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FEATURED The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

a lot of people who don’t even believe in the process of government and politics are out and about arguing about shit. Just to argue about shit. Point blink if there is no part in you that believes in the processes of government and politics. Then, it shouldn’t matter who the fuck is president because you don’t believe in anything attached to it anyway.

But if there is a part of you that believes in politics and government process and the only real choice is between Trump and Harris. And you all of sudden wanna act like a conversation about her blackness needs to be had now..

Then your just an idiot who wants to complain just to complain


Who falls for this?

Establishment president steps down to endorse establishment politician as replacement

A bunch of other establishment politicians endorse, and said establishment politician gets mega donor backing that only ever goes to potential establishment nominee

Anyone wanna take a guess if she's gonna get nominated?
Damn ran so fast to defend Mr Apartheid u missed the point

Nigga what? I've never once had anything nice to say about Elon, you just aiding in a fucking lie and I called it out. It's literally propaganda. Rich people throw money at both parties and both parties aid them in securing their fortunes so unless you willing to call your side fascists, shut up.