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The Official 2020/2021 Football/Soccer Thread

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You're still looking because you're chatting absolute shit - no wonder everyone is calling you out on it. It's embarrassing enough that you only crawl from under your rock to make special guest appearances when your team actually wins something and then you're ghost like Swayze when you lose or do fuck all. Your team is actually top of the table and you're actually looking decent this season, but instead of focusing on that you're making up absolute bollocks and screenshotting fuck all. You're easily the worst poster in this thread.

Props to those calling out the lies for what they are. You're deluded or in denial for not thinking Son is a don. Pepe... At least his hair isn't as bad as Gervinho's
@Mknight pewpewpew'd lvl99
Can we go 1 day without slandering Pep ?iola por favor..?

He signed a two year extension...

Fuck rennes
They should be doing way better
That fuckin moron who lost the ball for the goal....wtf was he doing?
Dude is there trying to shield off mount without protecting the ball
Yeah scared of spurs more than any other team.
remember when we faced then in the league cup (I think?) they had that stretch of 4 games in an absurd amount of time and they came out unscathed. If mou can keep their heads on straight they could finish top 4.

Could finish top 4? This ain’t everton you talking about here
The thing is, will Spurs have an answer for Ziyech..
Didn’t realize how skill he is until joining you guys. On the right day, he’s unstoppable.And then the bulldozer leading the front line.

On the flip side, Jose also got Ndombele styling on the oppositions. He set up Spurs 1st goal against city and not 1 pundit mention him for the critical pinpointed pass to son.

Game can go either way!! ♟️

Spurs had an answer for him when he was on Ajax, Timo werner played against a severely injury Spurs and got to score, but we will see.
You're still looking because you're chatting absolute shit - no wonder everyone is calling you out on it. It's embarrassing enough that you only crawl from under your rock to make special guest appearances when your team actually wins something and then you're ghost like Swayze when you lose or do fuck all. Your team is actually top of the table and you're actually looking decent this season, but instead of focusing on that you're making up absolute bollocks and screenshotting fuck all. You're easily the worst poster in this thread.

Props to those calling out the lies for what they are. You're deluded or in denial for not thinking Son is a don. Pepe... At least his hair isn't as bad as Gervinho's

Listen the Spurs slander on here has been vicious and abhorrent here for years. But still, I post. The hate for Spurs on here is Real. We play yall soon tho I feel like we should have a bet, be ready.
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