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The Official 2018 FIFA World Cup Thread

Don't forget to add Idrissa Gueye. The guy is a very good defensive mid and runs everywhere BUT YOU CANNOT, YOU CANNOT be chilling on the post with hands on your hips just watching as a corner kick is taken and the ball is headed right between you and the goalkeeper and you make zero effort to go for the ball! Disgusting. I hate seeing that kind of shit on the pitch. That had nothing to do with talent and just lack of effort and smarts and that pisses me off. I'm still heated after seeing that and fuck that fair play shit.
What if you get a ref that just loses control of a match and decides to start splashing yellow cards here and there?

I was about to mention that. He had that “no fucks given” with the glasses pose.
Fair play is unfortunate but what else could be done when teams have identical record? Coin flip can be an option but is risky.
This is America...

Side note Childish Gambino might have stolen/ had a ghostwriter for the biggest hit of his career

Stay my clat home.
Capital Gazzette newspapers building. Multiple bodies according to news sources.

England vs Colombia. There run might be next game