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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona


Even Putin knows what's up:

African sister basically explains how dysfunctional the continent really is.

African dude gives a pretty good synopsis @ 09:59 too

this was on point. She was saying Africans as a whole have to stop looking at the white mans ice is colder. Think about if your president dedicated his campaign for better health care but then never got surgery in the country that would throw anybody off.

And dude was on point too he was like people don’t want to just rely on connections because it’s not stable
If I was governor of states with these protests, I’d call all of these people’s bluffs. I would have stepped right up to that protest and said all of you here today are exempt from the restrictions right now. Please exit your car and express your right to assemble.

Nobody? No one will exit their car? Ok then shut the fuck up and go home until I tell you it’s safe to come out.
My pops was quarantined with a bunch of corona symptoms for 2 weeks, and had 2 doctor appointments and couldnt get tested. This is in NJ.

Keep in mind my pops is 60 and has diabetes.

He lost sense of taste and smell. Then came a sore throat. Then crazy back and body pain. And then he was sweating a ton for about a week. So much sweat that he had to change his clothes multiple times a day. He also showed some other symptoms. It was clear as day that he had the corona.

But, because his fever never got above a 100, and because he was never short of breath, they didnt test him.

That also meant they didnt test the rest of my family. Lets remember, one of the preconditions of getting tested was being in contact with someone who had it.

And sadly, the last 2 weeks everyone in my family, including me, have had mild corona symptoms.

And none of us could get tested.

Now imagine how many families went through this same shit. So no matter what they said about testing being enough, dont believe them.

At this point my pops is good btw. So is the whole fam. We just hoping theres no relapse.

We blessed that symptoms for my pops were never bad enough to go to the emergency room and shit.

Would have loved to get pops and the rest of my fam tested though.
This is crazy af cuz we're hearing about random deaths not even being related to corona (like OD's and heart attacks and shit) being counted in the corona death toll, and then on the other side of the spectrum we got your situation where ppl got it and are getting turned away.
US Intelligence explores possibility it is a man made virus made virology lab in Wuhan, China

US explores possibility that coronavirus started in Chinese lab, not a market
By Josh Campbell, Kylie Atwood and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 12:38 AM ET, Thu April 16, 2020
Here's how the novel coronavirus outbreak unfolded

(CNN) US intelligence and national security officials say the United States government is looking into the possibility that the novel coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory rather than a market, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter who caution it is premature to draw any conclusions.
The theory is one of multiple being pursued by investigators as they attempt to determine the origin of the coronavirus that has resulted in a pandemic and killed hundreds of thousands. The US does not believe the virus was associated with bioweapons research, and officials noted that the intelligence community is also exploring a range of other theories regarding the origination of the virus, as would typically be the case for high-profile incidents, according to an intelligence source.
The theory has been pushed by supporters of the President, including some congressional Republicans, who are eager to deflect criticisms of Trump's handling of the pandemic.
[An intelligence official familiar with the government analysis said a theory US intelligence officials are investigating is that the virus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China,and was accidentally released to the public. Other sources told CNN that US intelligence hasn't been able to corroborate the theory but is trying to discern whether someone was infected in the lab through an accident or poor handling of materials and may have then infected others.
US intelligence is reviewing sensitive intelligence collection aimed at the Chinese government, according to the intelligence source, as they pursue the theory. But some intelligence officials say it is possible the actual cause may never be known.

How did coronavirus break out? Theories abound as researchers race to solve genetic detective story

How did coronavirus break out? Theories abound as researchers race to solve genetic detective story

Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Mark Milley acknowledged this week that US intelligence is taking "a hard look" at the question of whether the novel coronavirus originated in a lab.
"I would just say, at this point, it's inconclusive although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural (origin). But we don't know for certain," Milley told reporters on Tuesday.

Asked about the intelligence, which was first reported by Yahoo and Fox News, President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that the US is "doing a very thorough examination of this horrible situation that happened" but refused to discuss what he had been told about the findings.
The lab theory has been denied by the Chinese government and many outside experts have also cast doubt on the idea, CNN has previously reported.
A source close to the White House coronavirus task force also cautioned that "every time there is an outbreak someone proposes that the virus or other pathogen came out of a lab."
One official called the way China has handled dealing with the virus "completely reprehensible" -- and intelligence investigators are determined to build a fuller picture of how it originated.
The Washington Post has reported on State Department cables from 2018 demonstrating concerns about the safety and the management of the Wuhan Institute of Virology biolab. When asked about those cables, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo -- who has continued to call the coronavirus the "Wuhan virus" -- did not dismiss them, but neither did he say that they show any legitimate linkage to Covid-19.

"The Chinese Communist Party didn't give Americans access when we needed it in that most timely point at the very beginning," Pompeo said earlier this week. "Then we know they have this lab. We know about the wet (fresh food) markets. We know that the virus itself did originate in Wuhan. So all those things come together. There's still a lot we don't know, and this is what the President was talking about today. We need to know answers to these things."

Some of the officials said the US intends for China to pay a price, but recognize the US has to be careful not to inflict a cost on China before the pandemic is under control and until they have more information about its creation.

Another 5.25 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Last Week
Katia Dmitrieva
April 16, 2020, 8:32 AM EDTUpdated on April 16, 2020, 8:39 AM EDT
A pedestrian passes a boarded up store in the SoHo neighborhood of New York on April 11.

A pedestrian passes a boarded up store in the SoHo neighborhood of New York on April 11. Photographer: George Etheredge/Bloomberg

The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell last week to a still-massive 5.25 million, capping four weeks of coronavirus-related shutdowns that erased more than 10 years of job creation.

Initial jobless claims in the week ended April 11 followed 6.62 million the prior week, according to Labor Department figures Thursday. The median estimate of economists was for 5.5 million, with projections ranging as high as 8 million.

[b[The four-week sum of 22 million filings compares with roughly 21.5 million jobs added during the expansion that began in June 2009.
The latest figures suggest an unemployment rate currently around at least 17% -- far above the 10% reached in the wake of the recession that ended in 2009 -- in a sign that the effects of shutdowns have spread well beyond an initial wave of restaurants, hotels and other businesses. Another reason for elevated claims is that Americans are getting through on outdated or overwhelmed systems after previously being stymied.[/b]

Continuing claims, or the total number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits, jumped by 4.53 million to a record 12 million in the week ended April 4. Those figures are reported with a one-week lag.

Other reports Thursday showed the broadening and deepening impact of efforts aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.

Housing starts slumped in March by the most since 1984, while manufacturing in the Philadelphia Fed’s region contracted in April by the most since 1980.
This is crazy af cuz we're hearing about random deaths not even being related to corona (like OD's and heart attacks and shit) being counted in the corona death toll, and then on the other side of the spectrum we got your situation where ppl got it and are getting turned away.

Yea shits wild. Everyone has their own agenda, and the truth never matters. I tend to believe shit is worse than reported though.