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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

This vaccine rollout is weird. In MD, they tell you to pre-register using the site. I did that and didn't get an appointment. Then other people started getting appointments before me even though I know I pre-registered before them. I found out that there is a number you can call to schedule. I called that and got an appointment the same day. If you're in MD and need the vaccination, you're better off calling this number and telling them you need to schedule sooner rather than later.

COVID Vaccination Scheduling Hotline
Herpes infection possibly linked to COVID-19 vaccine, study says

Scientists in Israel identified six cases in a new study of patients developing a skin rash known as herpes zoster — or shingles — after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, according to a study in the Rheumatology journal

Out of 491 patients, six people or 1.2 percent experienced the infection, researchers said.

The six patients all have mild cases of autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases and were young, though the infection is generally more common in those over the age of 50.
Get the covid vaccine. What a lot of black people aren't taking into account is the long-term as with so many things. If covid has shown to evolve this fast, in a 5-10 year timeline it's gonna be a lot deadlier and as it appears black people dont fair well against many of the white man's diseases. It dont matter how healthy you are, your body cannot evolve faster than covid can in a 5-10 year period.

What's the vaccine supposed to do if the virus evolves faster than they can make vaccines.

Are we gonna have to take it yearly like a flu shot for it to actually be effective?
Out the gates these vaccines were supposed to be taken weeks apart for efficacy. My mom and friend both recently got moderna but they talking about 3-4 months until the 2nd dose.

I'm not gonna discourage anyone from taking it but people shouldn't be telling people they really need to take it or being critical of a wait and see approach when things clearly aren't as organized as they should be top down.

For me personally there's too much uncertainty and a lack of answers. I prefer a wait and see to an inject and see option.

Do what's best for you and leave it at that.