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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Had to have a hard conversation with my partner about this. Like how do we go back to normal after this shit? Do we want to? He doesn't seem to give af. I'm thinking about just getting out of the entire thing. Might be time to do something else.

That shit is crazy man. Especially if the second wave of this hits in the Winter like they expecting. Most businesses wont make it if they got to shut down a second time.
Had to have a hard conversation with my partner about this. Like how do we go back to normal after this shit? Do we want to? He doesn't seem to give af. I'm thinking about just getting out of the entire thing. Might be time to do something else.

Getting out makes the most sense now imo. Cuz the service industry wont be the same until there is a vaccine. And best case scenario, that's march 2021
The proof you have is him saying that one day it will be possible to track vaccines digitally. Nothing bout him doing or working on anything of that nature.

Yall took that and flipped it to travel restrictions without vaccines and microchips in vaccines cause some mfer in his basement wrote an article saying it.

I keep talking bout the mfer in his basement because its true btw. Writing false stories disguised as real articles and posting them for clicks is a full time job that mfers either do as freelancers or have companies pay them to do it.
when did i say anything about travel restrictions?

i know i mentioned something about a digital certificate or something....i read that somewhere.
i dont think i said anything about travel restrictions.

And i say so what. Why try to out him. Like others aint doing the same.