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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I'm speaking from a place of peace & love. Also a place of curiosity. Black people have always showed up for democrats. Please educate me on what milestone accomplishments the democrats have provided to African Americans. Strictly, African Americans.

As the John Legend's set to Prince concludes.

Can you answer this same question for other races? You can't because politics and our government is not designed to leave people out strictly by race.

You have to understand that in America, class comes before race. It's the haves and the have nots. Your race is secondary.

You're looking for things that impact strictkly African Americans and what makes you think that you'll find a single thing that only impacts African Americans when we are not all the same?

I'll give you an example. Take two High School Freshmen that are about 14-15 years old. Both Black. A Black student in Ohio and a Black student in Minnesota live two completely different lives.

The student in Ohio does not eat for free at school. The student in Ohio cannot get an abortion if they are raped. The student in Ohio has their public school funding ripped away because of Republican policies and laws. The student in Ohio has to fund their way to college even if they are in a household that makes less than $50,000 annually.

The student in Minnesota eats for FREE at school. The student in Minnesota has access to Planned Parenthood resources that includes more than just access to abortions. The student in Minnesota does not have opportunities taken away from them at public schools to fund private schools. The student in Minnesota has access to FREE college if they are in a household making less than $50,000 annually.

Ohio has a Republican Governor.

Minnesota has a Democrat Governor.

When you ask for specifics, how do you define specifics? You can't ask or specifics in a broad term. You need to drill down on what you are asking for because specifically, Black people are not the same across the country. We don't all make the same amount of money. We don't all have the same values and beliefs. We don't all live the same lifestyle.

So how can anybody, politician or not, do anything specific for any specific race? You have to understand that people are way more different that the framing of your question. Even within ABW niggas are not the same. The things have access to in Ohio are not the same for niggas in California or Washington. How much are groceries for DMV and NY niggas on ABW? Compare that to Georgia and Florida ABW members. Are ABW niggas in Louisiana making a living wage? What's the average cost of college in Louisiana compared to Illinois?

How can a single thing be specific to Black people when we are so diverse?

And if you believe that there are singular things that can be done FOR ALL OF US BLACK PEOPLE, I'm asking you to name them and explain how they can be done.
