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The Official MCU Thread


the animated joints are dope. I really hope they dont fuck it up.. but it's sony.

based on their track record I have no faith that they wont find a way to fuck that up too

Spider-Man 2 is dropping soon on PS5. Potential game of the year. Sony is not fucking anything up. Spider-Man out here striving. Respect them.
Who said that


The third spiderman RUINED the trilogy.. thats a fact.

the first two were dope.. The third? Whole franchise ruined and they had to start over to try to remove the stink

Lol, stop being a bozo. No way Morbius and Venom got you this aggy.

lol im not aggy at all bruh im over here laughing at you tryna make it seem like sony is competent when it comes to live action comicbook films. They aint
Tom Holland doesnt even want to do Spider-Man 4.
That's another thing. Some actors/actresses will want to move on and feel their time as the character is done
And in a pre-strike interview with The Hollywood Reporter (published June 14, 2023), Tom said of further MCU movies, “It’s a collaborative process. The first few meetings were about, ‘Why would we do this again?’ And I think we found the reason why. I’m really, really happy with where we’re at in terms of the creative. But I’m also a little apprehensive about it. There’s a bit of a stigma about the fourth one in all franchises. I feel like we hit a home run with our first franchise and there’s a part of me that wants to walk away with my head held high and pass the baton to the next lucky kid that gets to bring this character to life.”