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The San Antonio thing is NBA radio host and athletic contributor Zach Harper spit balling aka throwing out scenarios without any info.

While I wouldn't be surprised if the Spurs made some moves he honestly has just as much insight as I do about the teams plans and he has no connections in San Antonio. He admittedly doesn't care too much for the franchise because he is a California native and Lakers fan. I listen to his show on NBA radio with him Amin El Hassan and sometimes Ros Gold Onwude is on.
Zach Harper is not a Lakers fan.
I think he grew up in Sacramento and was a KG (Timberwolves) fan growing up. Don’t think he has a team now.

He did grow up in Sacramento. I remember him talking about that.

Makes sense why he doesn't like the Spurs knowing he is a Garnett fan.. lol. He always says good things about Tim but he also uses a lot of the cliche stuff about him..

There show is solid but my favorite show is the Bottom Line Sports Show that comes on Saturdays.. it has Rick Mahorn and Gerald Brown hosting it. They actually chat with the fans more than most and they go to the call line more often than other shows. Zach and Amin's show is mostly them chatting, then some guests.

Another show that's decent is Frank Isola and Brian Scalabrine show in the morning. They talk alot of shit though. But the good thing about their show is they aren't saying the same stuff every other show does and they also let fans kinda chat with them more instead of asking a question and then hanging up on the caller.

Driving a lot I listened to a decent amount of the shows on NBA radio daily. Lol