The Lonious Monk
Celestial Souljah
Not first in line....... that's all im saying
If he had a reason to complain about us being left out that would actually lend my trust to taking the vaccine. If they DON'T want us to have it it must work.
As of now, they're using black people as guinea pigs
You and Tariq must not have read any of the articles. Ya'll are completely misunderstanding or misrepresenting the issue here. This is not about blacks being guinea pigs. The vaccines have already gone through some trials. One is like 96% effective or something like that. The problem is that the vaccines have to be held at very low temperatures and require special refrigeration units. Right now, the fear is that when they roll the vaccines out, they are basically only going to go to wealthier areas. Cuomo's argument is that Trump needs to flip that because the poorer areas, particularly black and brown areas are the ones that need the vaccine the most.
Now you still might not trust the vaccine and that's fine, but Tariq implying that Cuomo was talking about sending an army out to force blacks and browns to take the vaccines against their will is a very bad interpretation of what was said. Cuomo was talking about putting an army out to make sure the vaccine is distributed fairly to those that really need it.