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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Out the gates these vaccines were supposed to be taken weeks apart for efficacy. My mom and friend both recently got moderna but they talking about 3-4 months until the 2nd dose.

I'm not gonna discourage anyone from taking it but people shouldn't be telling people they really need to take it or being critical of a wait and see approach when things clearly aren't as organized as they should be top down.

For me personally there's too much uncertainty and a lack of answers. I prefer a wait and see to an inject and see option.

Do what's best for you and leave it at that.

Shit j&j just went back to the drawing board and said ....now it’s ok.


It’s ok to be uncertain but be educated about it.

Even with the evolution , it’s adapting to the vaccine too.

Just a matter of time before them spikes come back along with the symptoms being stronger.
Yo @DOS_patos , did they ever confirm your aunt’s cause of death? And do you believe them or do you think it was the vaccine?

Again, condolences to you and your family and apologies in advance for possibly re-opening a sore spot.
what up pimp.

the autopsy came back inconclusive and they was told they waited too long to do it.
thats what i was told.....sounds like bullshit.

but i strongly feel she was one of a few that died after taking it.
she complained the whole time right after and went back to the hospital where she passed.
i totally understand that things happen and its not the same for everyone... i just think people need to just be aware.

do i have proof ? no.
but if someone eats something and dies....most people would think something was in the food.

and no apologies needed...you good people.
what up pimp.

the autopsy came back inconclusive and they was told they waited too long to do it.
thats what i was told.....sounds like bullshit.

but i strongly feel she was one of a few that died after taking it.
she complained the whole time right after and went back to the hospital where she passed.
i totally understand that things happen and its not the same for everyone... i just think people need to just be aware.

do i have proof ? no.
but if someone eats something and dies....most people would think something was in the food.

and no apologies needed...you good people.
‘Preciate that fam. I'm getting it today regardless but thought it would be good to hear how people were doing after a while, especially people who has known someone to have ill effects after taking it. I see this thread as a sort of anecdotal test population.

And that's a tough situation because of the unknowns, but I understand why you feel the way you do. I probably would too.
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What's the vaccine supposed to do if the virus evolves faster than they can make vaccines.

Are we gonna have to take it yearly like a flu shot for it to actually be effective?
If enough people get the vaccine and herd immunity is developed the likelihood of mutated strains is decreased.

With all of the hesitancy, I don't see that happening though so annual shots at minimum will probably be the norm.
The vaccine will still protect you but if it mutates even further after a 5 year period into something stronger you should see if there are newer vaccines. Just like you would for your regular vaccinations you got when you were a baby.

I don't understand why black people have a hard time wrapping their minds around this. Like I got my vaccinations for HPV after learning that it's the most common STD today. HPV causes genital warts and also cancers. But I remember the nurse saying that after some years if some of these diseases get stronger or more resistant, to come back and get newer vaccinations. Same goes for measles, there was an outbreak in the NHL for a stronger strand.

Mumps, measles, TB were diseases that white people gave to natives that instantly killed them off when they went to take their lands from them. It took a loooong time before these groups got vaccinations for them.

And you think these same white people now want to give it to black people first solely for black peoples well being?.
Let me also share that I ended up getting covid-19 and that shit had me ravaged. After 2 days I got my results, I couldn't go from my bedroom to my living room without passing out and having to wait 30 minutes just for some of my energy to return so I could go back. A nigga had to fight to get up to use the bathroom. Then there was the chills and body aches. I could barely sleep properly. Appetite was gone, I lost 10 healthy pounds off that shit. I had to take deep breaths to help fall asleep and would feel pressure on my chest. I was just like everyone else thinking I'd be asymptomatic but nope that wasn't the case. I did MMA for 10 years and then boxing the rest of my adulthood, eat healthy I dont eat junk food, no fast food, no soda, take all my vitamins (including vitamin D), never smoked or did drugs, work out every consistently. I've never been hit that hard by sickness. I was ravaged, doctor told me covid-19 could linger for 3-4 months as a result. My girl's mother is still fighting and because of her diabetes she's been having a far tougher time.

In Canada, the rollout for the vaccine has been terrible. In the US they got people taking em at Walmart and drive-thrus. In Canada our prime Minister cant even get the shit done properly.

You say all this to say what?

I don't think anyone saying they don't believe covid19 is real.
Yall don't want the vaccine anyways so there isn't much they need to do. Black people statistically are the slowest group getting vaccinated. Upper class Black people may get it but lower class is the issue. In the long run it'll bite Black people in the ass. But historically in the U.S. that's always been the trend with health care and black people.

Black people are most impacted by heart disease, obesity, also have low white blood cell count compared to other groups. Higher risk for stroke and other things.

That's due to systemic racism. You think your different tho.
Look man I'm not going to make this into a black versus black thing.

Take care of your health and do what you can to protect yourself. I'm tired of niggas coming up with mad excuses for simple shit.

You still doing it tho. Why the need to talk down on blacks when you have NO answers.
Wtf ? The solution is to go and get vaccinated and treat your health as a top priority. Don't just stop at the covid vaccine, get aaaalll your vaccines and stay up to date with them. Stop following internet goofies and their bullshit conspiracy theories and get information from actual doctors and scientists.

Social media is spreading terrible misinformation to the detriment of our people.

Following what conspiracies lol. I don't understand what you're going on about. Stop lashing out.

When they start administering the vaccine at its efficacy at a base I'll consider taking it.

You're not even taking it it's effective rate. Do what's best for you but stop talking down on people especially your own.