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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

These Airlines were bragging and boasting about having record profits in 2018 and 2019 but are struggling to keep the lights on for few weeks or few months the shit is not adding up.

U.S. airlines pocketed $15.5 billion last year, including a record $4.6 billion in bag fee

The good times for the nation’s airlines continued last year, with the country’s largest carriers reporting a combined profit of $15.5 billion, including $4.6 billion from baggage fees.

The 23 largest airlines reported a combined after-tax profit for the fifth consecutive year, representing a strong rebound from nearly a decade of losses following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the economic recession that followed, according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

The airline industry enjoyed the biggest year on record in 2015 when low fuel costs helped airlines collect a record of nearly $25 billion in profits, the bureau said.

The nation’s airline industry added 450 new planes last year, she added.

The country’s airlines collected $4.6 billion from baggage fees and $2.9 billion from reservation change fees, which represent the only two ancillary passenger fees the airlines are required to report to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Delta Air Lines’ 2019 profit was an all-time high and 21% higher than the year prior. The airline reported net income of $4.77 billion.

Delta sets profit record in 2019
By Robert Silk
Jan 14, 2020

Delta Air Lines’ 2019 profit was an all-time high and 21% higher than the year prior. The airline reported net income of $4.77 billion.

The strong earnings are one factor that led CEO Ed Bastian to label 2019 a “truly outstanding year on all fronts.”

“2019 was the best year in our history,” Bastian said during the carrier’s earnings call Tuesday.

Wall Street appears bullish, as well. Delta stock was up nearly 4% in the early afternoon.

Delta’s record net income beat its previous high of $4.53 billion in 2015, with some help from the lower corporate tax rate that went into effect in 2018. The carrier’s pretax income of $6.2 billion last year was nearly $1 billion less than 2015’s record total of $7.16 billion.

Still, Delta’s 2019 results came on record operating revenue. The carrier’s top line in 2019 was $47 billion, a 6% increase. Notably, Delta reported a 9% growth in business and premium product sales and a $500 million jump in loyalty program revenue to $1.96 billion. Delta’s load factor of 86.3% was also a record as the airline carried 204 million passengers.
I assume they can afford to keep all their employees on the payroll with those kinda profits. But if their competitors won't do it they would be putting themselves at a disadvantage.

So government steps in with stimulus to give incentive for everyone to keep their employees without losing money so everyone wins.

I get that. What I don't get is some of the layoffs still happened.

And how TF they could complain that the money wasn't enough
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For years, my wife been asking me why am I so obsessed with weapons and ammo

My answer was always "in case these mf'er start trippin"

Needless to say, watching all this dumb sit, I feel vindicated

Living in MI there has been a tension in the air for as long as I can remember. Like a hold over from the riots. The whites here been waiting for an excuse to pop off.

My brothers and sisters, pay attention to these nut jobs and arm yourself accordingly. We might have to take a page from ol' granddaddy and grandma playbook when they came up in the south. They kept some heat for anybody who wanted some.

a lot of minoritys started living togther not even because unemployment bust just off a family thing, idk if that's good thing or bad thing in yall situation.

APRIL 15, 2020 / 7:07 PM / UPDATED 19 MINUTES AGO
Trump threatens to adjourn U.S. Congress
Steve Holland, Patricia Zengerle

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Wednesday to either force the U.S. Congress to formally adjourn, or return to the Capitol despite the coronavirus pandemic, saying he was frustrated lawmakers were not in Washington to confirm his nominees for federal judgeships and other government positions.

“The current practice of leaving town, while conducting phony pro forma sessions, is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis,” an angry Trump told reporters at his daily White House news conference.

No U.S. president has ever used the authority, included in the Constitution, to adjourn both chambers of Congress if they cannot agree on a date to adjourn.

It was not immediately clear if Congress’ current absence from Washington could be classified as due to a failure to agree on an adjournment date. Congressional leaders did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Members of the Republican-controlled Senate and Democratic-led House of Representatives have been out of Washington since last month, as government officials and health experts have recommended that Americans stay home to avoid spreading the deadly coronavirus.

As is typical during congressional recesses, the House and Senate have continued to hold regular “pro forma” sessions, brief meetings that can last less than a minute.

As long as these short sessions are held, the president is legally barred from using his power to make “recess appointments” to fill positions without having to submit his nominees to Senate confirmation votes.

After lamenting that some of his nominees have waited for months to be confirmed, Trump threatened to force Congress to adjourn. He acknowledged that such a move would face a legal challenge, but said he was confident he would prevail.

“We’ll probably be challenged in court, and we’ll see who wins,” Trump said.

Any legal challenge would likely take many months.

Trump argued that his nominees would help to deal with the coronavirus epidemic, without offering any explanation of why that would be the case.