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The Official 2020/21 NBA Thread

Would be dope it it was a higher limit. I would eventually get bored and then start taking stupid risks.

Any limit on the number of players per day you can pick? I ask bcuz this would have to be a quantity game to increase the earnings for me.
yea it's relatively low winnings because the shit is cake. They give you up to 10x your money for getting coin flips correctly. I don't even see how their business model can survive. You could actually go on there blind and make picks and be semi successful. That's what i do with others sport i don't know like golf and hockey

I don't think there's any limits on players outside of how much you can bet on them. And yea you do wanna to diversify your bets with multiple players

All I can say about this is that KP loved being a star in NY. That mfer starting acting he was a bonafide super star after like year 2.

Some of it had to do with him being good, but most of it was due to NY. I always wondered how he felt about being #2 on a team, cause from his time in NY, he didnt come off the type of guy who would be ok with being #2 on a team.

Demar hated kyle and said he didn't talk to that nigga for about a year and a half when he got to Toronto. Now they best friends.

It takes a village. Everyone from owner to players to coach gotta get em there. Cuban doing the wrong thing spilling the tea tho.