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The Official 2020/21 NBA Thread

Former UNLV and NBA basketball player Jackie Robinson has led All Net from day one. He wants to build a hotel, arena and retail complex where Wet-n-Wild used to sit. Over the years, plans have changed. Investors have come and gone. Promises to county commissioners were made and made again. “You want to win,” said Robinson. “It’s not just about playing the game. I want to win.” Today, Robinson says he is not playing anymore. Ground will break again at the All Net site in October, and he says nothing will stop it. – via KLAS-TV

This is the biggest clown in all of sport journalism IMO

I’m glad somebody brought this up

Rashad Phillips is a clown who acts like he is all knowing just because he played ball and knows other players

he does this thing where he will swear he’s dropping knowledge and then 3 years later when a player is doing well he’ll @ him and post of pic of them and be like “remember what we talked about”

there’s a few guys on Twitter that act like their shit don’t stink and are very self serving and have their head in their ass.

He’s one of them and MGRADS is another

I've muted from my TL

Dragonfly jonez
Lathero Jenkins

About to mute him and he hasn't even shown up on my TL
Stop posting this nigga