ah so it's the producers that are the issue. ehhh if marvel can cut a deal with sony bum ass they might be able to pull something off with Singer and Kinberg before 2025
I read some issues when I was in elementary school and after watching this YouTube video I take back what I said secret wars II is dope. Marvel should .ake a Disney plus show based on this and call it " the beyonder" secret wars 2 is filled with dope concepts and events it writes itself.He's not talking about secret wars from the 80s there was a other secret wars event that took place in 2015. Btw secret wars II wasn't as good as secret wars I imo.
He's not talking about secret wars from the 80s there was a other secret wars event that took place in 2015. Btw secret wars II wasn't as good as secret wars I imo.
I think SWII was too "cerebral" for a lot of folks. There was a lot going on philosophically in SWII that just didn't land for a lot of people. For me, it was amazing that Marvel would even attempt to take an utterly omnipotent being and have him try to be as "human" as possible. Trying to get someone on that level to understand what it meant to be human. It also showed that Molecule Man was hands down the most powerful human alive, and he simply didn't care. Owen Reese brushing off Uatu request for an audience, then finally falling through and all of the celestial entities standing in awe of him pointed to Molecule Man being a far more significant being in all of the Marvel Universe up to that point and dude simply gave no fucks about all of that. He wanted a simple life, chillin with his woman and not much more than that. There was a lot of philosphical shit going on in SWII that, I think, lost a lot of people, but for me the shit was a goldmine. I read the series over and over until The Infinity Gauntlet came out.
With SW2 you either like Johnathan Hickman or you don’t. Like his F4, New Avengers and Avengers runs he favors talk over action but it works.
People consider the 2 avengers books leading up the secret wars one of the best books ever.
Nobody's checking for eternals to. It would've worked better as a Disney plus series.
Foundation already set and you Can just improve on where the first one lackedeh I kinda wanna see more of the cosmic stuff. Especially when it comes to the Celestials
Foundation already set and you Can just improve on where the first one lacked
I actually liked the risks Chloe zhao took
One thing you can’t complain about is the movie following the same formula for the most part
I think it'll be cool to see some of the more powerful characters on the big screeneh I kinda wanna see more of the cosmic stuff. Especially when it comes to the Celestials