Rumor. False.I was one of those people until my state made it a law that you can't go inside a place of business without wearing one.
However, I only put it over my mouth...........not my nose.
Not about to pass out or get sick breathing in my own carbon dioxide.
Wear the mask the next time you taking a shit
If you can still smell it, you should rest assured that your mask isn’t trapping gasses like oxygen and CO2, they are still passing through
Lol @ the timing.
Just got off the toilet a few minutes ago.
CO2 aside, I'm just not comfortable with it over my nose.
According to what other people have posted, by covering my mouth, I'm supposedly protecting other people people should be thanking my Governor for making it mandatory for places of business.
Otherwise, I'd still be walking around with no mask on without a care in the world.
Matter of fact, I might even have the antibodies.
Starting to think that I caught it back in December.
First time I had what I thought was the flu in almost a decade.
Didn't really have a fever or anything, but my nose was dripping like water for about 3 days straight.
Had a little bit of phlegm a few days after that............and that was the last of it.
Also, it would be hilarious if Claritin is the best treatment for the disease.
Even though it's only supposed to be for allergies, almost every time I feel a cold or something coming on.........I take it before I go to bed and I'm good by the time I wake up.
From what I hear the mask mainly protects others from you, but not the other way around
Jus googled it. You right. Thx 4 the info.
Even if its a reg cloth mask, it will slow someone from spreading it or catching it more than no mask.
:( I hope its northern FL
This alone makes me think its people in Miami going to northern FL and spreading it more. And people in Palm Beach thinking they're good cuz their number were low, moving wreckless. For the longest it was Broward with about 50% of Miamis numbers(that stayed the same). And Palm Beach with like %50 of browards numbers. Now theyre close to passing us, wtf."There are now 23,854 confirmed cases in Miami-Dade and 10,111 cases in Broward.
The total number of cases in Palm Beach County has now reached 9,854 and 146 cases have been reported in Monroe County."
Because I have friends in Tulsa I really hope they end up canceling the rally last minute
Causation aside...I never looked at it that way. But when you see someone wearing a mask, it prob is safe to assume they’re not a trump supporter. Ima start making a mental tally when I go places.