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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

This was a Trump policy btw. For all the niggas screaming about Kamala's policies.

Industry loves deregulation because it’s a lot cheaper to cut corners than to do right. The cost/benefit analysis favors people getting sick and dying over making sure everything is safe.

I don’t know if Trump deregulated anything in the airplane manufacturing industry, but it sure is funny how Boeing started having all of these issues after Trump got in.

On the flip side, why hasn’t Biden fixed it?
On the flip side, why hasn’t Biden fixed it?

Biden can't simply re-sign the old legislation and put it back in place. It will require a new piece of legislation which would have to go through Congressional approval.

De-regulating happens pretty quickly but we're seeing why it can also be detrimental. Implementing new regulation would require a much longer process and can be easily fought.

Also keep in mind that any substantial legislation implemented by Trump that Biden tries to overturn will 100% be fought in a Conservative Count by a Conservative Judge that Trump appointed.

Picture Trump de-regulating the food industry like Trump reversing Federal policy on seat belts. Trump makes it so that seat belts are not mandatory or even against the law if not being worn while operating a motor vehicle. Keep in mind that Trump has never operated a vehicle in his life other than a golf cart.

So boom, Trump reverses seat belt policies. Biden gets elected and says fuck that shit, seat belts are law again. Well Republicans in Congress will push back on that. Post crazy videos of not wearing seatbelts and shit like that. Sort of like people being anti-mask during COVID to look stupid and prove a point. So any attempt that Biden makes to put the seat belt policy back in place will be taken to court and eventually it will get strike down by Conservative Judge.

Trump's incredibly inept Presidency had so many long term fuck ups that fixing them almost requires a total revamp of the previous systems that were in place. That's what happens when you have a person who literally cannot read leading your country. People get the false notion that POTUS can easily fix things because of how easy it is to fuck shit up.

It will take years to re-install quality regulations in the industries that Trump destroyed.

I don’t know if Trump deregulated anything in the airplane manufacturing industry, but it sure is funny how Boeing started having all of these issues after Trump got in.

His tax policy. Remember all of the stock buy backs and kick backs the airlines got? United workers literally went on strike yesterday. There was Billions in tax cuts and kick backs for the airlines and they kept that shir. The result is an unstable industry that will continue to pay out millions of dollars to departing CEO's while people die on the job and the airline industry suffers.
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