Roman gets cheered. Forgetting the fact that niggas can just boo both of them lol.

Don’t matter who faces Reigns, they’ll more than likely cheer the fuck outta him.

Spite. Obey your thirst.
I hear all all yall....I really do...

But what you are failing to realize is....there is much more to WWE than just the TV crowds.

There is a certain type of fan that goes to televised shows...that will spend the money to go to a PPV or a live Raw or SD....

So yes...while on TV you here booing and all that shit

At house shows...its not that way...his segments have the highest views on Youtube...He has more followers on social media than anyone but Cena...He is second in merch...behind Cena...on any and all wrestling blogs and podcasts, articles or discussions with his name in the title has the most clicks, listens and comments...So this narrative that “Roman just aint working” is bullshit. Plain and simple.

So...again...while YOU may feel a certain way about Roman...due to the fact the you are

1. An adult who understands the “show” of pro wrestling

2. Heavily invested in dirtsheets and rumors

You look at the product thru a different lens.

Again...I absolutely HATE the way they have been booking Roman...I have always said that and I will continue to say it. (This Jinder feud is a step in the right direction tho) But I realize that WWE main roster aint only for me and what I like. And IMO they do give a good variety of shit to like...mufuckas just too busy bitching about Reigns to pay attention.
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naw bruh, this reigns shit ain’t working.
not everybody who’s booing reigns give a fuck about the dirtsheets
we know this shit is fake, but we treat like any other scripted project (movie, show, etc.)

we want to be entertained

and this roman reigns character isn’t entertaining

that’s not to say it can’t be fixed.....and reigns isn’t a bad wrestler, but nothing he does in the ring or says on the microphone is that interesting
I just don't like the politics and the "forced" feeling of someone telling me who to cheer for. From the way he is booked with inconsistent storylines , to the announcers trying to save face for him in cringe ass Corporate political ways, to his demeanor on the mic and growth as a wrestling performer it's just all annoying and frustrating. I don't hate Roman reigns like alot of people, but I do hate Vince stubborn nature to tell the fans who to like. Shit has ALWAYS turned me off with wrestling
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