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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Just reading an article....

Saying Americans gonna start suing everybody.


I'm staying in the house
If America falls...The world falls.
Country does alot of fuck shit...But it's home.

Might wanna rethink that

Naa, amerikkka needs other countries, not tha other way around. But I can see you feeling that way about home. Who would wanna watch they childhood house go down in flames
Naa, amerikkka needs other countries, not tha other way around. But I can see you feeling that way about home. Who would wanna watch they childhood house go down in flames
I hear you...But America is a self sufficient country. Our greed for cheaper stuff requires other countries.
just thinking about this...

if this shit hits the states.......are people prepared?

like if they close business...some people wont get paid and in turn cant pay their bills if they have no savings.

i think i will stop making jokes about this.

this could get ugly.

I was thinking the same thing when I was reading this Thread a few Days ago. If they keep People from leaving the House to do anything, like going to School or Work, do you think these greedy bastards would look out for us when we can't pay our Bill's or Rent/Mortgage? There'll be dozens of Homeless people out here! This Nation would rot and burn, no question. Those Dummies on Capital Hill better have some contingency plans laid out instead of playing games and shit, but until one of those idiots get sick, they won't budge.
racist and corny as hell

Still true, nonetheless. The Ganges River is supposed to be the Holiest River according to those Hindus, but they dump sewage all up in it, and those folks bathe in it regularly. Then you got the fact that their Butcher shops are even less sanitary than China's, they got flies all over the place and they don't clean the Tables or Utensils.

Ever heard of "Dehli Belly"? Eat their Pork or Chicken and you'll find out real quick what it is..........
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